Friday, July 22, 2011

Peace in the Middle East is an oxymoron

The expression in the Middle East and the peace of Word are so contradictory that, once put in place that they become an oxymoron. An oxymoron, as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary, is "a figure of rhetoric in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined. There are very few things in this world which is more contradictory that the words "peace in theMiddle East" .

As long as there are Christians and Jews in this world, the Arab Islamic fundamentalists will never peace. The Qur'an says, under 5: 54 "Believers O, does Take not the Jews and the Christians as friends." they are friends of the other. Those of you who make friends is one of them. "under 8: 39,"Doing the war them until idolatry is no more and religion of Allah reign supreme." ", under the 9: 123," believers: making war the infidels who live around you. " Let them find the severity you. ", under 2: 191," Slay them everywhere where ye find them and lead them out of the premises from which they have taken you out. "Fighting is mandatory for you, so that you don't like it.". As long as there are Muslims who believe in these orders, it cannot and will not be "middle east peace."

Even if the Hindu fundmentalist succeeds in destroying all the Christian and Jew in the world, it still y not would be peace in the Middle East. Islam has many sects, ie: Shia, Sunni, Sufi, Kahrijite, Wahhabi, Hashshashin (also known as the "Assassins") and more. Many sects believe that the followers of other sects are non-believers because they follow the wrong sect. The only thing that prevents them from destroying the other is the old saying, "an enemy of my enemy is my friend." As long as there are Christians and Jews to hatred, they will be, pretty much, leave each other.

Since the State of Israel has been recognized by the United Nations, the Arab countries tried to "push Israel in the sea". Many Arab leaders have said publicly that "they will not be satisfied until Israel no longer exists". Many Arab leaders openly support the Palestinian terrorists who use the homicide bombers, car bombs and rockets to maim and kill innocent Jewish women and children. They consider even the assassination of Westerners bonus. Given that fundamentalists many believe that "non-believers are the enemies of Allah and they will roast in hell" and that "the idolators are unclean", they believe that "infidels" and "hypocrites" are less human, and that their life has no value. Fundamentalists believe that it is their duty to punish the unbelievers everywhere where they find them.

I realize that all Muslims are fundamentalists and that many Muslims marry a peace. The problem is that fundamentalists are so tough and so mercilessly that most peace for Muslims in the Arab world are afraid to cross, fear they will be treated as "friends" or "hypocritical" and punished accordingly unbelievers. Therefore, they shut up and fundamentalists will continue to govern the Arab world. Some Arabs trying to stand up for genuine peace usually end up in jail or dead.

Some Arab countries are considered as having Governments lay, ie: Saudi Arabia, the Egypt and the Syria and, as such, would likely free of interference fundamentalism. The fact is, none of these Governments could stay in power without the assistance of, or at least the tacit approval of, the fundamentalists. Each of these countries is replete with fundamentalism, note all homicide bombers and terrorists that are exported from these countries. If the leaders of these countries did not have the approval of the fundamentalists, they would be murdered and new leaders would be elected or installed. Saudi Arabia claims to be our friend and ally, but many of their religious schools preach terrorism, and a large number of terrorist leaders come from this country. The Egypt has a peace agreement signed with Israel, and yet weapons are smuggled in the Palestinian daily to Egypt. The Syria is the biggest supporter of the Hezbollah group and is also one of the largest exporters of terrorists in Iraq.

The United States strives to "win the hearts and minds" of the Arab people for decades. Provide us assistance money, we gave Arafat huge amounts of money in order to "help" the Palestinians and he kept most of it for himself, we gave Hussein money to help feed his family and he uses it to his pocket and pay the families of the bombers of the killing and give us billions of $ the Egypt assistance and much talk of peace they still support terrorism. Pay us money to the full bucket in Iraq and they elect an Islamic Government based instead of a secular government. In addition, we pressure on Israel, our only real ally in the Middle Eastto abandon Earth and peace security, even though we know that Islamic fundamentalists will never make peace with Israel.

I may be wrong, but I do not believe that the fundamentalists will never to the United States to "win the hearts and minds" of the Arab people. We can, and probably make their fear us. We cannot, and does make it to love. The fundamentalists will never allow their people to love no more that they will allow "peace in theMiddle East" . It is contrary to their religious principles. They are fanatical and will fight to their last breath. As they are concerned if they die, the fight against us, they will go to paradise. If they live they can go on the fight against the 'infidel' and "hypocrites" thus fulfil the wishes of Allah.

David g. Hallstrom, Sr. is a former private investigator and currently publishes several internet directories, including the a directory of legal resources and way of life for lawyers, lawyers and the public internet. For more information of life style, see, the directory of resources for lawyers lifestyle.

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