Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Please Tell Me What is Going on In The Middle East

Recently, I tried to follow current events. I was watching the news on television and read the news in newspapers and online. One thing I learned there of countless self proclamation experts out there blogging, writing articles and comments on television and the internet around the world.

Imagine that it was medicine, cardiac surgery. A man suffers a heart attack. The man comes to the hospital. The expert in medicine, the doctor orders an angioplasty. He sees that an artery is blocked to 90%. He cut a small hole in the human thigh and puts a small microscope, inserts a stent, opens the door to the artery, sends human is home the next day with a prescription of anticoagulants and human is Golf next week and life another 20 years.

Picture this. A man suffers a heart attack. It is in the hospital. Five cardiologists attend him. It is said that he had a heart attack. It said some heartburn spicy dinner, what he ate just. It is said that he has a pulled chest muscle to work in the gym in the afternoon. It said that it was having an anxiety panic attack. Fifth one said that this is referred pain of an attack of the annex.

I have a few questions about what is happening in the Middle East. Why Saudi Arabian Muslims hijack four aircraft 911 and fly them into the world trade center? Instead of retaliating against Saudi Arabia, why the United States attacked Afghanistan and Iraq? If a woman you punched in the nose would infringe two women next to her, never touched you? Now why the United States prepare for the attack of the Iran and the Syria?

Why is it O.K. for the United States to have 25 000 100 megaton nuclear bombs but it is not O.K. for the Iran to have one in 5 years? Why the United States is divided into two factions strongly divided Republicans and Democrats constantly viciously ridiculing the other? None of them can not see the another point of view? Why are Rosie O' O'Donnel and Donald Trump kill each other? Why anyone care? Why the Iran calls for the destruction of Israel and the United States? When Jesus returns? Was the Government of the United States in fact deliberately explode the twin towers?

Why we are moving towards a nuclear world war 3 fighting on oil? Why President Bush declare a Christian crusade against the Islamofascists? Is not the eighth commandment "Don't Steal." Why the Muslim fascists? Muslims did fly with American oil? A fascist is not a brutal dictator? Do not us and the group for the study of the Iraq voters say President Bush to leave the Iraq? Does the Organization of the Nations United said President Bush not to go in Iraq first place? American soldiers are Republicans and Democrats? Why Democrats are financing the war in Iraq? Why does America use a quarter of the world's oil? Why Americans build Hummer get 12 miles per gallon? Have you noticed that oil is causing sea levels to rise permanently 50 feet? Why are human beings human step prohibit the burning of oil? How these bloggers is it to the movie theatre? -T - they get there in their SUVs? Why is w. driving a sport utility vehicle?

During the second world war did the German people realize that Hitler was insane or has been cheering him in the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936 and follow in a quest to conquer the world for the Germany? When Hitler had conquered Europe and the quiet Russia with a treaty why it did go conquer the Russia? Why does it just go and conquer Middle East?

What is the difference between a Sunni and Shia? Why Arabs require Gaza for 50 years and the minute they received there they began to kill each other? The oil companies and weapons companies running the United States Government and fomenting the world war 3 to drive up their stock prices? If President Bush has killed up to 650,000 Iraqi civilians then why he hang Saddam Hussein for the murder of 180 people? Therefore, it is difficult to put you in the shoes of the other person?

If Israel is wiped off the map will be that to put an end to pollution and global warming and war? If Cuba invades the United States America will be able to defend himself? Why is the Russia building nuclear reactors for Iran? If the Russia attack Middle East with weapons of mass destruction, that will happen to US troops in Iraq? If China with weapons of mass destruction and a 300 million man army joined with the Russia, as when they supported North Vietnam and China and the Russia attack all Middle East what for US troops in Iraq? Was the Roman people who ruthlessly conquered the world predict the fall of the Roman Empire for the Vandals, Goths, and the barbarians? Who does the hair of Kim Jong-Il?

Why the Government of the United States and the traditional media is hiding the truth of the American people and the world? Are they afraid that their own people cannot handle the truth? Why evil always located brutal dictators gain power in the vast majority of the population on Earth wants peace? Why does the Pacific people throw up and power to seize and put an end to the wars?

Why Richard Nixon did fly w. Washington to date his daughter Tricia while that w. served in the National Guard? A. w. really score in the 25th percentile on his pilot examination? Who is less than 75% of others? Why w. always walk so funny? He has a coach staff posture? Now, every pundit, journalist, blogger, human policy, presenter of news and other than self proclaimed expert in the world, please answer the questions above for me, and please add in your own questions for everyone to answer 100, and then send your report me. Then we send the email to everyone on Earth, who has a computer or life an internet café and keep broadcast it everywhere in the world so that everyone will finally know what was going on.

Ellen Carpenter is a nurse who currently live in New York, U.S.A. The Sites of peace world

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