Sunday, November 27, 2011

Peace in the Middle East Possible - the history and the Bible team until the answer to this Question

I saw one day a journalist interviewed a Muslim student in the Conference Room of one of the most prestigious schools in America. The young man was decorated with a silk transmitter and seemed to come from a very wealthy Arab family, that I have assumed. When asked if Israel had a right to live in peace in the land they held now as their homeland, he becomes agitated and indignant. He said, "that is Israel and that history have, who has already heard of Israel before now.".

His ignorance of the long history of Israel in the land they now have with the poor reflection he left academic schools gave me in amazement. This is yet more typical that anyone could suspect. The average U.S. other than those who attended Bible College or Seminary has little or no knowledge of the history of ern Middle East.

History of Israel and the Arabs is inexplicably linked to history and the well-being of all other nations around the world. Prophecy of history and the Bible are together the two reaching a glance in the past and a view from the future. When in 1948 Israel returns to his former former homeland and then resumed Jerusalem in 1967 at his enemies who outnumbered them is a time she beats every record in the history of our world. No nation has returned to its geographic limits old after having been subject to another nation or dispersed for more than fifty years and become a nation free and independent, except Israel.

Since the time of Abraham and downward through age Golden Israel and until the time the message of the prophets and the historical record spoke with one voice to warn the world and to bring to fruition each major prophecy in the Bible. So what is this message?

In simple terms, the Bible says that when Israel occupies its original homeland and Jerusalem there is yet a generation for the man until the Lord Jesus Christ returns. Beginning after the day six war after which Israel resumes Jerusalem clock started ticking. Unfortunately, this is not a promise of peace for Israel or one of the nations. It is instead the signal of multiple events more than will rock the world.

At the same time that Israel returns nationhood the Bible said that a great world power will begin forming in the same geographical boundaries as the former Roman Empire. The European Union or the European Union began to form around 1955 and unknown to the average person today becomes the largest block of nations never seen in the history of the world. Currently, it controls nearly half the worlds of shipping, has a three times higher than the United States of gross national product and when military power is finally merged together will no doubt be the most powerful entity in the modern era.

It is in this new power which will emerge the most virulent dictator and more success, that the world has ever known. It is a military and political genius that DeVore on the world economic system will be left in each nation, language, and the tribe of the Earth. It will make Hitler look like a choir boy and he succeed at a speed such that one train resistance to all the before it has the world reeling. The Bible does not specifically name the final dictator, but it is well known worldwide as the Antichrist.

That all this means for Middle East... a lot? When Israel failed at the time of attendance (first coming of Christ) prophets had already predicted that it would be dispersed through the world and hunted and killed as outcasts. History already has said that a part of history. Approach of the latest generation of its prophets has said that she would have drawn and collected around the world to his native country, although always hated and harassed by all its neighbours and enemies.

Wars and skirmishes will continue and during a short period with the help of the Israel Antichrist will know a few years of relative peace. Finally the Antichrist will show that his true face of the world and Israel is no exception. It will be repeated and other nations will be trampled by the bias of Jerusalem for three and a half years. When comes the final assault Israel will be defended and delivered by the Savior, she dismissed him.

Peace in the Middle East? Yes, but not up to what history has run its course and the prophecy which is pre-written after all only history is completed.

Rev Bresciani has written numerous articles over the last thirty years in journals such as benchmarks and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote ?Hook in that line, and sinker or what has your church been teaching you, editor ?, PublishAmerica in the Baltimore, MD. He has also written a book published by Xulon Press entitled ?An American Prophet and his Message, Questions and answers on the second coming of Christ. ? his book is now be announced as the clearest book on the subject of the second coming of Christ from the website "Late Great Planet Earth" Rev Bresciani?s of Hal Lindsey is,

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