Friday, May 6, 2011

J Street scam

By Philip Giraldi

J Street is seductive. The Americans have been bombarded with propaganda about Israel since the founding of the country over 60 years ago. Recently, the United States been designated by the media and the chat ring classes as patron of the Jewish State with little regard to the implementation of these measures, near Tel Aviv which have a negative impact on us interests. It is because Israel Lobby is by far the most powerful foreign lobby in the United States. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which has become the ugly side of the lobby, has rightly drawn criticism for its bullying tactics and its adaptation to the extreme right-wing parties in Israel. Progressives and some conservatives in the United States which supports Israel as a homeland for the world's Jews have been eager to find a more respectable alternative lobby. This alternative is J Street.

J Street, which recently completed its third annual Conference in Washington, is a self-proclaimed kinder and gentler proponent of isrælske interests. It favours peace on reasonable terms with the Palestinians and with Arab neighbours Isræls. It opposes the enlargement of the isrælske settlements in the West Bank, because they are an obstacle to peace. It calls itself "calmly, pro-American and Declaration of independence." If one judges by enemies it has attracted, including almost all the leading neoconservatives, J Street must be regarded as a breath of fresh air and the best chance for lasting peace in the Middle East.

Sounds good, doesn't it?  But in a way that does not quite add parts.

J Street really only differs from that AIPAC in tone, not in substance. It recommends continued and unlimited United States support for Israel, militarily, economically and politically. J Street wants Israel has an overwhelming military advantage over its Arab neighbours, and margin, which Washington. It wants Republicans and Democrats together to provide political cover for Israel when it attacked Lebanon or bombs in Gazans. It is opposed not when Israel carries out a military solution against its neighbours. In spite of the fact that the United States is deeply problems with economically while Israel is one of the richest countries in the world and enjoying an economic boom, was J Street one of the first organisations to complain when Senator Rand Paul called a halt to all foreign assistance.

J Street also believe that Israel is, and should be a Jewish State with unlimited right of return "for the Jews throughout the world and no such rights for Christians or Muslims, which is fine in the country before 1948. A Jewish State, would by definition have limited rights for 20% and growing segment of the current isrælske population are Christians or Muslims. J Street quixotically supports a two-State solution in Israel-Palestine conflict, even though it by half a million isrælske Jews live in settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank cannot be moved and impossible to make two States. It does not accept a one-State solution, the only, will be able to work, would make the followers of all religions equal citizens in a unitary State embracing both Arabs and Jews. J's Executive Director Jeremy Ben-Ami has called a one-State solution a "nightmare".

J Street seems much better than AIPAC, but much of it sounds familiar recommends. Ben-Ami has criticized the highly acclaimed John Mearsheimer-Stephen Walt book on the Israel lobby for its scholarship and refers to writers such as anti-Semites. J Street against Isræls bloody incursion into Gaza, but only because it was disproportionate, and then rejected the UN Goldstone report detailed the war crimes that were committed. When isrælske commandoes killed nine Turkish citizens on Mavi Marmara ship trying to break the blockade of Gaza, J Street mourned the loss of life but to blame the victims of a deliberate "use media coverage further harm Isræls standing in world opinion." J Street supports military action against Iran as a "last resort" to paralyse the country's nuclear programme and refuses to Tehran, the right to enrich uranium for any purpose.

Supporters of J Street claims that its positions will become more nuanced, as its influence is growing, but one of the panels on the just-concluded the Convention discussed "Is Destroying disputes Enterprise Isræls democracy?" You may ask why there was a question mark at the end, because it is well-documented that the settlements bring with every imaginable evil. Fifteen months ago, sponsored J Street a speaking tour by a isrælske-General Danny Rothschild, as an advocate of a two-State solution with the Palestinians. He made rounds in Washington argue that demography and common sense dictate that Israel must come to a kind of settlement. But then he added, there is "islamofascism" and also Iran, genuine threats, which must be dealt with by the force. What was the real message, peace with the Palestinians (on Isræls conditions, it can be added), or Expand the war against extremism while bombs Iran?

But the real problem with J Street is that it is such a thing. Why there should be a new and powerful lobby in Washington consists of American citizens argue in favour of a special relationship with any country? Why should the United States provide unlimited support for a nation which claims to be a democracy, but which restrict rights based on religion? If J Street really wants to solve the Israel it should work in Israel, not in the United States, because settlers and hardline right-wing parties are isrælske problems. J Street knows perfectly well that the Congress, the White House and the media, Israel would not challenge the status quo therefore at best it is a bit of scam designed to support Israel at the same time make progressive feel more comfortable in lining up behind the effort.

United States already has too many special interest lobbies to promote policies that are doing something good for the American people. If Israel has become a rogue State as it has, the issue is resolved by isrælerne himself and diaspora Jews who believe that they have an equity stake in the outcome. If the latter is really going to have an impact, they should turn in their U.S. passports and move to Israel. From the American perspective, which should be the only thing that matters to us citizens, not the isrælske one, the best policy for the United States is to withdraw from the Arab-Israel conflict not to become even more deeply involved from another, slightly more palatable perspective offered J Street.

-Philip Giraldi is Executive Director of the Council of the national interest. He is a former CIA terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer who served 18 years overseas in Turkey, Italy, Germany and Spain. He was the Commander of the Base in Barcelona from 1989 to 1992, designated as the Agency's chief officer for the Olympic Games support. He is a contributing editor to the American conservative, a columnist for, and his frequent media appearances include 60 minutes, al-Jazeera TV, National Public Radio and the British Broadcasting Corporation. (This article was published in

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