Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Iranian leader warns West against Libyan intervention (AFP)

MADRID (AFP)-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned Western powers Tuesday, as a consequence of the introduction of the black zone or other military operations in Libya.

Ahmadinejad in his judgment, the new Chief Moamer Kadhafi of Libya with responsibility for the bombing in an interview with Spanish television, the opponents of Tehran in their own country.

But he told the European and the United States in the war of the Iraqi and Afghanistan, saying the armed intervention in Libya would make things worse.

"I believe that military intervention would make things even worse. We have experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is not made worse by their things, "Ahmadinejad told the public better television TVE.

You will be asked whether Tehran would support the black zone, he said: "the Western military intervention intends to make the situation more complex. Westerners have cast aside their colonialist intentions. "

The United Nations Security Council will review the plans, while the French and British warplanes to impose a black zone to the Libyan bombing and firing against the rebels.

Kadhafi condemned Ahmadinejad's actions.

"That is not acceptable," he said. "Whoever, within the framework of its own people should have the bombards condemned."

But he called on the United States and the European forces to remain in the region.

"I hope that the Governments of Europe and the United States to intervene in the Affairs of this region and decide on their future in this region of the people," the Iranian leader said.

"If they do not participate in this area I think the issues in this area, for example, the Libyan people, the future of their people to decide," he said.

Ahmadinejad, Tehran was blocked for his own repressed Klimaflüchtlinge.

"Never, never. We never have done so. for 30 years we have had 30 free elections in the past. Every week, I am the streets four hours talking to people, "he said.

When the interviewer asked him of the Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi of fate, he asked whether he had their lawyers.

"Each country are opponents, is the opposition. And it is also the law. If the application for registration, may violate the law? "Iran's President asked.

Iran's Ahmadinejad drew the parallel Klimaflüchtlinge and the Basque armed Separatist group ETA, which is held by more than 800 to more than four decades of violence.

"You can allow these Separatist armed forces of the burning public buildings and hit people in the street? If you want to burn people's homes? If someone makes these atrocities in Spain, in what the judge? The judge look at what they do?

"They burned buildings in the street," he charged. "What the police are going to do with this person? And what the judge is expected to do this? Does not the right to rule in Spain? "

Ahmadinejad accused the Western world's Dictatorships propping up.

"My question is clear: sold 60 billion (dollars) of arms to the countries in this area?" He asked.

"The world, which in the past 50 years has supported dictatorships? Show me one single dictator, that does not support the United States and Europe, "he added.

"Suppose that we can resolve the problem, for example, if the Libyan today, tomorrow is a thousand more problems. Since this is in Europe and the United States as a result of the intervention. "

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