Dubai is on the threshold of becoming a dynamic power of the Middle East , while she continues to attend rapid economic growth. The goal of diversification works well with Dubai as a focus of economic activities; He made improvements on a large scale in various sectors. The need to recruit high-calibre professionals has created hundreds of jobs HR in Dubai to support the massive hiring activities within and outside organizations.
Jobs in Dubai have been the warmest in the Middle East for almost a decade now and will continue the hold. The large number of available employment opportunities helped not only the professionals to get their dream job, but also the economy of Dubai in exponential growth. It is for this exact reason that expatriate obtain a hearty welcome in the city and is much more liberal than other parts of the Gulf. Although a Muslim city, it is not conservative and allows the free practice of its beliefs and customs. Jobs in Dubai can be seized if the right amount of overall experience, qualifications, expertise and skills required.
There need to be sponsored by an employer to work and live in the city of Dubai. This is true for work in other parts of the Gulf and because it is the responsibility of the employer to carry the professional safely to the city. The company pays for air tickets, visa fees and other expenses that may be required to commit to arrive in Dubai. Accommodation and transport within the city is also generally paid by him as the cost of living in Dubai is very high. It must be clear on these things before making work and move towards the new town to avoid problems later. To do this, it is essential to read the contract carefully and clearly understand everything without maintaining any scope for communication problems. Jobs in Dubai are very rewarding, but should assess how it is / it saves the day and take a prudent decision on acceptance of the offer of employment.
Working in Dubai is useful in view of its glamour image and the wonders of the beautiful through the city. The most important concern for anyone travelling outside his country of origin is the monetary benefit in the new medium. Can even adjust to the culture and way of life happily if salaries are beautiful and huge savings. Not only do in Dubai, companies pay well accompanied by attractive incentives, they are non-taxable. Therefore, what he earns, it is for him to save and move the way he wants to without giving any Government. The city offers of many recreation options-tourism, wonders of the architecture, attractions, the villages of heritage parks, etc. Being the "shopping capital of Middle East", it's certainly just to the right place in. Jobs in Dubai are definitely the reason to go to discover a new world out there in the part of the Middle East of the planet.
In addition, Dubai is closest to the concept of cosmopolitan Middle East, which makes it a great city to live. But it is always recommended that a fact not assuming that it is as clean country and behave not according to the idea of modernity. To make the successful stay for long, follow their beliefs, practices, laws, culture and way of life. This must help being welcomed to the society and the creation of better contacts while working in the city. One-of-a-kind experience; offer jobs in Dubai should not miss the opportunity if he gets it.
Deepika Bansal wrote for http://NaukriGulf.com, a portal for main job for jobs in the Gulf region, jobs in Dubai Middle East jobs. Incursion of Naukri.com in the Middle East is a company to provide established its clients services that best meet their international needs as well as expand our activities in a global arena.
If what was happening in the Middle East will be sufficient not to the negative impact on the price of crude oil, Japan also was fired in crisis because of the shaking Earth stuck to his ribs and Tsunami. The situation in the Japan would not have this worst if nuclear reactors were not damaged by this natural disaster. The political crises in the Middle East clubbed with natural disasters affected by the Japan (which is the world's third economic power) led to the emergence of a very fluid situation to crude oil prices. As this is the price of crude oil have been increased rapidly in recent months, attributed to a worsening of the situation to the Middle East, and now experts are asking what the Japanese disaster impact will create energy on international markets.
Middle East Drama continues
Civil unrest in the Middle East continue, with more countries joining in and pressing their demand to overthrow their heads of States. Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and Yemen situation worsened, affecting the oil reserves of these States. Revolt against their current leaders catching up rapidly in other countries in this part of the globe which represents more than 50 per cent of the production of crude oil in the world. The uncertainty hovering over political stability in this region will continue to rise the price of crude in the near future.
Immediate impact of the Japanese disaster
With the Japan, the community around the world was shocked by the scale of the disaster that struck the third largest economy in the world. As we all saw on our television screens the news of the explosions that occur in many nuclear reactors which resulted in radiation leaks, caused panic among the community of business together. For those with issues in Japanese markets were high there was an immediate defined as their stock markets plunged to the bottom. Overall sense of business was very low of one of the crude prices also fell.
Japanese disaster impact in the near future
As the world tries to escape from Japanese disaster grief, that they realize the current situation in the Japan would lead to increase their demand for crude oil. As number of nuclear reactors to the Japan have been damaged or have been closed of energy deficiency was caused shall be filled by other means, which means that demand for crude oil is bound to go. This scenario would push once again the price of oil to the top.
Where all this could end up by?
While things are still peeling, both in the Middle East and the Japan, the future of the crude oil price watch distributed upward. There is very little doubt that the Japan will have to provide alternative sources of energy if it wants to limit the impact of the deficit of power. It would make that pushing crude prices upward. Now to the situation in the Middle East, if things get worse, we could witness an exponential increase in the price of oil. These two factors met together crude oil prices are linked to the remain high, while the magnitude of the crises in the Middle East and the Japan would have decided the multiple in which these prices would rise further.
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Anyone who despairs of the individual's power to change lives has to read the story of Greg Mortenson, a homeless mountaineer who, following a 1993 climb of Pakistan's treacherous K2, was inspired by a chance encounter with impoverished mountain villagers and promised to build them a school. Over the next decade he built fifty-five schools-especially for girls-that offer a balanced education in one of the most isolated and dangerous regions on earth. As it chronicles Mortenson's quest, which has brought him into conflict with both enraged Islamists and uncomprehending Americans, Three Cups of Tea combines adventure with a celebration of the humanitarian spirit.
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Have you ever wondered what really is Middle East ? The TV has much to say about it... usually on the extremists, veils, minarets and the war. But most of the Middle East is experiencing a different reality. Here is some information on some of the different countries and societies in the Middle East based on the personal experience of living and working there.
Lebanon: A Mediterranean paradise. Wake up you see the sun rising above the mountains and go to bed with it setting over the ocean. Enjoy delicious food Arab with a Mediterranean touch - hummos, tabouli, shwarmas and much more! Lebanon has always been known for its food, dance, beauty and culture. Yes - because of political turmoil in recent decades, Lebanon was a war-torn country, and you can still see the effects of the war. Not all of the destroyed buildings were rebuilt, and many people still wear memories of war. But it is the time of reconstruction. The Lebanese people - those in the streets, shops, cinemas - is committed to peace. Christians and Muslims live together peacefully in the same country and are learning to dialogue. The war is over, and the Lebanon did not need to be ignored. It must be supported, visited, helped in this period of reconstruction. Come, enjoy food, the point of view, the climate and the warm welcome of the Lebanese people, waiting for you!
Jordan: With friends with the Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and the U.S.A.? It seems impossible? Jordan shows that it may be. Jordan has a reputation to be the most peaceful in Middle Eastand ally of each country. No one is denied or unwelcome by Jordan. Christians and Muslims, Aboriginal people and foreigners, are welcome, and live together in peace and friendship. Whether for the weeks of vacation, or a permanent move, there is a place for everyone in the Jordan... for all, that is, who is ready to live peacefully with others.
Oman: One of the countries of the Muslim Gulf, Oman is still a country very peaceful and friendly. More laid back, he could be compared to the States of the Midwest to the United States. A warm climate, in the heart of the desert, not as lush Mediterranean climate of the Lebanon. Life is only a little slower in pace, from the weather. Business goes on in the morning, slows or stops during the hottest hours of the day between noon and three and then opens again for the evening. The appeal of both the Muslim Prayer can be heard everywhere in the country of minarets, but also Christians have their churches and are able to practice.
A note on the Muslims and Christians: Although some Muslims are no doubt extremist, the majority is very peaceful, welcoming and friendly people. Faithful to their religion, they are also welcoming and hospitable to Christians. And even if Middle East almost always brings Muslims in mind, there are Christians in the Middle East. ErnersMiddle East- Christians and Muslims - as a whole, are not extremists or terrorists. They are people, like you and me. They have a past and a future. They have friends and relatives, jobs, schools, social events, like us. They have hopes and dreams, fears and goals. Peace in the Middle East will never come to fear, avoidance or isolation. It will come from dialogue, to ensure that they are people like us, people we know, love, and share the life with them welcoming when visiting our country, and by visiting their countries. We have much to learn from them and a lot of things to share with them as well.
The Queen of Sheba, Yemen has been a reputed home in Africa, the Middle East and Asia for thousands of years thanks to the combined position of the ancient spice routes.
The Romans knew this land fertile and rich than the relatively barren Arabia Felix, Arabia Deserta, referred to in the North. And today, it maintains that its distinct character.
Yemen's modern traditionalist, was born when the North Yemen and Marxist South Yemen merged in border skirmishes and wars in the years 1990. But in 1994 a brief civil war broke the peace and put an end to the Separatist defeat device and a single Yemeni territory occupied by the southerners.
Since the unification of Yemen in order to promote the modernisation of the opening of the world and is, but it's still in the Office of the President, a lot of its character and the old ways. Tensions persist between the North and the South; Some southerners say, economically privileged in the northern part of the State.
2009 Summer, hundreds have been killed and more than a quarter of a million displaced people, which is in conflict with Government forces and the Shiite minority in the North of the Zaidi-species between the LRA Houthi. The Government declared a ceasefire with the rebels in the North of the February 2010.
Many people wear traditional dress code and adapted to chewing tobacco plants, the drugs are still widely Khat in the afternoon. Yemen is the growing number of tourists, attracted by curiosity, even if the aliens have been kidnapped by the authorities of seeking to force concessions.
Yemen has also received the haven of respectable Islamic Egypt. at the end of 2009, the country became a 1.19, crackdowns, the al-Qaida in Afghanistan and in Pakistan the militancy linked to raised fears that it was becoming a key training center in Egypt.
When Yemen is based on the branch, the al-Qaeda network claimed the attack was a failed Us Airliner Christmas day 2009, behind the Islamic Government intensified its efforts, in Egypt, but be warned, it will help win the fight against militancy.
The ceasefire with the rebels in the North of the February 2010 the Government allowed it to draw attention to the al-Qaida and the southern do battle.
Full name: The Republic of Yemen population: 24.3 million (UN, 2010) : the capital of the word in the area: the 536,869 sq km (207,286 sq miles) Major language: Arabia Major religion: Islam life expectancy: 63 years (men), 67 years (women) (UN) monetary unit: 1 Yemeni rial = 100 fils main exports: the of crude oil, cotton, coffeefish GNI per capita: US $ 1,060 (World Bank, 2009) Internet domain: . ye the code for the international phone number: 967President: Ali Abdallah Saleh
Ali Abdallah Saleh, the Director of the Office of the longest drive in Yemen in recent times, the second seven-year APA term in September 2006. The presidential race, was that the Commission had encountered serious challenges Saleh after coming within the competence of the 28 years earlier for the first time.
In response to the demonstrations as well as protests in Yemen, Tunisia and Egypt, which toppled the heads of the Commission not to extend his promised Saleh Presidency in 2013 or the hand of his son.
He has made and broken similar promises in the past.
Klimaflüchtlinge continued to collect a week, demanding that President Saleh to step down.
The Commission came in 1990, Saleh, the two Yemens merger, the new President of the Republic. He had led to the Yemen Arab Republic of Yemen in the northern part of the State-of-the-art of current state-of-the-art since 1978, when he came to power in an army coup.
Tribes in Yemen, the loan carries, he and the army's main pillars.
He won the first direct presidential election, in 1999, more than 96% of the vote. The main opposition party fielding candidates, which no longer describe the fault in the query farce.
The Government of President Saleh is in its "war on terror" in cooperation with the United States and Saudi Arabia have settled in the border and Oman with its neighbours.
The Government is faced with the difficulties of security, including the military challenge, the southern do al-Qaeda threat to Egypt and the growing proportion of the bloody conflict in the Shiite rebels in the northern region. Economically, the country faces a chronic hunger, unemployment, and the file the error and the oil in the water resources are drying.
Saleh of the armed forces, the Commission was when she was 16 and rose to become the Marshal ranks.
The Ministry administers all of the information through the Public Broadcasting Corporation, Radio and television. It controls access to the resources of Most printing presses, and some of the newspapers.
Officials tried to curb unrest in the South and 2009 saw an increasing number of journalists and the newspapers and the interruption of the delivery charges for sites "harming national unity". Against this background, most of Yemeni journalists are now closer to resort to self-censorship.
TV and radio are vital news sources in the illiteracy rate and is broad. Yemen's State Radio and Television Corporation (YRTC) is the national network. Private satellite TV stations operate bases outside Yemen.
Internet use is growing, although very low operative bases. According to the ITU, September 2009 had 370,000 users, or 1.6% of the population. OpenNet Initiative that monitors internet censorship, says, the filtering is a "relatively broad in scope". Rebel groups are increasingly making use of the internet.
In The Press
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WASHINGTON (AFP)-the United States said Thursday it was "deeply troubled" by reports that the Iranian authorities to have 20-year jail terms for seven Bahai leaders against religious minorities.
The London based human rights group Amnesty International said, authorities have reversed the decision of the Iranian court sentences 10 years to cut them.
"We are deeply troubled that the coming out of Iran and the 20-year sentence for seven Bahai leaders returned to the complaint, the public prosecutor reporting" Mark toner, a Foreign Ministry spokesman told reporters.
"We condemn this unprecedented step on Civil and political rights, the International Federation of serious."
In August, Iran sentenced to prison for espionage for aliens, the spread of corruption on Earth, the undermining of the Islam and arc-foe of Israel, in cooperation with the delivery charges for 20 years, seven Bahai leaders.
The Bahai community in France said later, it had been told by lawyers that the sentences had sparked criticism of the international community, had been halved.
Bahais, who has been prohibited in higher education and Government posts, the Shiite Muslim Iran, shall be considered to be infidels and persecuted before and after that country's 1979 Islamic revolution.
Consider the Bahais, 1817, Bahaullah was born into a poor family in the latest version of the God has sent to the Prophet and believe in all religions and spiritual unity of mankind.
The leaders of the Bahai faith, for a total of 47 members of the religion are imprisoned in Iran for their beliefs, simply.
MADRID (AFP)-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned Western powers Tuesday, as a consequence of the introduction of the black zone or other military operations in Libya.
Ahmadinejad in his judgment, the new Chief Moamer Kadhafi of Libya with responsibility for the bombing in an interview with Spanish television, the opponents of Tehran in their own country.
But he told the European and the United States in the war of the Iraqi and Afghanistan, saying the armed intervention in Libya would make things worse.
"I believe that military intervention would make things even worse. We have experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is not made worse by their things, "Ahmadinejad told the public better television TVE.
You will be asked whether Tehran would support the black zone, he said: "the Western military intervention intends to make the situation more complex. Westerners have cast aside their colonialist intentions. "
The United Nations Security Council will review the plans, while the French and British warplanes to impose a black zone to the Libyan bombing and firing against the rebels.
Kadhafi condemned Ahmadinejad's actions.
"That is not acceptable," he said. "Whoever, within the framework of its own people should have the bombards condemned."
But he called on the United States and the European forces to remain in the region.
"I hope that the Governments of Europe and the United States to intervene in the Affairs of this region and decide on their future in this region of the people," the Iranian leader said.
"If they do not participate in this area I think the issues in this area, for example, the Libyan people, the future of their people to decide," he said.
Ahmadinejad, Tehran was blocked for his own repressed Klimaflüchtlinge.
"Never, never. We never have done so. for 30 years we have had 30 free elections in the past. Every week, I am the streets four hours talking to people, "he said.
When the interviewer asked him of the Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi of fate, he asked whether he had their lawyers.
"Each country are opponents, is the opposition. And it is also the law. If the application for registration, may violate the law? "Iran's President asked.
Iran's Ahmadinejad drew the parallel Klimaflüchtlinge and the Basque armed Separatist group ETA, which is held by more than 800 to more than four decades of violence.
"You can allow these Separatist armed forces of the burning public buildings and hit people in the street? If you want to burn people's homes? If someone makes these atrocities in Spain, in what the judge? The judge look at what they do?
"They burned buildings in the street," he charged. "What the police are going to do with this person? And what the judge is expected to do this? Does not the right to rule in Spain? "
Ahmadinejad accused the Western world's Dictatorships propping up.
"My question is clear: sold 60 billion (dollars) of arms to the countries in this area?" He asked.
"The world, which in the past 50 years has supported dictatorships? Show me one single dictator, that does not support the United States and Europe, "he added.
"Suppose that we can resolve the problem, for example, if the Libyan today, tomorrow is a thousand more problems. Since this is in Europe and the United States as a result of the intervention. "
TEHRAN (AFP)-the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Monday called for the "economic Jihad" space in front of the enemy, the Supreme Leader of the plot foil Iranians Celebrate Nowruz, the Persian new year.
"These sanctions, that Iran's enemies have been designed or implemented is intended to strike the slogan of our progress in the development of the improved," Khamenei said on State television to send the message.
In his speech became so in front of the Iranian family, traditional table Haft seen, with seven products that begin with the letter "," Welcome to the happiness, health and welfare, the purpose of the new year.
"However, (the enemies) was not able to achieve a desired had become such penalties ... our policies and of officials of the nation, thanks to the cooperation objective," Khamenei said.
"For this reason, I declare this year, the year economic Jihad," he said, adding that he expected the officials and people to do so.
Nowruz, i.e., the "new day" in Farsi, marks the transition from winter to the spring and the Iranians celebrate the very moment that became 0250 local time (2320 GMT) this year.
Vacation stops almost all political activities in the April 3, and newspapers are not published in its first week.
Nowruz marks the renewal of nature and the Iranians also use it to breathe a new life, family relationships and friendships.
The two-week vacation travel also offers the opportunity, missing in the nearly 50 million people out of 74 million inhabitants, in order to be able to travel around the country with the authorities.
In the capital Tehran shows the lifeless as tourist destinations, such as Isfahan, Shiraz, Yazd, around the Caspian Sea and the religious cities of Mashhad and Qom seaside areas are filled with visitors.
Ayatollah Khamenei during his speech, also esitelmässä Arab uprisings.
"This year's celebrations are not so refreshing because the bitter events takes place in Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, against the people. I hope that God bring immediately to the relief of these Nations, and the punishment of their enemies, "he said.
In an earlier message broadcast Sunday of Nowruz, the US President Barack Obama criticized Tehran for what he called its "campaign of intimidation and abuse" against its opponents.
He also expressed solidarity among young people in Iran, saying "I'm with you."
Caracas, Venezuela – Libya Muammar Qaddafi has received in recent weeks, Venezuela, Hugo Chávez attention seems to have left his other best friend, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, of Iran forever, Feeling a little left out.
This week underlines his koulutetumpi closer relations with Iran, Fars Province, according to the News Agency of Iran, Tehran's Ambassador to Venezuela, met with the radical Civic Union (UCR).
Mr. Ahmadinejad "in Iran-Venezuela ties in all domains on the expansion will help peace, stability and security in the world," said.
Two of the "brother" of Nations pledged to strengthen their State of the News coverage of the match, but did not mention publicly, at least in the billions of dollars in the previous year inked energy contracts that are now in US-Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the US House of representatives Foreign Affairs Committee recently, that the United States of America to consider punitive actions if it was found that Venezuela, USA, the fifth largest oil supplier, had violated the sanctions against Iran.
Think you know that in South America? Test your geography.
Iran's export of Venezuelan questionMs. Clinton's comments were in response to Rep. Connie Mack (R), Florida, that the documents provided by the claim, the national oil company PDVSA, the Venezuelan is by sending gasoline to Iran in violation of the comprehensive Iran sanctions, accountability and property, the Act of 2010 (CISADA).
Mr. Mack, is the most vocal critics of USA: n in Venezuela. Earlier this year he called for President Chavez ' thugocrat, "the calling", less than any full-scale economic embargo. "
Venezuela exported barrels at places and also mix with petrol for the parts of the 2009 and 2010, if not millions, of Iran. But PDVSA President and Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez has consistently denied the sanctions busting, saying shipments occurred before July 2010, prohibit actions to support the development, production and export of crude oil and refined oil, Iran tightened CISADA arguments.
What, then, make a visit to Iran, Chávez's ninth last October? In the course of the 11 agreements signed, one provided for in the plans to establish a joint oil shipping company, to build two petrochemical plants and natural gas in the Iranian South Pars, tap the name of the field.
Agreements were more symbolic than substantive, some analysts believe that in such a way as to violate the sanctions, and, as the case may be. No action has been taken, and Chávez, please see the following article in the history of the corresponding agreements failed.
Obama's reaction to Chavez, "we believe that the State Department response to this, by the time of the sanctions and to propose the purchase of all diplomatic channels, rather than Blunt tool uses to restrict support for the Iranian regime in Venezuela – which seems at this stage, the more symbolic than substantive in our view, locate the" J.p. Morgan research, wrote in the recent Note to investors.
Clinton said the United States would require a relatively high burden of proof to take action, which some say the Foreign Relations Committee of the Republican Guard, in a speech made by the documents do not meet the.
"The [Files] don't appear genuine, or at least before the sanctions, the old," says Russ Dallen, a bond trader in Caracas is based on the financial services of the BBO. "Does not mean it does not take place, only shows these are not necessary to prove that the smoking guns."
Less-than-airtight evidence is not likely to deter Chávez is the most vehement critics Havana on the northern side. And with us quickly approaching elections, the motion of censure on him to pressure could grow.
JP Morgan said, cannot be excluded that some of the investors ' moves against the sort of Venezuela as the administration of the courts of the Latino voters in Florida, in the sourthern the Cuban Fidel Castro and his ideological heir, is a way of life of Chavez.
“...Elections in the United States also is approaching (and continues to be one of the most important battleground in the Florida State), we believe in the Republican Guard under the control of the House of representatives is likely to continue to press for the time being "too soft" management administration, Chavez, and we cannot rule out some of the reaction to the Obama administration to carefully crafted before 2012. "
Think you know that in South America? Test your geography.
TEHRAN, Iran – the Liberal Democratic Party leader Sunday resigned from the tax breaks for Iranian dissident was released from prison after one hour.
"I resign from the movement by the Secretary-General's Special Representative on Iran," the official IRNA news agency quoted the Ebrahim Yazdi, 79, as saying Sunday. In order to clarify the criteria for the role of Yazdi et.
Yazdi was jailed in October and released on Sunday at the beginning of Nowruz, the Persian new year's Eve. IRNA also said several jailed political activists, including Mohsen Aminzadeh, a former reformist Minister of the leaves of the Nowruz.
Yazdi, a former Foreign Minister, has been jailed repeatedly draw a vague charges against the clerical establishment.
The free movement of Iran opposes Iran's clerical rule. The party, which had a major role in the 1979 Islamic revolution, but turned against the consolidated experience of active and crushed dissent, eschews violence and in favour of democratic reforms.
Established in 1961, the Party took the country in the Transitional Government following the 1979 Islamic revolution, but Mahdi Bazargan, its leader at the time of the Us Embassy in Tehran was an attachment against the free of charge.
TEHRAN (AFP)-Iran's opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi and his wife, who is under house arrest Tehran, are "good," Ali said Monday the son of Karroubi
The Karroubis were to host the Sunday night to celebrate the son or the Iranian Norouz: new year's argument that Karroubi's website Sahamnews.net.
"The presence of the coordination and security services, my wife and I were able to meet my parents, and eat with the good (...) who are the good "the network quoted Ali Karroubi, in fact, the store recently, saying.
In the meantime, the opposition leader and former intercourse of Prime Minister Mir Hossein Moussavi and his wife, "was his father's presence to respond to the security agents," according to the ultra-conservative newspaper Javan website.
Mehdi Karroubi and his wife, Fatemeh account between "completed" under house arrest after February in the middle of that month, calling is the anti-regime for the protest.
Thousands gathered on the February 14 demonstration, in which unknown number of injured and many arrested.
A sudden rise through the minor was held to 20. February and 1 March, the police made a massive.
The opposition appealed to the sites of the demonstrations of March 8 and 15, but the reports whether or not in coils, of any demonstrations Tehran, where the security forces, was introduced by the numbers.
The sites have been advised of the possibility of incorrectly claim February that Karroubi and Moussavi was imprisoned at the end.
Authorities have branded the two men, who have never accepted President Mahmud Ahmadinejad contested election in June 2009, "Nazism" harbored and threatened them with legal action.
Ali, who was arrested on Karroubi for about a month ago, was released from jail detention Office of 1 billion rials ($ 90, 000, or EUR 63,000), Sahamnews.
TEHRAN (Reuters)-Iran has test launched a can send satellites and living creatures in the space, the rocket carrying the latest version of the official IRNA news agency reported Thursday.
Space and missile programme, which is the latest step in Washington's concern about the Kavoshgar-4 rocket was launched, containing living organisms for the purposes of carrying out a manned space mission, the monkeys and the possible future use of the Capsule to launch the test on Tuesday.
To start, which is designed to test the engine, the launch pad, the Capsule and electronic systems, including "information and images, 120 km (75 mile) orbit" in the performance of the IRNA said.
Notification is the string to the achievements of which Iran believes, shows the progress of the civil and military fields in front of the sanctions and possible military action against the threat of its nuclear programme.
Iran tests rocket, Kavoshgar-3 (Explorer-3), February 2010, the previous version of Washington called it "provocative act".
Western powers fear Iran is trying to build nuclear bombs, and that long-range ballistic technology for satellites into orbit, you can also start the warheads. Iran says its nuclear programme is solely for generating electricity.
(Reports To Reza Derakhshi; Robin Pomeroy; Writing Editing Jon Hemming)
TEHRAN (AFP)-Iran on Thursday, the driver of the expansion of space, aimed at announcing the new rocket and capsule designed the House in the middle of a monkey, Western concerns over its scientific development.
The Iranian Space Agency launched the capsule carrying without fanfare on Tuesday, the Kavoshgar-4 rocket, the official IRNA news agency said, citing President's office.
Iran announced it to the task to start on Monday of Iran by the end of the year.
The space Capsule, was unveiled by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, early in February, is designed to carry a live monkey, but there was no living creatures on board, IRNA added.
Large animal mode to start has been the first step towards sending a man to the State that Tehran says, is scheduled for 2020 slipcaseen Iranian officials.
The Islamic Republic has outlined an ambitious space program at the front is Western concerns over the last few years.
The satellite into orbit 2009 Safir-2 rocket and sent to live with the small animals--can a rat, turtles and worms-the mode of the Kavoshgar-3 rocket in 2010.
Western powers fear Iran's space-related agenda could develop a ballistic missile, which property may submit to the non-proliferation of nuclear kärjistä.
But Tehran has denied the disagreement about the Atomic and the military efforts of the scientific programmes of the mask.
Kavoshgar-4, also was unveiled in February, has been slipcaseen with payload height of 120 kilometers (75 miles).
IRNA confirmed Thursday that tests the data and image transfer has been carried out in this regulation are in accordance with the height of the space agency also successfully by the test engine to launch pad, performance, and electronic, separation and retrieval systems.
Ahmadinejad announced the entry in the 1979 Islamic revolution in February that the Capsule to be tested before executing a monkey mode during the anniversary celebrations, 32.
March 2012, accompanied by a number of trials, intends to, observation and satellite orbit, Iran also announced it has launched satellites for geostationary satellites 35 000-km orbit "five or six" within a year.
Iran has also unveiled the Launcher, Safir 1-B with a 50 kilogram (110 pound) satellite, the elliptical orbit of 300 to 450 kilometers (280 miles to 185).
February 2010 Tehran also unveiled the second home-built rocket designed to carry satellites, dubbed Simorgh (Phoenix), equipped with a cannon ball 100 kilogram satellite 500 kilometres.
Ahmadinejad has decided, on the basis of scientific development, one of the themes of his presidency, has reached the peak of the merits of the progress made in Iran, despite international sanctions and assistance to foreign States are no longer required.
Previous launch rockets and satellites, according to Iran have caused strong reactions from the West, Washington talking with "provocation" and a potential violation of the restriction of the United Nations sanctions in the Teheran missile activities.
TEHRAN (AFP)-Iran said Wednesday that Bahrain had made a "strategic error" by asking the Gulf troops to help the success when you try to get rid of the pro-democracy protests of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, such as accusing Washington move.
Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi told the official IRNA news agency Sunni Muslim Shiite majority-ruled, but the Gulf Kingdom had made a "strategic and political" blunder that cost would be its "legitimacy."
The armed forces of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on Monday at the invitation of the monarchy for Bahrain to help the tuoteuttamisesta anti-regime led by the Shiite Klimaflüchtlinge.
"Such actions will increase tension and undermine regional stability and security," said Davari. "And if such an inconsiderate and illegal activities have become part of normal practice, the area becomes a hotbed of conflict and hostility to the phenomenon."
King Hamad on Tuesday declared the three-month State of emergency, to curb the unrest and restore the order of the military component of a broad mandate.
On Wednesday authorities of Manama, the capital of the Pearl Square and financial district, after the curfew, the peaceful pro-democracy Protest Camp cracked the security forces.
Three protesters and two policemen on Wednesday prosessoitiin, and the third policeman died of wounds sustained in the past, the opposition and official sources said.
Mainly Shiite Iran was quickly criticized for its support of the United States in the arc-foe intervention and the violent military crackdown on Bahrain, the US Fifth Fleet at home.
"Expedition is very foul and doomed to experience and regional Nations to organize the American Government responsible for this," Ahmadinejad told reporters after a cabinet meeting Wednesday.
"The United States seeks to save the Zionist regime and smother the popular movement" in the region.
"And because it supports some of the (regional) Governments," said Ahmadinejad, the Presidency, based on the Tehran and Washington have reached new heights under.
"Unfortunately, today the population is the mobilisation against Bahrain, which is the very ground, unjustifiable and incomprehensible Act. How can those who are using weapons against them, are regulated by the people you want? "he said.
Ahmadinejad called on the Bahraini Shiite opposition officials, most of the "legitimate" demands of the profit.
"the 700,000 are among the 600 000 People Protested and, where necessary, changed. People should be respected and reforms should be carried out, "he said. "Think about your future."
On Tuesday, ambassadors from Manama to remember its Tehran, Iran, citing "a blatant interference" in its affairs.
Tehran responded in kind Wednesday "Protest of the Government of Bahrain for its people, the killing of the" sent to the Government's Web site announcement said dolat. ir.
The main Shiite opposition Alliance says it wants a constitutional monarchy but radical Shiite groups have said they want to get rid of the Sunni dynasty, which is found in Bahrain, more than 200 years.
King Hamad has offered dialogue, new, competent to Parliament and other reforms, but the opposition has refused to sit down in talks until the Government resigns.
Ahmadinejad also issued a veiled warning to Riyadh, and Abu Dhabi to remember the former dictator Saddam Hussein in Iraq, which attacks the Iranian and Kuwaiti before the 2003 US invasion of Poland in his country, the State broadcasting service reported.
"The United States does not have a reliable and faithful friend to you, and so far it has sacrificed all its friends, including Saddam," he said, without directly naming Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates.
Iran's revolutionary guards, said Washington would pay a heavy range, in support of Bahrain, the repression of Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa, IRNA reported.
Yadollah Javani, the Deputy General Commander of the order, which is responsible for political affairs, "the dispatch of troops to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates has been carried out in Bahrain in support of the community and the coordination of the United States, State-of-the-art," said.
"Bahrain protests Washington, one of the main advantages of the snap-in is a danger," he said, adding that the United States loses an important base of "area", where the Bahraini dynasty is overthrown.
TEHRAN (AFP)-Ebrahim Yazdi, the head of the 80-year-old Liberal Party, which was banned last October 1, was published in the prison on Sunday, the State news agency IRNA reported.
Yazdi, a former Foreign Minister, were arrested along with several other members of the free movement of the city of Isfahan in Iran.
He was also arrested in June 2009 during the wave of unrest that followed the disputed the claim of the Islamic Republic of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said the election was due to massive fraud.
IRNA also said Yazdi, who served in the 1979 Islamic revolution that overthrew his Government, in due course, the first leader of his party, his Office announced, without giving any reason.
In the meantime, the opposition said at least 20 sites in the opposition figures arrested in the last two years, the terms and conditions should be released pass the Iranian new year holiday from Monday onwards, members of their families moving within the smuggled convicted.
They must return to jail after the holidays in early April.
Thousands of people were arrested in the demonstrations against Ahmadinejad in 2009 were sentenced to prison terms and dozens, including the Chairman of the political opponents, journalists and other activists.
By James Petras
One of the key distinctions between a capitalist and a non-capitalist (socialist, feudal, absolutist state) economy is the separation of state and private enterprise. In a capitalist state, economic enterprises are supposed to operate according to market principles, seeking to maximize profits and expand market shares. The state is supposed to act on behalf of capitalist enterprises, ensuring their protection and furthering their pursuit of profits and markets.
Recent history of foreign relations provides ample evidence that the reverse is true: private corporations, especially banks have been converted into adjuncts of the US state , serving as transmission belts of US military policy, by sacrificing markets, profits and opportunities for future economic growth. Another important reason for keeping US multinational corporations out of a country. Moreover, the state both in the US and Europe have seized billions in private investment funds and dispossessed their owners, in the process scuttling major financial transactions adversely affecting the biggest Western financial houses.
The dispossession of private capitalists and the harnessing of private firms to state policy have grown in scope and depth over the current decade, revealing the growing subordination of private capitalism to a militarist imperialist state. Sacrificing private profits and free markets to the edicts of state officials has been implemented via state coercion and severe sanctions against any transgressors.
How and why the world’s biggest propagandist of “free enterprise” and de-regulated capitalism has successfully converted major international financial and industrial enterprises into tools of foreign policy at enormous costs to their bottom line is yet an untold story. Given the enormity of the historical change in the relation between state and market, the shift in power has enormous consequences for peace, prosperity and freedom.
How the State Dominates “the Market”: The Historical Context
Beginning in the 1990’s under President Clinton and escalating under Bush and Obama, the US imperial state imposed economic sanctions first in Iraq and later on Iran and more recently on Libya. In effect the state dictated to its petroleum multi-nationals and biggest banks that they should sacrifice lucrative investment opportunities, ongoing profits and markets to serve imperial state interests. Billions of dollars were lost during the 1990’s, in the face of Iraq sanctions, forcing many US oil companies to engage clandestine “third party” intermediaries, to secure a reduced share of the petrol market. The imperial state imposed severe penalties – fines, jailing’s and exclusion from the US market – to any of the CEOs and private corporations that did not abide by the sanctions. Clearly the state was in command; the corporate ruling class became the executive committee of the imperial state.
The sanctions policy applied to the Middle East under Clinton was only the beginning; it was deepened and vastly expanded under Presidents Bush and Obama, especially after 2004.
The Levey Levy: How American Zionists Freeze Financial Profits
In 2004 a little noticed administrative add-on in the US Treasury Department took place that has had world historic significance: AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) pressured Treasury to create the position of “Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence”. Equally important, under strong pressure from AIPAC, a zealous Zionist of immense energy, Stuart Levey was appointed to head the new agency.
Levey used all the administrative mechanisms in the Treasury, from threats of penalties, fines and ostracism, to friendly and hostile persuasion, to line up US federal and state public and private pension funds to sacrifice lucrative investments in targeted countries, most of whom, lo and behold, were adversaries of Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Even as Levey was imposing state constraints over the operations of private investors in the US, he organized his entire staff to police the financial world abroad. Levey and his Zionist allies in the so-called “Israel lobby” called on their Congressional cronies to approve sanction policies which not only affected US banks, manufacturers and construction companies but which penalized any European, Asian and Middle Eastern bank which had economic dealings with Iran and other countries on his list (Cuba, North Korea among others).
Levey extended the sanctions to cover firms and investors with even indirect economic ties to the US: his secret financial police located funds which passed from one private bank to another which had tangential links to US banks and Levey applied and secured hundreds of millions in fines against Swiss, Chinese (Macao) English and other banks. Effectively the US imperial state via its Undersecretary of Treasury, harnessed the entire world’s financial system to serve US and Israeli foreign policy. Levey is explicit about his role in creating a state within a state. “The US Treasury is the only Treasury in the world with a fully functioning intelligence office.” He might have added that the US Treasury is the only Treasury in the world which sacrifices the economic interests of its private investors and those of its allies in pursuit of the interests of a foreign power (Israel).
The Levey regime by leveraging ties with private US financial institutions and access to US markets, effectively controls the financial transactions and market operations of European, Asian and Middle Eastern private enterprises.
What appears as merely a relatively minor administrative post in Treasury has in fact created an administrative empire which has effectively converted private international banking and manufacturing corporations into instruments of US and Israeli policy.
In office Levey engineered the seizure of billions of dollars of overseas assets of private and public funds of adversaries. One of his last moves before leaving office (March 2011) was to seize $32 billion in Libyan funds using the pretext that the non-US bank to which the funds were entrusted invested in US Treasury notes.
Levey has clearly defined the new relation between private capital (the market) and the State: “Governments around the world (sic) see the power of these types of measures and the relevance of the private sector to the overall [imperial] effort and that is something that has changed in the last four or five years.” (Financial Times, March 10, 2011, pg. 5).
The “measures” that Levey refers to are the state sanctions and the coercion and penalties applied to the private sector to ensure their conformity with imperial and Israeli military interests at the expense of profits and markets.
The Visible Hand of the State
Levey and his Zionist colleagues have ensured that his “state within a State” will continue beyond his tenure in office. He was succeeded by David Cohen, his former law firm partner and promoter of the very same Israeli interests. Levey/Cohen have institutionalized and set in stone the mechanisms to further imperial state control over market operations .Cohen’s appointment ensures the continuation of the Zionist dynasty in the “State within the State”.
The biggest economic losers in the state centered “sanction” policies pursued by Treasury (read Levey/Cohen) have been the international banks, petroleum and gas companies and pension funds. The banks have lost access to investment funds and lucrative management fees; the petroleum companies have lost profits and access to oil fields. The military-industrial complex has lost arms sales. The agro-exporters have lost markets in food deficit oil producers. Who have been the “winners” – certainly not the Generals who are engaging in a third costly war when the sanctioners decided to escalate to the ‘military option’, once their sanctions policies failed to result in the overthrow of the Libyan regime.
On the surface the main ‘winners’ of sanction policies are their advocates in the White House, Congress, Treasury, the leaders of the two major parties and the ideologues and Islamaphobes in the mass media. And of course, the biggest winners of them all are Israel and their Zionist power configuration embedded in the key agencies of Treasury, the key committees in Congress, and their colleagues in the most influential Middle East posts in the State Department (James Steinberg, Mark Grossman, Dennis Ross, Jeffrey Feltman) and Treasury(Cohen)
If one asks the logical question why doesn’t Big Banking or Big Petroleum make a fight over policies prejudicing their economic interests and subjecting them to the harsh oversight of Levey/Cohen investigators in Treasury, the most reasonable assumption is that they are not willing to engage in a knockdown fight with three potent adversaries: the politically influential Zionists in the government who design, implement and enforce sanctions; their counterparts in the prestigious mass media who support their policies and the 300,000 active members of the 52 major American Jewish organizations who threaten to organize boycott campaigns. An implausible assumption is that the bankers and oil majors have become altruistic and patriotic and are willing to sacrifice billion dollar deals to serve our “national security” as defined by Levey/Cohen and their cohorts in AIPAC. When we speak of US ‘sanction policies’ or when we read of European bankers “following Washington’s lead” let’s be clear about what “state” within the US we are talking about and which agencies in Washington are ensuring that European banks follow “our” lead.
While we might not shed tears about an intrusive government curtailing the profit-making of Big Oil and Big Banks, or interfering with free market operations, let us not forget that “the state within the state” that dictates economic policy is not accountable to our citizens; moreover, if it dictates foreign economic policy to the multi-nationals surely it has no scruples in doing the same to ordinary Americans. Next on the AIPAC/Levey/Cohen agenda is a “request” by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for an additional $20 billion dollars in “aid” to ensure Israel’s protection from the pro-democracy movements sweeping the Arab world and to finance a new batch of settlements in the West Bank.
Israel needs US aid like American taxpayers need a hole in their pockets. According to the latest study of billionaires published in the March 20 2011 of Forbes, Israel has more billionaires per capita than any country in the world.
- James Petras' most recent books are: What's Left in Latin America?, coauthored with Henry Veltmeyer (Ashgate Press, 2009), and Global Depression and Regional Wars (Clarity Press, 2009). He contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com.
By Richard Lightbown
Hopes that the popular uprising in Egypt will lead to the permanent opening of the Rafah Crossing into the Gaza Strip suffered a setback on 13 March when an Anglo-French medical team of three surgeons was denied entry into the Strip by Egyptian officials. No reason was given for refusing a visit that had been arranged in conjunction with the French Embassy two months previously. According to the Gisha report Rafah Crossing Who Holds the Keys? Israel, not the Egyptian government largely controls the Rafah Crossing. The other key players are the Hamas government, the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Ramallah, the European Union and the United States. It is no surprise then that the situation remains much as it did before the Egyptian revolt.
The operation of the Rafah Crossing is run according to the Agreement on Movement and Access (AMA) between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Israel which was brokered by Condoleezza Rice in November 2005. This was a comprehensive plan for the normalisation of movement for people and goods within the Palestinian territories and across Palestinian borders. All crossings were to be open by the end of 2005 and were to operate continuously, while the refurbished crossing at Karni was intended to allow 400 trucks a day to pass between Israel and Gaza by the end of 2006. (In January and February this year just before it was permanently closed, the crossing handled an average of 136 trucks per day, despite Israel’s well-publicised “easing” of the closure.)
Under the AMA the Rafah Crossing opened on 26 November 2005 for Palestinian ID cardholders and other designated persons. It was also intended to cater for the export of goods, and for cars once sophisticated search equipment had been inaugurated. The EU had agreed to supply officials to ensure proper procedures were followed. Cargo imports from Egypt were to enter Gaza through Kerem Shalom in the south west corner of the Strip where they would be cleared by PA officials under Israeli supervision. A further part of the agreement was that Israel would not close any of the crossings as the result of a security incident that was unconnected with the crossing itself.
The Israeli military presence which had controlled the Gaza facilities at Rafah since January 2001 was withdrawn under the agreement, but Israel did not relinquish control. Despite claims to have lifted the occupation of Gaza, Israel still retains total control of the Palestinian population registry. This determines who is officially resident and therefore eligible to use the crossing. (Palestinians who are designated non-resident must enter and leave Gaza by the Erez Crossing from Israel.) Israel also has the right to veto the use of the facility to foreigners, and it can close the crossing simply by ensuring that the conditions for its opening are not met. The AMA requires that Israel supervises passengers from its control room at Kerem Shalom, while the EU observers who are billeted at Ashkelon need to enter Gaza through Kerem Shalom. Both conditions have been denied on the whim of Israeli authorities. (It is not clear why EU personnel are not accommodated in the Egyptian resort of Al-Arish, which is nearer to Rafah than Ashkelon and has a number of hotels including one five-star facility.)
Following the signing of the Oslo accords in 1994 hundreds of trucks crossed through Rafah, but the crossing was closed (in breach of the agreement) for more than 70 per cent of the time during the year following the second intifada in 2000. Traffic increased again during 2004 but imports through Rafah ceased under the Israeli disengagement plan in September 2005. The passage of exports was also denied, contrary to the AMA, However around 1300 people passed each way during the nine-and-a-half hours the crossing was open each day.
The agreement was breached again when the crossing was closed following the capture of Gilad Shalit on 25 June 2006 and for the next year it remained closed for 86 per cent of the time. The occasional openings were at random and at only two days’ notice, rendering forward travel plans impossible. It also left Gaza residents stranded in Egypt for days or sometimes weeks.
After Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip Israel implemented its policy of closure of the territory. Rafah Crossing was closed to all traffic after 9 June 2007 after Hamas evicted the Presidential Guard and prevented the PA from fulfilling its designated duties. Because of EU policy not to deal with Hamas the observer force was also suspended. (Apparently political principles override humanitarian considerations.) In consequence thousands were again stranded on the Egyptian side of the border, surviving in rented rooms and tent camps while descending into penury. More than one thousand of them were patients returning after treatment in Egypt, fourteen of whom died during July 2007. An Israeli proposal for them to return by Kerem Shalom was scuppered when Hamas shelled the crossing. An arrangement was finally agreed between Egypt, Israel and the PA at the end of July 2007 whereby 6,374 people entered Israel by the Nitzana Crossing and were then bussed to the Erez Crossing to enter Gaza.
In December 2007 Egypt allowed 2,200 pilgrims through the crossing to go to the Hajj in Mecca, without coordinating this with either the PA or Israel. (Israel had allowed a further 700 to pass through Erez in order to travel via Jordan.) Upon their return Israel had requested that the pilgrims be allowed back through an Israeli-controlled crossing, which the Egyptian authorities originally agreed to. Fearing investigation and detention in Israel the pilgrims refused to comply and they were allowed to return via Rafah after violent protests. Israel protested that this contradicted agreements.
After a large section of the border wall was blown up by Hamas militants in January 2008 Egypt unilaterally allowed a small number of students to pass on to Cairo airport. While Gazans stormed the border to buy goods Israel and the US applied pressure on Egypt to “solve the problem”. The border was again closed on 3 February by arrangement with Hamas. However the crossing was reopened early in March after the Ministry of Health in Gaza had declared a medical emergency following clashes between Gaza forces and the IDF. One hundred and seven Palestinians had been killed and 250 injured. The crossing opened again between 31 December and 5 February 2009 in similar circumstances during Operation Cast Lead. After the war openings returned to an irregular format forcing students with overseas placements and patients requiring medical aid to cross the border through the tunnels. Only state terrorism on the high seas against the Gaza flotilla finally shamed the Egyptian government to go it alone and open the crossing on a regular basis. Representatives from Physicians for Human Rights – Israel told the Turkel Commission in October that this had allowed supplies of medical equipment and medications that had not been available before the flotilla raid. (Turkel completely ignored this testimony when writing their report.)
Pro-Israel lobbying of members of the US Congress resulted in a proposal in the House of Representatives to withhold $200 million of Egypt’s $1.3 billion military aid budget against certain requirements. This included stopping arms smuggling into Gaza (while inevitably restricting other traffic). This was later substituted for an allocation of $23 million from the budget to pay the cost of sending engineering teams to Rafah to detect tunnels. Egypt also increased its activities against the tunnels during the summer of 2008.
The official Egyptian position under President Mubarak was that the crossing remained shut because it was not possible to implement the AMA. Unofficially it was acknowledged that there were objections from the US, Israel and Europe, while Hamas affiliation with Mubarak’s political opponents, the Muslim Brotherhood, influenced the decision. Israeli intentions to seal its borders with Gaza (while presumably maintaining its illegal naval blockade) have long been suspected and were voiced publicly by Foreign Minister Lieberman in 2010. The previous Egyptian leadership was unwilling to have the political and economic responsibility of Gaza dumped upon it in this way.
Israel does not want an independent state in the Gaza Strip with free access to the Western and Arab worlds which could become the centre of the Palestinian struggle for liberation. This might impinge on its policy of stealing portions of the West Bank. Much could depend on how the popular revolt evolves in Egypt. Despite the initial empowerment of a population sympathetic to the plight of Gaza the end result is still uncertain and the cost to the economy has been extreme. (Income from tourism had exceeded $10 billion in 2010. In February 2011 a Press TV film crew found a solitary Japanese tourist trying to blag her way into the pyramids.) At the moment remnants of the old guard remain in positions of power where they will be susceptible to economic pressure from the US, aimed to a large extent at looking after Israel’s interests. From within these competing groupings the future operation of the Rafah Crossing will be decided in the short term. In the medium term it remains to be seen how serious Mahmoud Abbas is in seeking a Palestinian reconciliation, which would allow for a normal resumption of the AMA. For the moment the status quo appears to prevail and Israel’s unremitting stranglehold on everyday life in Gaza remains largely intact.
- Richard Lightbown is an activist against war and injustice. He contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com.
TEHRAN (AFP)-thousands of Iranians marched to Tehran on Friday, Bahrain, Libya, and rocking Yemen in support of the State, the revolts of television reported.
How to make a backup copy of the majority Shiites, Bahrain, which is challenging the 200-year-old Sunni dynasty of accounting, the power source, the village is dominated by the tour's protests, which unfolded after the Muslim Friday prayers in the capital
"Crimes against the United States and the Saudeja movement supports them," and chanted "death to America" in the Klimaflüchtlinge.
"Death to Israel," shouted others.
Libya and Yemen's protests in support of the rebellion in the slogans rang also.
Tehran on Wednesday withdrew its Ambassador to Manama, Bahrain, the Government of the people to Protest the mass killing. "
Iran has also criticised the pro-democracy helps to tuoteuttamisesta protests that have wracked the capital Manama and the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the second half of the almost daily in February after the Bahrain Gulf troops.
Ayatollah Ahmad Janati, the hardline cleric and head of the powerful Guardians Council condemned Bahrain Saudi Arabian troops Friday prayers after the breakdown of the declaratory.
"It is painful, that, when the authorities were to win, it called upon the Help of reinforcements, and asked to send in Saudi Arabia. It is against international law. "
He also urged the rebels to continue their efforts in Libya.
"You can not accept humiliation. One of the fighting. Die or to be successful, there is no other option, "he said, adding that the Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi was the" shell shocked. "
"One view you can see his face, he is a shell-shocked. I woke up today with the Libyans. (UN Security Council) Act in urgent circumstances to protect the black zone helps a little ... "We hope to win the Libyans, he said, as the crowd chanted" death to Kadhafi. "
TEHRAN (AFP)-Iran on Sunday called on the Bahraini diplomat to leave the Islamic Republic of reprisal is one of the diplomats in Manama, the official expulsion of the country, the IRNA news agency reported.
"After expelling diplomats, in particular, one of our reprisal, attache, Embassy of Bahrain's is to be summoned and told that one of the diplomats from the embassies of Iran, Bahrain will leave the Government's inconsistent and incomprehensible actions," Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said.
"The responding to the legitimate demands of the population is guaranteed by the Governments of the stability and permanence of the repression of peaceful protests, while at the same time and only aggravates the crisis and the actions of the illogical and deepen the wounds," he said.
Iran on Wednesday recalled its Ambassador to Bahrain, "the Protest, the Government of Bahrain for its people," after the killing in Manama from Tehran to remember its Ambassador, the vines of Iran "a blatant interference" in its affairs.
Tehran said Manama had made a "strategic error" by asking the forces to the Gulf, a small Kingdom, the pro-democracy protests, a success when you try to get rid of.
Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi told the official IRNA news agency Sunni Muslim Shiite majority to close but the Bahrain adopted a "strategic and political" blunder that cost would be its "legitimacy."
At least three people died when security forces firing TEAR GAS and orphaned sinalakay months old pro-democracy camp, Central Pearl Square roundabout, the capital of Bahrain on Wednesday.
Hundreds of people, was seriously wounded in the unrest and the Government has been accused of closing of the international law away from hospitals and doctors, assaulting the wounded who tried to tend to the crimes.
And the rulers of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and urged other Gulf States to contribute to the security forces, a move which infuriated Iran and caused outrage from the mainly Shiite opposition in the small island-State.
Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu on Sunday with the phone, the apparent "the necessity of foreign troops to leave Bahrain," which is also home to the US fifth fleet, IRNA said.
By R. Taylor
The current UK Government is 'the most hostile to Israel in living memory.' So says Melanie Phillips, formerly a respected UK journalist now better known for her militant anti-Islam stance and her Israel-is-never-wrong/blame-everyone-else rants.
And maybe she is right. But as all previous UK governments have meekly toed the Zionist line, it wouldn’t be saying very much. After all Gordon Brown, Cameron’s predecessor, was honorary president of the Jewish National Fund, Brown succeeded Tony Blair (need one say more), he followed Major/Thatcher and so on. Nevertheless David Cameron’s coalition is voicing the kinds of criticism of Israel’s policies that have rarely been heard before
A particular beef for Phillips (or Mad Mel as she is often referred to nowadays) was the government’s failure to support Israel in the United Nations on the issue of West Bank settlements. In her blog for The Spectator magazine on 22nd Feb she berates Cameron and co. with the following. “While the British Prime Minister David Cameron is in Egypt hymning the prospect there of democracy and human rights.....what has been overlooked is that this same David Cameron has chosen this of all moments to push the one and only democracy in the region, Israel, under the Islamist bus. While America finally vetoed the UN motion slamming Israel’s ‘illegal’ settlements because it went too far even for Obama, Britain voted in favour.”
Leaving aside her bizarre views that settlements are neither legally nor morally wrong, it does seem that UK Zionists are becoming increasingly alarmed about changing attitudes in the UK towards Israel. Long-used to a situation where the Zionist narrative was accepted virtually without question, Mel and others can’t quite believe that things have changed; that the romantic view of poor little Israel has faded in the West, that the Palestinian narrative is now much more accessible and that even our politicians have taken note.
Benedict Brogan of the Daily Telegraph is another who is concerned. He praises Cameron for a recent speech to a Jewish audience in which he described his belief in Israel as “indestructible”, but then asks why Israeli PM Netanyahu is so worried about the UK and the apparent decline of its backing for Israel. “The truth,” he laments, “is that relations between Jerusalem and London are bad, drifting to worse. …..At a time when the affairs of the Middle East should preoccupy us all, Britain gives the impression of being indifferent to the concerns of a country that is not just the only democracy in the neighbourhood, but also one of our paramount allies in the fight against militant Islam.” Brogan then quotes the dark warning from Israeli Ambassador to the UK, Ron Prosor, that the undermining of Israel even reaches “back to Her Majesty’s Government”.
Worse than that though, Brogan asserts that the “UK has turned from an indestructible ally into a gullible host for the global campaign to undermine its legitimacy,” and has become “an echo chamber for a coalition of religious and political campaign groups and academics of all stripes - some of them Jewish - pumping out a propaganda campaign of explicit and implicit hostility to Israel.” Brogan’s solution to all this? “Cameron should find a reason to visit his friends (Israel) and tell them, face to face, why our links are indestructible.”
Edgar Davidson is a lesser known Zionist blogger but he is quite certain where much of the blame lies. His blog piece of February 20th 2011 includes a revealing anecdote. “If you need to know the depth to which the British media has indoctrinated the public with anti-Israel feelings,” he suggests helpfully, “then I can give no better example than the following: My daughter, who goes to an orthodox Jewish school, tells me that, when the subject of Israel is discussed in their Jewish studies GCSE class, students routinely state things like "the Jews have no right to Israel because they stole the land from the Palestinians". In making statements like that, those regular 15-16 year old Jewish kids, are simply repeating what they are told relentlessly in every part of the media”. Perhaps, Edgar. But, it could just be that these Jewish kids are better informed than their parents, have a greater grasp of the notion of justice and recognize that the concept of human rights applies to Palestinians too. Don’t underestimate them.
The media malaise is not confined to the usual suspects - the BBC, Channel 4 and The Guardian. It is even to be found in the UK Jewish press. In December, under the heading “The JC (Jewish Chronicle) Sinks Lower and Lower”, Edgar tells his readers that, “rapidly the JC is morphing into a Guardian look-alike, with its increasingly central contributions from anti-Zionists.” He bemoans the fact “Nicholas Saphir, the Chair of the anti-Zionist New Israel Fund (UK), is a trustee of the Kessler Foundation, which owns the Jewish Chronicle. Last week the New Israel Fund had a 4-page pullout in the JC, and rarely a week goes by nowadays without some major positive focus/article about the NIF.” This will never do.
What really worries Zionists in the UK though is the thought that they are losing the propaganda battle and their ability to ensure mainstream politicians don’t step too much out of line, or if they do go off-message, the capacity to set them on the straight-and-narrow again. A couple of examples from recent years illustrate the point.
In 2006, during Israel’s war on Lebanon William Hague was the Shadow Foreign Secretary. He had the temerity to use the word “disproportionate” when describing Israel’s military actions. A leading Zionist hit out at Hague and told The Spectator that his words comments were “not merely unhelpful” but “downright dangerous.” This was enough to secure a solemn undertaking from Hague’s boss Cameron that the ‘d’ word would not be used again. Suspicions regarding Hague still lingered, however, and in 2008 he was grilled by arch-Zionist journalist Danny Finkelstein at the Conservative Friends of Israel annual bash. “Are you a Zionist ?” he was asked. A discomfited and apologetic Hague had to agree. Later that year when Israel launched Operation Cast Lead against Gaza, the ‘d’ word did not pass his lips.
In the run up to the general election of 2010, the dramatic rise in popularity of Lib-Dem leader Nick Clegg posed a similar problem. Hadn’t he criticised Israel for its bombing of civilians in Gaza? Couldn’t he be in the next government, maybe even Foreign Secretary? Clegg would have to explain himself. Backtracking feverishly, he duly did so in the Jewish Chronicle saying his comments were made because of his genuine concern that Israel’s actions ran “counter to its best interests” - no mention of the interests of the people of Gaza, the slaughter of innocents and breaches of international law.
But what now? Opinion in the UK has shifted decisively away from blind acceptance of anything Israel does. The politicians, fed up no doubt with Netanyahu’s lies, here have tagged along, perhaps seeing for the first time that the UK’s interests do not automatically coincide with those of Israel. Aware too that the ‘peace process’ is just that - a process, with no end in sight and that supporting Israel’s policies of grabbing as much land as possible from the Palestinians is inherently dangerous to Britons.
An exchange in the House of Commons on Monday 14th is indicative of the changes. During Prime Minister’s Questions the following exchange took place;
Sir Gerald Kaufman (Labour) Will the right honourable gentleman join me in condemning utterly the slaughter inflicted on the Fogel family in a West Bank settlement over the weekend? Does he agree that no response to that savagery could be more futile than the building of further settlements, and the only way to stop this useless slaughter of innocent people - both Jews and Palestinians - is for Israel to sit down and talk?
The Prime Minister: The right honourable Gentleman is entirely right. Like others I read about the case over the weekend and found what happened extremely disturbing. Anyone who has been to Jerusalem and seen the settlement building, particularly around East Jerusalem, can understand why the Palestinians feel so strongly about building on their land. There is a danger of the two-state solution being built away if we are not careful. That is why this Government has always taken a strong view about the settlements.
It is hard to imagine a British PM speaking this way in the past, especially so soon after an event such as the massacre in Itamar colony. The times certainly are a-changing and Zionists are scared.
- R. Taylor contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com.
By Philip Giraldi
J Street is seductive. The Americans have been bombarded with propaganda about Israel since the founding of the country over 60 years ago. Recently, the United States been designated by the media and the chat ring classes as patron of the Jewish State with little regard to the implementation of these measures, near Tel Aviv which have a negative impact on us interests. It is because Israel Lobby is by far the most powerful foreign lobby in the United States. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which has become the ugly side of the lobby, has rightly drawn criticism for its bullying tactics and its adaptation to the extreme right-wing parties in Israel. Progressives and some conservatives in the United States which supports Israel as a homeland for the world's Jews have been eager to find a more respectable alternative lobby. This alternative is J Street.
J Street, which recently completed its third annual Conference in Washington, is a self-proclaimed kinder and gentler proponent of isrælske interests. It favours peace on reasonable terms with the Palestinians and with Arab neighbours Isræls. It opposes the enlargement of the isrælske settlements in the West Bank, because they are an obstacle to peace. It calls itself "calmly, pro-American and Declaration of independence." If one judges by enemies it has attracted, including almost all the leading neoconservatives, J Street must be regarded as a breath of fresh air and the best chance for lasting peace in the Middle East.
Sounds good, doesn't it? But in a way that does not quite add parts.
J Street really only differs from that AIPAC in tone, not in substance. It recommends continued and unlimited United States support for Israel, militarily, economically and politically. J Street wants Israel has an overwhelming military advantage over its Arab neighbours, and margin, which Washington. It wants Republicans and Democrats together to provide political cover for Israel when it attacked Lebanon or bombs in Gazans. It is opposed not when Israel carries out a military solution against its neighbours. In spite of the fact that the United States is deeply problems with economically while Israel is one of the richest countries in the world and enjoying an economic boom, was J Street one of the first organisations to complain when Senator Rand Paul called a halt to all foreign assistance.
J Street also believe that Israel is, and should be a Jewish State with unlimited right of return "for the Jews throughout the world and no such rights for Christians or Muslims, which is fine in the country before 1948. A Jewish State, would by definition have limited rights for 20% and growing segment of the current isrælske population are Christians or Muslims. J Street quixotically supports a two-State solution in Israel-Palestine conflict, even though it by half a million isrælske Jews live in settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank cannot be moved and impossible to make two States. It does not accept a one-State solution, the only, will be able to work, would make the followers of all religions equal citizens in a unitary State embracing both Arabs and Jews. J's Executive Director Jeremy Ben-Ami has called a one-State solution a "nightmare".
J Street seems much better than AIPAC, but much of it sounds familiar recommends. Ben-Ami has criticized the highly acclaimed John Mearsheimer-Stephen Walt book on the Israel lobby for its scholarship and refers to writers such as anti-Semites. J Street against Isræls bloody incursion into Gaza, but only because it was disproportionate, and then rejected the UN Goldstone report detailed the war crimes that were committed. When isrælske commandoes killed nine Turkish citizens on Mavi Marmara ship trying to break the blockade of Gaza, J Street mourned the loss of life but to blame the victims of a deliberate "use media coverage further harm Isræls standing in world opinion." J Street supports military action against Iran as a "last resort" to paralyse the country's nuclear programme and refuses to Tehran, the right to enrich uranium for any purpose.
Supporters of J Street claims that its positions will become more nuanced, as its influence is growing, but one of the panels on the just-concluded the Convention discussed "Is Destroying disputes Enterprise Isræls democracy?" You may ask why there was a question mark at the end, because it is well-documented that the settlements bring with every imaginable evil. Fifteen months ago, sponsored J Street a speaking tour by a isrælske-General Danny Rothschild, as an advocate of a two-State solution with the Palestinians. He made rounds in Washington argue that demography and common sense dictate that Israel must come to a kind of settlement. But then he added, there is "islamofascism" and also Iran, genuine threats, which must be dealt with by the force. What was the real message, peace with the Palestinians (on Isræls conditions, it can be added), or Expand the war against extremism while bombs Iran?
But the real problem with J Street is that it is such a thing. Why there should be a new and powerful lobby in Washington consists of American citizens argue in favour of a special relationship with any country? Why should the United States provide unlimited support for a nation which claims to be a democracy, but which restrict rights based on religion? If J Street really wants to solve the Israel it should work in Israel, not in the United States, because settlers and hardline right-wing parties are isrælske problems. J Street knows perfectly well that the Congress, the White House and the media, Israel would not challenge the status quo therefore at best it is a bit of scam designed to support Israel at the same time make progressive feel more comfortable in lining up behind the effort.
United States already has too many special interest lobbies to promote policies that are doing something good for the American people. If Israel has become a rogue State as it has, the issue is resolved by isrælerne himself and diaspora Jews who believe that they have an equity stake in the outcome. If the latter is really going to have an impact, they should turn in their U.S. passports and move to Israel. From the American perspective, which should be the only thing that matters to us citizens, not the isrælske one, the best policy for the United States is to withdraw from the Arab-Israel conflict not to become even more deeply involved from another, slightly more palatable perspective offered J Street.
-Philip Giraldi is Executive Director of the Council of the national interest. He is a former CIA terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer who served 18 years overseas in Turkey, Italy, Germany and Spain. He was the Commander of the Base in Barcelona from 1989 to 1992, designated as the Agency's chief officer for the Olympic Games support. He is a contributing editor to the American conservative, a columnist for AntiWar.com, and his frequent media appearances include 60 minutes, al-Jazeera TV, National Public Radio and the British Broadcasting Corporation. (This article was published in www.cnionline.org)