Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bush a Legacy - developed Middle East

The death of Ronald Reagan, the media to cover of praise and compliments. They talked about how the people loved him; how he did great things; and how he was released from the millions of people. They him credit with play a hand in demolishes the Soviet Union. Even Mikhail Gorbachev he is hailed as a great leader.

Finally, the world learned of the legacy of President Reagan.

The media sing a different tune from 1981 to 1989. Called Ronald Reagan senile, silent and prone to cowboy diplomacy. He was too old and take on-the-job NAPs. His entourage was driving around as a child. His foreign policy was supposed to start massive conflagration and get us all dead. It was just an actor. the list was then.

Media beat up Ronald Regan and criticized its cold war policy. According to Peter Schweizer's book, war of Reagan, it was decisions which lead eventually to the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was not till communism throughout the Warsaw Pact that large segments of the population has finally included shares of Ronald Reagan.

History has prevented the distortion of the media of the legacy of Ronald Reagan to last. Now, they try to twist another.

Once more, the media portrayed a Republican President as dumb; need to lead by the finger. and constantly spoil things. For example, they insist on the fact that the invasion of the Iraq was about to WMD. However, President Bush gave other reasons to invade the Iraq before the start of the invasion. Spreading freedom was one of these reasons.

President Bush said in his State of the Union in January 2003: "and as we do and our partners in the coalition in Afghanistan, we will bring to the Iraqi people food and medicines and supplies - and freedom". Hence the name of "operation iraqi freedom."

Look at the map of the Middle East. With the invasion of the Iraq United States, the Iran is flanked by democratic countries. The Syria is surrounded by Israel, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq. Each of these countries is in various stages of democracy.

In the heart of the Middle East is now a checkerboard of democratic countries. THEY have free trade with Israel and the Jordan agreements. We are being Iraq and Afghanistan. It is reasonable to see as having with us free-trade agreements as they develop further. Countries involved with free trade with the United States accelerate their economic growth.

Once the Iraq and the Afghanistan becomes fully developed countries; the base in the Middle East political and economic power will shift. Iraq and in Afghanistan, will become Middle Eastof new centres of gravity. There are enough people in Iran and other parts of the Middle East who want democracy and Western-style economic competition. When they see what is going on in Iraq, they want you the same thing for themselves.

It is the highest "weapon" in our arsenal against terrorists.

The legacy of Bush materialize as countries of the Middle East see how democracy can improve the position of an Arab country. They come where stability, the rule of law, market economy and democracy, become the standards of the Middle East . Once this happens, President Bush will remain as two, one of the greatest Presidents this country has had. and as one of the greatest leaders of the world.

Travis is a freelance writer who specializes in the market of information, political writings, collecting of funds and communications.

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