Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Global Marketing profile online - Middle East-North Africa

Market opportunity

For a company to research to expand internationally, the language barrier can be a difficult to overcome obstacle. Europe, for example, while a large global market is fractured into many smaller market segments by different languages. The countries of the Arabian peninsula (including the Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates United and the Yemen) and Egypt (in North Africa), are United by a common language - Arabic - do not face this problem. This growing fast and very rich region is an excellent market for organizations based in the United States seeking to take their global business.

With a population of approximately 157 million in 2007 which is expected to almost double over the next forty years, the Middle East/North Africa region (MENA) is one of the regions of unique language who knows the most rapid growth in the world. The population of this region have some per capita income highest in the world, with Qatar being the third largest in the world at $84,833 and the United Arab Emirates United (at home in the business world Dubai Centre) do not far behind at $38,108, according to the US State Department. And with the country led to being home to a significant proportion of the world's oil and natural gas reserves, the region is approached to become even richer in the near future.

Better vertical markets

In General, the best vertical markets to export to the United States are in the areas of technologies and services. In the Yemen, the United Arab Emirates United and the Qatar, for example, medical equipment and services, and technologies in health care, were among first markets.

MENA countries currencies have remained relatively stable against the US dollar over the past few years and the general trend appears to be no major fluctuations, as most currencies are indexed to the U.S. Dollar. The Egyptian pound, which is not indexed on the US Dollar, gradually won to the Dollar for the past two years. Except this stability of the currency, many countries of the Gulf have developed in 2010 as a deadline for a single currency in the Gulf. These facts suggest a region where trade is simple, predictable and cost-effective.

Regulatory and tariff landscape

The region MENA is one where the trade is by-and-large free of charge. Tariffs are generally low in all areas, with the functions on most of the elements to be 5%. However, with Islam is the religion distinguished (and official) many countries MENA, pork and pork products are prohibited, and the alcohol and tobacco were generally high rates (50-100%) on them. Other than these restrictions, however, there are a few barriers to trade, and the export of the region is generally simple and inexpensive.

Opportunities for Marketing online

Countries MENA, according to Internet World Stats, have a population of approximately 18.3 million collective online, which represents an average of 22% of market penetration and growth of Meziadin % over the past seven years. This population online, the Egypt and Saudi Arabia require 80% of internet users, although the majority of the money with the countries that make up the rest of 20%. However, the Egypt and Saudi Arabia are strong potential and should propel growth online in the region in the near future. This dichotomy creates in countries led a rich and established section and an important sector oriented growth, which is optimal for e-commerce or e-marketing campaigns in the region.

Online language preferences

The unifying link between these countries otherwise various is a common language shared - Arabic. According to Internet World Stats, arabe Arabic is the seventh largest language of internet, with 60 million users and representing approximately 4.2% of the entire population of the internet. However, Arabic content online represents only about 0.5% of global online content, which led to a considerable gap between the supply and demand. To meet this demand for content world online and reach the end user the Arabic language, it is recommended that the global online marketing at least optimize some content in Arabic and have an Arabic language landing page.

Search engine profile

MENA region search engines can be profiles as a "Big 3" - Google, Yahoo and MSN Live. Overall, these are three main search engines, in the region although the individual rankings differ from one country to another. According to Alexa.com, while that Google occupies the first place in the United Arab Emirates United (House of commerce powerhouse Dubai), Qatari Internet users prefer Yahoo as their search engine. Thus, an organizer who wish to optimize his pages should submit their Web sites for all search engines three maximum results.


The region MENA is strong growth, too rich region creating an effect of synergy for the countries that are part. United by the common language of Arabic, the Middle East and North Africa can become a vital and profitable element in global expansion of any organization. While showing a significant potential, MENA is still in its early stages of growth. Therefore, Global eMarketer occupies the region MENA as a level II for global expansion market online. Yet, organizations seeking to be "first participants" on the market would do well to give strong consideration for region MENA Arabic speaking for their online marketing campaigns.

-The contributions of Amal Kumar

Amal Kumar is a research analyst at eMarketer world (GeM) global markets. GeM is a development of international trade and the marketing consulting firm that helps businesses expand globally for the preparation, implementation with global online campaign management. For more information contact information [at] globalemarketer [dot] com, or visit our website at http://www.globalemarketer.com

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