Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Breaking Up (in the Middle East) is very hard to do

We were told several times that our missions in Iraq and Afghanistan are almost their complete and that our presence and commitment in each of these countries will soon be complete and cut. A page of history will tell us that permanently breaking missions and commitments is easier said than done.

History should tell us how inextricably we are caught in Middle East, a region whose values, such that they are, we do not understand and which certainly ignores us. We were in Iraq and Afghanistan for eight years, nine current. The only thing that we agree is that they want us and we want to leave. Despite withdrawal of our forces, in Iraq and the Afghanistan promised withdrawal we will not find easy to put these countries out of the spirit and our responsibility.

Of course, we had historical precedent of Western countries mired in the middle is political, decided to leave and unable to do so. The British in 1882, intervened "temporarily" in Egypt to protect their citizens against certain local riots in Alexandria a key seaport guarding the Suez Canal. As the cost and difficulty of this intervention began to increase, the British were determined to leave as soon as possible. In fact, it is recorded that they announced their departure more than 50 times in the 1940s before 1922 - but never a departure. When the British finally left in 1957, 75 years after their intervention, it is a disgrace and involuntary retirement in the hands of Colonel Nasser instead voluntary exit that they have long sought.

Although separated by a century and a half, the British and American dilemmas are essentially the same. Different religious, cultural and political opposing values are steeped in centuries of opposing beliefs. The only American now believe to be a stable, efficient and fair Government - linked to a market economy - Western-style democracy has never been the purpose or the experience of the Middle East in which political progress is primarily, sometimes exclusively measured by compliance with religious standards organized on the authoritarian principles. The "common man" of a Middle Eastern or North African countries will Muslim tell you, as me, "" my policy is my religion and my religion is my policy!""

Thus, Great Britain in the 1930s, following his intervention in Egypt, in World War I, the stability of the Suez Canal and regional domination by the Ottoman Empire, but, despite these common concerns, could establish a ground with the Egypt even though that country has become more Western. And the US in Iraq, trying to balance the interests Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds to resolve an Islamic split that began in the seventh century, seems powerless to find common ground with Islam will allow us to finally and gracefully leave the Iraq or, in Afghanistan, to find a formula to cooperate with Pakistani and Afghan leaders to resolve the Afghan policy to justify our initial intervention in Afghanistan.

Brother rabbit and the tar baby, Britain and America's hardest hit their Middle Eastern targets, the more difficult it became clear Western commitments permanently and courtesy of a medium with which East nor Great Britain in the 19th century or America in the 21st shares all of the fundamental common values with which justify these commitments. Jack e. Bronston

Global Marketing profile online - Middle East-North Africa

Market opportunity

For a company to research to expand internationally, the language barrier can be a difficult to overcome obstacle. Europe, for example, while a large global market is fractured into many smaller market segments by different languages. The countries of the Arabian peninsula (including the Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates United and the Yemen) and Egypt (in North Africa), are United by a common language - Arabic - do not face this problem. This growing fast and very rich region is an excellent market for organizations based in the United States seeking to take their global business.

With a population of approximately 157 million in 2007 which is expected to almost double over the next forty years, the Middle East/North Africa region (MENA) is one of the regions of unique language who knows the most rapid growth in the world. The population of this region have some per capita income highest in the world, with Qatar being the third largest in the world at $84,833 and the United Arab Emirates United (at home in the business world Dubai Centre) do not far behind at $38,108, according to the US State Department. And with the country led to being home to a significant proportion of the world's oil and natural gas reserves, the region is approached to become even richer in the near future.

Better vertical markets

In General, the best vertical markets to export to the United States are in the areas of technologies and services. In the Yemen, the United Arab Emirates United and the Qatar, for example, medical equipment and services, and technologies in health care, were among first markets.

MENA countries currencies have remained relatively stable against the US dollar over the past few years and the general trend appears to be no major fluctuations, as most currencies are indexed to the U.S. Dollar. The Egyptian pound, which is not indexed on the US Dollar, gradually won to the Dollar for the past two years. Except this stability of the currency, many countries of the Gulf have developed in 2010 as a deadline for a single currency in the Gulf. These facts suggest a region where trade is simple, predictable and cost-effective.

Regulatory and tariff landscape

The region MENA is one where the trade is by-and-large free of charge. Tariffs are generally low in all areas, with the functions on most of the elements to be 5%. However, with Islam is the religion distinguished (and official) many countries MENA, pork and pork products are prohibited, and the alcohol and tobacco were generally high rates (50-100%) on them. Other than these restrictions, however, there are a few barriers to trade, and the export of the region is generally simple and inexpensive.

Opportunities for Marketing online

Countries MENA, according to Internet World Stats, have a population of approximately 18.3 million collective online, which represents an average of 22% of market penetration and growth of Meziadin % over the past seven years. This population online, the Egypt and Saudi Arabia require 80% of internet users, although the majority of the money with the countries that make up the rest of 20%. However, the Egypt and Saudi Arabia are strong potential and should propel growth online in the region in the near future. This dichotomy creates in countries led a rich and established section and an important sector oriented growth, which is optimal for e-commerce or e-marketing campaigns in the region.

Online language preferences

The unifying link between these countries otherwise various is a common language shared - Arabic. According to Internet World Stats, arabe Arabic is the seventh largest language of internet, with 60 million users and representing approximately 4.2% of the entire population of the internet. However, Arabic content online represents only about 0.5% of global online content, which led to a considerable gap between the supply and demand. To meet this demand for content world online and reach the end user the Arabic language, it is recommended that the global online marketing at least optimize some content in Arabic and have an Arabic language landing page.

Search engine profile

MENA region search engines can be profiles as a "Big 3" - Google, Yahoo and MSN Live. Overall, these are three main search engines, in the region although the individual rankings differ from one country to another. According to Alexa.com, while that Google occupies the first place in the United Arab Emirates United (House of commerce powerhouse Dubai), Qatari Internet users prefer Yahoo as their search engine. Thus, an organizer who wish to optimize his pages should submit their Web sites for all search engines three maximum results.


The region MENA is strong growth, too rich region creating an effect of synergy for the countries that are part. United by the common language of Arabic, the Middle East and North Africa can become a vital and profitable element in global expansion of any organization. While showing a significant potential, MENA is still in its early stages of growth. Therefore, Global eMarketer occupies the region MENA as a level II for global expansion market online. Yet, organizations seeking to be "first participants" on the market would do well to give strong consideration for region MENA Arabic speaking for their online marketing campaigns.

-The contributions of Amal Kumar

Amal Kumar is a research analyst at eMarketer world (GeM) global markets. GeM is a development of international trade and the marketing consulting firm that helps businesses expand globally for the preparation, implementation with global online campaign management. For more information contact information [at] globalemarketer [dot] com, or visit our website at http://www.globalemarketer.com

Monday, November 28, 2011

Contracts of employment in the Middle East

In this tough economy, many job seekers seek employment opportunities abroad. One of the few places in the world which has a growing economy is Middle East. If you are considering a position abroad, here are a few facts to help your transition to go smoothly.

Earnings - there is a standard formula for contracts of employment which starts with a base salary and includes accommodation, transport allowance allocation, health insurance and tickets eventually return to the country of origin and annual premiums sometimes.
The base salary is usually the amount that is announced or discussed in the negotiating process. It can be specified in US dollars or local currency. The standard for the housing allowance is the equivalent of 3 months of base salary or housing can be provided. This amount is usually paid a lump sum every 6 months, which corresponds to the typical arrangement of the bi-annual rent payments. The cost of transportation can be a fixed amount or up to 10% of base salary. An employer may opt to provide a vehicle for society as an alternative. In some countries, health insurance is a condition of residence. In this case, it may be provided by the employer. The individual employee is probably covered, and it is possible that the family can be covered. If the employer does not cover the costs of family protection, most employers will allow the employee to pay for the coverage. In some cases, an employee may also pay improve coverage if desired. If the employee is hired for his country of origin, the employer will usually be included each year 4 round-trip tickets to the country of origin for the family. If the individual chooses not to travel, this advantage may be given in cash. If the position involves the productivity or sale, it is likely that the employer will provide an annual premium that is calculated based on performance against quotas or goals. Some sales positions can pay the commission based on a percentage of sales. If the employee is recruited abroad, the original offer can include costs and possibly a signing bonus.

Middle East, laws require that each citizen is not a resident under the sponsorship of a citizen or a company. The standard arrangement is through the employer, who is recruiting employees from abroad and therefore accepts the responsibility of the employee and his family while he is under contract.

The process of bringing a foreign employee is very expensive and comes with it a great responsibility. It is not uncommon for a contract of employment specify that if the employee chooses to leave before the end of the contract, it must reimburse all costs associated with recruitment. On the other hand as an incentive, the contract may include a substantial end of service bonus is paid at the end of the period of the contract.

If there are difficulties between an employee and the employer, the local Embassy or Consulate may be able to provide assistance. Because the sponsors are fully responsible for actions and the well-being of the people in their custody, the laws in most Middle Eastern country require that sponsors hold the passports of employees in the country.

In addition to the technical aspects of the negotiation of the contract, there are a few issues that are also very important.
The get in writing. Do not expect an employer to honor the verbal agreements. Know what is expected of you. Ask questions about hours of work, level of responsibility of persons in your custody or your team on and other issues that will determine your workload. Be aware of the cost of living in the area you are going. You can find clues to cost of international life online. Make sure you find a specific city that you are considering because costs can vary considerably. Get in touch with local expats. Try to find a Yahoo Group for expatriates in the country, or other forums for expatriates in your area who have worked abroad. Ask about the local way of life and try to find as much as possible on the reputation of your prospective employer. Negotiate. Don't be afraid to negotiate. While most employers have a range of specific in mind for the base salary, many times you can sweeten the deal with a bonus or extra tickets. Go with your gut. Even if you are initially screened by a recruiter, you most likely a direct communication with your potential employer before signed a contract. If you have any concerns or doubts, keep the search.

It is hoped that this information will be useful for you in your quest overseas. You will find more details in my series of articles on the travel abroad on my Web site.

As a linguist, Natalie l. Komitsky optimizes the efficiency of the text to readers of impact with the substance and style through outstanding research, writing, editing and project management. Past projects include web site development, editing and optimizing, written for print publications, project management and curriculum development projects. Take a look at his work at http://www.nkomitsky.com.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Harley Davidson is very popular in the Middle East

Did you know that Harley-Davidson is very popular in Middle East and any person who has any money to buy a Harley-Davidson and they are not good markets overseas. There is no wonder why humans enjoy riding autour on very large motorcycles. After all, dogs like to stick their heads out the window too. Have you ever noticed that when you drive with a dog in a car, truck or an SUV that they stick their heads out the window? Dogs do this all the time and all dogs love to do.

It seems that all human beings humans as ride Harley-Davidson and perhaps it is roughly the same reason. The sense of power, the sensation of the road and air to RAM through their nostrils adding more oxygen? We all know that the Visual stimulation of motion is a common promoter different brain waves. People like motion and they like oxygen and they like the feeling of power. This is why Harley-Davidson is appreciated around the world.

Why we do not use a Harley-Davidson to help unite the world in a common cause? After all, if all the world Middle East wants to ride a Harley Davidson and everyone in America like Harley-Davidson to, and then of course that could be a good starting point. Perhaps the Department of State must buy a whole bunch of Harley-Davidson motorcycles and give them as gifts to foreign diplomats who agree to various terms of negotiation. Just a thought!

"Lance Winslow" – online think tank forum Board. If you have innovative ideas and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net . Lance is a writer online at retirement.

Peace in the Middle East Possible - the history and the Bible team until the answer to this Question

I saw one day a journalist interviewed a Muslim student in the Conference Room of one of the most prestigious schools in America. The young man was decorated with a silk transmitter and seemed to come from a very wealthy Arab family, that I have assumed. When asked if Israel had a right to live in peace in the land they held now as their homeland, he becomes agitated and indignant. He said, "that is Israel and that history have, who has already heard of Israel before now.".

His ignorance of the long history of Israel in the land they now have with the poor reflection he left academic schools gave me in amazement. This is yet more typical that anyone could suspect. The average U.S. other than those who attended Bible College or Seminary has little or no knowledge of the history of ern Middle East.

History of Israel and the Arabs is inexplicably linked to history and the well-being of all other nations around the world. Prophecy of history and the Bible are together the two reaching a glance in the past and a view from the future. When in 1948 Israel returns to his former former homeland and then resumed Jerusalem in 1967 at his enemies who outnumbered them is a time she beats every record in the history of our world. No nation has returned to its geographic limits old after having been subject to another nation or dispersed for more than fifty years and become a nation free and independent, except Israel.

Since the time of Abraham and downward through age Golden Israel and until the time the message of the prophets and the historical record spoke with one voice to warn the world and to bring to fruition each major prophecy in the Bible. So what is this message?

In simple terms, the Bible says that when Israel occupies its original homeland and Jerusalem there is yet a generation for the man until the Lord Jesus Christ returns. Beginning after the day six war after which Israel resumes Jerusalem clock started ticking. Unfortunately, this is not a promise of peace for Israel or one of the nations. It is instead the signal of multiple events more than will rock the world.

At the same time that Israel returns nationhood the Bible said that a great world power will begin forming in the same geographical boundaries as the former Roman Empire. The European Union or the European Union began to form around 1955 and unknown to the average person today becomes the largest block of nations never seen in the history of the world. Currently, it controls nearly half the worlds of shipping, has a three times higher than the United States of gross national product and when military power is finally merged together will no doubt be the most powerful entity in the modern era.

It is in this new power which will emerge the most virulent dictator and more success, that the world has ever known. It is a military and political genius that DeVore on the world economic system will be left in each nation, language, and the tribe of the Earth. It will make Hitler look like a choir boy and he succeed at a speed such that one train resistance to all the before it has the world reeling. The Bible does not specifically name the final dictator, but it is well known worldwide as the Antichrist.

That all this means for Middle East... a lot? When Israel failed at the time of attendance (first coming of Christ) prophets had already predicted that it would be dispersed through the world and hunted and killed as outcasts. History already has said that a part of history. Approach of the latest generation of its prophets has said that she would have drawn and collected around the world to his native country, although always hated and harassed by all its neighbours and enemies.

Wars and skirmishes will continue and during a short period with the help of the Israel Antichrist will know a few years of relative peace. Finally the Antichrist will show that his true face of the world and Israel is no exception. It will be repeated and other nations will be trampled by the bias of Jerusalem for three and a half years. When comes the final assault Israel will be defended and delivered by the Savior, she dismissed him.

Peace in the Middle East? Yes, but not up to what history has run its course and the prophecy which is pre-written after all only history is completed.

Rev Bresciani has written numerous articles over the last thirty years in journals such as benchmarks and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on Amazon.com, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote ?Hook in that line, and sinker or what has your church been teaching you, editor ?, PublishAmerica in the Baltimore, MD. He has also written a book published by Xulon Press entitled ?An American Prophet and his Message, Questions and answers on the second coming of Christ. ? his book is now be announced as the clearest book on the subject of the second coming of Christ from the website "Late Great Planet Earth" Rev Bresciani?s of Hal Lindsey is,


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Amazing military buildup in the Middle East over the past five years

Albert Einstein warned us that you cannot simultaneously prepare and prevent war, and therefore, I would like to ask you if you've watched the incredible military build-up in the last five years to the Middle East? We are at the third world war?

Not long ago, I mentioned this to a general knowledge of arm-chair in mine, and he said; "Oh hell Yes, and I fear that it is that all hit the fan.". Unfortunately, if then I and a good number of other analysts of geo-politics of the region.

And we can only ask what our analysts, the Pentagon and risk analysts are thinking. And I suppose that most of us including the armchair generals, would probably be scared crapless if we do?

It is scary times and participates in the United States, we Iraq and Afghanistan in the Middle, with Israel as an ally too. But our interests sufficiently to prevent a world war? And we do not have the balls to do something on the inevitable? Things reach a flash point. It's amazing.

Worse still, each major arms dealer and the nation are sale just as their possible; the Russians, Chinese, US, UK, EU and Middle East nations also sell to each other. They have more than enough military to destroy all their populations and still, a nuclear exchange between the India and Pakistan.

Thus, are the proximity of the third world war we? Is this all global and political and rhetorical hype scandalous or we are really close to the unthinkable? Please consider this.

Lance Winslow - Lance winslow Bio. Lance Winslow is also the founder of the car wash guys, a little cool Franchise company; >http://www.carwashguys.com/history/founder.html/.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Franchises in the Middle East will provide an important opportunity for us, franchisors based

In stability emerged in Middle East there will be an important opportunity for the community of franchising. Arab franchising seems to be of interest to those seeking economic growth in much of this region of the world. They are more excited about the economic expansion that we are in the United States. They seem to understand the benefits of many small businesses that employ millions of people and rightfully so. Check out this article:

http://www.ameinfo.com/news/Detailed/34961.html .

All comments require the International Franchise Association IFA or go to their website for more information. http://www.franchise.org.

Franchising has the potential to bring the world closer and unite us all as one, if we will not allow that it. Capitalism drives people, while and socialism and of communism grew people down. The franchise by its very definition is the format of pure business mirroring of free market capitalism. To the United States franchise through a difficult now time with more regulations and incessant litigation.

Perhaps we should keep your eyes on the ball in the House that we are to build Middle East with the operations of small business through franchising. Participating in the largest business format in the history of humanity is in fact a truly noble cause. Millions of Middle Eastlifting erners with useful work and good paying jobs is a gift that no other nation can give. We are fortunate in this country have entrepreneurs who have the where all provide this well thought out and sophisticated businesses in all sectors of the industry. I challenge anyone to deny.

"Lance Winslow" – online think tank forum Board. If you have innovative ideas and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net /. Lance is a writer online at retirement.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Iranian woman, in the case of Stoning participates in the mother's burial (AP)

TEHRAN, Iran-Iranian woman convicted of adultery and sentenced to death by stoning have been permitted to leave briefly in the funeral of his mother in prison.

The official IRNA news agency reported Wednesday that Mohammadi Sakineh Ashtiani participated in the funeral of his mother in the last few days. It gave other information.

Malik Sharifipour Ajdar, East Azerbaijan, top justice officials has also played as the message has been changed in the case of Ashtiani.

Ashtiani adultery was convicted in 2006, after the murder of her husband, and was sentenced to death by stoning.

Subsequently to the international outcry forced the Iranian authorities to suspend his sentence and to enable the subject to the review.

He was later convicted of accessory is also her husband murder and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.


Iranian President Urges Arab leaders to endorse the reform (AFP)

TEHRAN (AFP)-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on Arab Governments to heed popular demands of the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu reform at a meeting with the President's website said on Tuesday.

"Today, the area of the equal rights of citizens is essential, voting, security and human dignity, the right to, and none of the Government may deprive them of freedom and justice to the demands of the peoples they refused," Ahmadinejad played as saying.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that all the regional Governments of the countries of their peoples, their integration requirements and to enable the reforms," he added Monday evening discussions.

Ahmadinejad did not expressly mention of Iran's closest Arab ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who has faced unprecedented protests against the iron fisted rule since his March to the mid-point.

But the Iranian media reported was to remain in the conflict between security forces and by Syria, the rapporteurs on the top of the agenda of the meeting.

A joint press conference with Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Davutoglu Sunday, Salehi said that Syrian problems can be solved, "family."

"Iran, Syria and Turkey are in the family and, if any, are facing a problem in the family as a whole should resolve it," Salehi said.

"The Negotiations among the members of the family, the path should lead to the people entitled" requests and prevent the disturbance of inappropriate "," he added.

Ahmadinejad accused Washington, even the confessional in the territory of the rivalries, including the Sunni Muslim majority in Syria and Assad, is part of the minority Alawite community, stirring occasionally.

"The countries of the region should play to American hands on the" presidential network quoted him as saying.

"They are looking for is through the creation of unfair fight Shiites and Sunnis,, and Alawites and Turkish Alawites, and to have access to their primary objective, which will save the Zionist regime among the Kurds."

Iran, 2009 presidential election, which saw Ahmadinejad, because another massive fraud alleged in the period down to the financial problems. protests


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thailand to find a shape as the art in terms of methamphetamine (AP)

BANGKOK-Thai authorities have arrested a man in Iran, which allegedly attempted smuggling of more than 50 million baht (1,6 million dollars) worth of crystal methamphetamine into the country disguised as the art of the craft.

The Customs Department, said the 28-year-old Zadeh Hossein was transporting Safi, two plaque-shaped sculptures, when he was arrested Tuesday on arrival at Suvarnabhumi International Airport-Damaskoksessa, Syria.

Customs officials indicate for vendors on how Wednesday's sculptures were pressed and illegal stimulant cast.

One of the 22-Pound (10-kilogram) object was the second at the same time, the rose yellow 11-Pound (5-kilo) piece of framed image of what appeared to be a cameo.

Official says Jaovisidha Vorapat, it is his Office, I had seen this method for the first time.

View the original article here

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Between two worlds Film Review

By Jim Miles

(Between two worlds: a documentary film by Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman)

This documentary presents a powerful and evocative discussion on a personal level to the changing and challenging nature of Jewish values in the United States.  Outside the Jewish community, for anyone interested in Palestinian-isrælske issues and Middle East issues in a broader context, it is a must see film.  There is no workaround for document control, it is an expression of exploration and discovery of Jewish beliefs and the unresolved divisions of identity-changing borders of the Jewish people in America.

The personal explorations of Directors begins with the Jewish Film Festival in San Francisco and showing of a film about Rachel Corrie, who was the Centre of controversy over what was to be shown as the represent Judaism-in a pro or anti-isrælske dialogue-at the festival.  From the beginning, the big question concerns the divisions within the Jewish community: who decides what is Jewish is all about, from extreme accepts whom self-identifies as a Jew or to view Orthodox Jewish matrilinealt heritage.

Very well-known themes ladder, familiar to those who have read the arguments on the isrælsk-Palestinian questions from all sources.  The concept of demographics and the Jewish population is not explored in depth but occurs twice in significant references.  This is exemplified in Dr. Bernard Kaufman, whose own family comprised Muslim converts and radical social activism lives.  His "final blessing" was to accept the change, and yet at the same time remaining torn within his own militant Zionist convictions.

The theme of the holocaust is omnipresent in all Jewish references have "replaced the exodus as orienting the myth" of "master narrative" of Jewish history.  Two different views increase in this discussion, which supports the need for a strong, independent State, to counter arguments says abuse others and has been "small, tribal and insularity."

This discussion centers on the Wiesenthal Center and its Museum of Tolerance, of which one is planned for Jerusalem on an ancient Palestinian grave site.  The argument for the Centre is that the world must remember the holocaust, to grow against tolerance; the argument against it is "we can't do it [desecrate the grave sites] If we expect the world to treat our cemeteries with respect."  The discussion continues with a look back at the connections between Jewish values and workers social movements in the 1930s in the United States.  Out of this discussion than the statement that "radical measures against injustice is also a kind of Jewish continuity."

These themes and the others are all internal within the Jewish community itself.  Situations and speakers, presented all concern them within the Jewish faith.  The internal rift is about how present and act upon the Jewish people's concerns and how that has an impact on Israel and the United States.  It is about real people responding to the changing world around them, memoirs and transitions in the previous generations, and the questioning and searches of the current generation.

This is a brilliant film presents the current state of Jewish thought in the United States.  Discussion about values-Jewish values, not necessarily exclusively Jewish-must be seen to the discussion can be brought to the awareness of those not directly within the Jewish community.

(To learn more about the film visit: www.snitow-kaufman.org)

-Jim Miles is a Canadian educator and a regular contributor/columnist opinion pieces and book reviews for The Palestine Chronicle.  Miles ' work is presented also globally through other alternative sites and news publications.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Syria: at the cross roads of Revolution

By Mohammed Bsiso

Among the multiple uprisings throughout the Arab world, Syria may prove to be the most complex and potentially the most dangerous. Syria's position in the Middle East is unique, so it is bordered by several countries to experience dynamic and sometimes dire political situations, which could translate into widespread chaos in the region. Historically, Syria has been a stabilizing factor in the Middle East and will remain so until this day. So naturally, instability in this pivotal Arab country has profound consequences, which could have devastating effects on its neighbours.

The current popular revolution in Syria has shown itself to be robust and unwilling to compromise on generation old ruling system in the country. Most recently, prominent opposition leaders rejected the Government's offer of dialogue with an indication of the confidence and momentum enjoyed by protesters in the past. This could also be partially due to painful experiences in uprisings in the past; most notable of the early 1980s where Hafez al-Assad (Bashars dad) massacred tens of thousands of men, women and children. Amazingly, the focal city where the previous uprising took place, Hama, fearlessly takes the lead in this. Not too long ago, Bashar al Assad's military units and security forces hastily withdrew from the city after Friday's unprecedented protests which saw more than a quarter of a million citizens on the street in a town with a population of approximately 800,000. Last Friday saw twice as many as estimated by protest organizers.

The situation in Hama develops in the middle of the General background of the uprising throughout the country in each region appears except the capital Damascus. Syria's central second city and business hub of Aleppo has slowly build up pressure as discontent has become widespread. As the nation's economy comes to screeching halt, will only increase pressure in Aleppo and effectively bring about the final phase of this revolution; the overthrow of the regime.

Of course, the situation in Syria are fluid and can take many more unexpected twists and turns before they reached a peak and an effective end; revolutionary and opposition leaders in the country know, however good, an unfinished uprising only will spell certain catastrophe to its population potentially leading to massacres.

Leaders in the West and East must realize that a transition to a new and fair form of governance which ensures the freedom and security for all Syrians are in everyone's interest. At the same time, they warned that the survival of the current repressive regime would not benefit anyone, and will cause Syria to become a pariah state, led by the brutal criminal. The Western media should unequivocally supports the Syrian people harrowing struggle for freedom and prosperity by highlighting their fate and cull inhumane campaign will be launched against them. Pressure must also be focused on the Turkish media to press the Turkish Government to act against Bashir and his security forces.

Events in Syria are really historical in scope and could translate in the liberation of millions of people. Dignified and Honorable free peoples of the world must do everything they can to support the brave people risking their lives by flooding the streets to protest peacefully and claim their rights. Let us stand on the right side of the story.

-Mohammed Bsiso has a Masters degree in history from the University of Texas in Dallas. He was originally from the Gaza Strip. He contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com. Visit his blog: www.islamicnewsandhistory.blogspot.com.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Born in a control point


For three years now a UK medical journal, Lancet, has worked with the Palestinian health professionals and researchers to document the effects of stressful living-performing with economic difficulties and shortages, restrictions on movement, political tensions and fears of attack-and has just published its latest results.

Restrictions on the movement is a daily irritant occupied Palestinian territory (oPt): apart from tiresome and humiliating searches at checkpoints, bebøre never know safe, how long does their journeys, or whether, in fact, they can be done at all. But in a medical emergency, these restrictions may be a matter of life or death.

Last year lancets collaborators described living women waiting to give birth during the isrælske bombing raids on Gaza in early 2009 terrorism: they knew they might need urgent medical treatment at a time when they were trapped in their homes during the attacks. This year another of their researchers have looked at what happens to women already in the labour force, which is caught on the busy control points.

Halla Shoaibi of Ann Arbor University in the United States considers that in the period she studied (2000-2007) 10 percent of Palestinian pregnant women were delayed at checkpoints while travelling to hospital food. One result has been a dramatic increase in the number of home births, with women prefer to avoid road trips in the labour force for fear of not being able to reach the hospital in time.

Their fears are well-founded. MS Shoaibi says 69 babies were born at inspection sites during these seven years. Thirty five babies and five of the mothers died, a result which she considers to constitute a crime against humanity.

When the Group Lancet kept their first meeting in March 2009, Gaza is still reeling from the isrælske assault known as Operation Cast lead, which led to the deaths of well over a thousand people. In the most recent publication, researchers come back to this period with further analysis of the survey of material on the impact of the attacks on the civilian population.

Disruption to normal life was great. 45 Percent of those surveyed have had to leave their homes and move in with other people for at least 24 hours; 48 percent had other people move in with them; 48 percent of homes were damaged. Almost all had power cuts all or part of the time, and many also little disruption of other services-telephone, water supply and rubbish collection.

Psychological effects

In psychological effects reported 80 percent of a family member screaming or crying, or have nightmares. Loss of appetite was also commonly reported. But even if Gaza is a relatively small area, the effects varied considerably according to which the respondents fine, with the provinces of Gaza and North Gaza and Khan Yunis, and Rafah (near the border with Egypt) the least affected.

Another study looked at the feeling of insecurity, which remained, even six months after the end of the attacks. Some of the results could have expected-women, for example, felt more nervous and uncertain than men. The groups, which reported lower levels of uncertainty were those who were better educated, and had a better standard of living, and also the elderly, those over 65 years of age.

Not all studies published are directly linked to the Palestinian political situation; topics include smoking among teenagers, the number of pharmacists working in the territories (rather high, as it turns out), and the use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine.

Lancets Editor, Richard Horton, stresses the importance of encouraging academic research in all aspects of health, as part of the process of rebuilding Palestinian society and to strengthen its academic institutions.

He says he sees two immediate priorities: "first, while cooperation between scientists in Gaza and their colleagues in the West Bank is encouraging, more effort must be invested in order to build productive alliances between Palestinian academic institutions. And second, while there is much force in public health research, there is a gap in the clinical sciences. More attention needs to be paid to the strengthening of research into the many excellent clinical facilities in the region. "

-This article was published in the IRIN news-www.irinnews.org.


Audaciously sailing on, with hope!

By Hagit Drills

For 44 years, people in the territories occupied by Israel in 1967 are awaiting their freedom. In Gaza, has people waited five years to a transition from the world's largest open air prison; for resumption of at least some measure of freedom of movement for the resumption of safe fishing and raw materials for re-emergence of trade and industry. Since Operation Cast lead, two and a half years ago, they have been also been waiting the arrival of building materials, which would allow them to rebuild their homes, their schools, their hospitals, their infrastructure destroyed by Israel.

For six months now, and like my 40 colleagues passengers, I expected to sail to Gaza. For more than a year, Ann and Jane and Laurie and Helaine and Nic and so many others worked tirelessly on the US boat to Gaza. Sometime last winter, our individual efforts CAME together to become the stream would be Audacity of hope.

For more than a year now, the organisers and passengers in 22 other countries worked continuously in order to bring about their own sail to Gaza. In more than four years, have freedom of movement within Gaza worked to bring both to Gaza. Start with a boat, and then another, and another, and finally, last year, a flotilla.

Even last spring, all of these streams came together to become a Gaza-bound River – flotilla II: stay human River, bringing many of us to Greece, where another powerful river running. The River is originated from the popular uprising of the people of Greece against the austerity measures imposed on them by the Government of Greece, which in turn was dictated by the IMF, largely controlled by the US corporate interests, and of the financial institutions in the EU. It is on the reverse of the Greek population, it appears that the debts incurred through governmental and corporate mismanagement, corruption and greed is payable.

On 1 July 2011, the actions of the Greek Government caused our rivers to merge. The day, just as people in Syntagma Square, we also unarmed and non-violent, accounts for a disproportionate display of force. Also, we were, prevented abandoned our right to protest injustice, when the Greek Government decided to confront us with faceless commandos and automatic weapons. When it is selected to act, once again as an enforcer of diktats originating elsewhere – this time from Israel with the backing of the European Union and the United States.

Our boat was forced back to Athens, and our captain was arrested. But on many important points, we are very much still in the open sea. Inadvertently, the Audacity of hope, in his valiant attempt to break away, has become a symbol of standing up to the control and the abuse of the powerful and the mighty. We have been speakers truth to power. Already has our path has been followed by Tahrir, the Canadian boat with its splendid very nearly successful attempt to escape the Hellenic Coast Guard on July 4th, at Guernica, Spanish boat whose passengers now occupied the Spanish Embassy in Athens, refuses to leave until given permission to sail, and Juliano, Greek/Norwegian/Swedish ship. Freshly repaired after being sabotaged on 27. June, Juliano has already forced the Hellenic Coast Guard to move on July 6th, with continued hope that it will be able to break away and join the French ship, Le whole-El Karameh in international waters. Already, our river has expanded and its bed has been deepened by our joint actions with the Greek demonstrators in marches and demonstrations in Syntagma Square, in front of the Greek Ministry of citizen protection in front of isrælske and American embassies in Athens, and in the Spanish Embassy in front.

As the Audacity of hope is now negotiating its passage from the concrete to the symbolic, from the current of history, our river flows on to merge with our latest mentors – organizers of Arab spring in Tunisia, in Egypt and in Yemen, in Libya, Syria and Bahrain, which has taught us so much about the truth and power. Every day, dolls lines in this new and ever-so-old divide more clearly. Every day, is a choice made by individuals, institutions and Governments. On our side is that the Palestinian people, people in the Middle East and North Africa, the Greek people, the people of Wisconsin, Portugal and France people and so many others.

And who is on the second page? A little to be said about the isrælske Government, which has now connected to international coercion and systematically lying to his list of achievements. Or whether the United States's Government, which will not bother to hide from us or from the world's attitude to our mission. In a very public statement gave Secretary Clinton practical Israel green light to attack unarmed American citizens. US Embassy officials in Athens, on the other hand, the Greek sicced police on our handful of hunger strikers twice on July 4th. But on the other side is also the IMF and the corporate and banking interests which it represents, and many, all too many European governments. How sad that this is the page, as the Government of Greece has chosen, most recently with his votes on 21. on June 28 and 29. June and her decision to use "all necessary means" to stop our boats.

No, our journey is not. 23 August, 2008, liberty, the first ship movement free Gaza sailed to Gaza and its 41 activists were the first internationals to enter Gaza by sea in 41 years. Less than three years later, more than 500,000 people have volunteered to sail with the bo human flotilla. How many more this week? The next month? Next year? How many more coming by sea, landing at airports, marching at the borders? Assembling in the city squares and along boulevards? Challenging Governments and corporations? Pushing against the blockade after the blockade? How many more rivers merge to flow into Gaza and further?

For our journey is just want to start, and we sail on, audaciously, and with hope.

-Hagit Drills moved from Israel to the United States to study in 1977. She became an American citizen in 1992 and is a professor of Linguistics at USC. (This article was contributed to PalestineChronicle.com.)


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Israel boycott laws attack on freedom of expression

By Amnesty International

A law adopted by the isrælske the Knesset (Parliament) makes it a punishable offence to call for a boycott against the State of Israel or its West Bank settlements Gets a chilling methods effect on freedom of speech in Israel, said Amnesty International today.

Controversial law, passed Monday evening, makes it a civil offence to require an economic, cultural and academic boycott of persons or institutions in Israel or the occupied Palestinian territories (OPT) for political reasons. Anyone making such calls could be faced with a lawsuit and other financial penalties.

Sponsors of the Bill, originally proposed in July 2010, Knesset member and coalition Chairman since Elkin, has made it clear that one of the main objectives of the legislation is to punish them by using the boycott call to campaign against Isræls illegal settlements in the OPT or highlight the ongoing violations of Palestinian rights caused by the settlements.

"Despite proponents claim the contrary, this law is a blatant attempt to stifle peaceful dissent and campaign by attacking the right to freedom of expression, as all Governments must maintain," said Philip Luther, Amnesty International's Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

"The broad definition of boycott could apply to anyone seeking to use this non-violent means of disagreement to criticise any single person or institution involved in human rights violations or violations of international law in Israel or the occupied Palestinian territories."

Promoted and supported by the Government, the law was Netanyanhu adopted by 47 votes to 36, although the top legal advisors of the Knesset and Isræls the Attorney General said it was "borderline illegal". More isrælske human rights NGOs have indicated that they plan to challenge the law in the Isræls High Court of Justice.

Parties filing lawsuits would not have to prove that a call to boycott has resulted in actual damages, which the courts can order persons or organisations are calling for a boycott to pay compensation regardless of the damage caused.

The law also allows the minister of finance to revoke tax-exempt status for NGOs are calling for a boycott, which threatens funding on as many isrælske human rights NGOs chairs. Enterprises or organisations participating in a boycott could also be disqualified from applying for public contracts.

This is only one of many laws recently adopted or are considered by the Knesset, which has been criticized by isrælske human rights NGOs for restriction of freedom of expression, in isrælske civil society organizations or the Palestinian citizens and their political representatives ' rights.

Isræls policy of establishing settlements in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, violating the Fourth Geneva Convention and is considered a war crime, according to the Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Amnesty International has repeatedly urged the isrælske authorities to terminate the settlement construction as a first step towards fully remove illegal isrælske settlements from the occupied Palestinian territories.

Amnesty International has taken no position on the boycott throughout the world, but fear that this law will lead to violations of the right to freedom of expression of those who call for the boycott.

(Amnesty International UK. Press Release; 12 July 2011.)


Diplomacy goes to water directives with isrælerne

By Stuart Reigeluth

The Palestinians have stood in line for decades, waiting to join the global family of Nations, waiting for international recognition, waiting, most of all super power the seal of approval.

There is a historical irony in South Sudan skip the line and becomes the 193rd country today, but Palestine can have its chance yet in September in the United Nations.

The UN's General Assembly consists of the 193 States now (including South Sudan soon) and needs 2/3 majority of the 128 States to approve the UN's Security Council recommendation concerning the Palestinian State, But if the United States imposes a movement at the UN's Security Council — as it is supposed to do — then the recommendation does not, of course, will proceed to the next phase.

What can the Palestinians? They could nudge to circumvent the Security Council with an appeal to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and argue that the near certain U.S. veto was issued other inappropriate reasons, but this is a non starter, since it would take a long time and Israel does not seem to respect the ICJ decisions under all circumstances. Anyone remember ' Separation ' wall?

There is then the ability to bypass the U.S. veto by invoking a "Uniting for peace" resolution, which was used in 1950 to circumvent the USSR vetoes during the Korea war. The UN's general Assembly could take collective action here say that a Security Council veto "fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security".

Israel naturally does not want Palestinians to accede to the international family of Nations. Imagine a UN Member State (Israel), occupying a different UN Member State (Palestine) — how absurd?

But the situation is beyond the absurd: unlikely Israel respects the United Nations as an international institution and could care less about the State of Palestine, the peace with the Palestinians or other kind of recognition.

And the Palestinian people and the politicians realize that UN bid is not likely to lead to full UN membership, the Palestinian State and sovereignty or an end to the isrælske military occupation of the West Bank, lifting of the siege of Gaza and the passivity of a Palestinian capital — as symbolic as it may be — somewhere in whatever remains occupied East Jerusalem enclave.

But this is a great diplomatic achievement for Palestinians — the latest of many attempts to enter mainstream international politics as a recognized sovereign State. Arafat may have been corrupted and could not manage the various Palestinian factions, thanks in large part to Isræls divide and rule policy, but it was Arafat who put Palestine on the political map.

First, it was with the armed opposition to Arafat and his men fought against the expanding and bellicose Zionist entity suddenly had conquered all of Palestinian territory, the Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula: in 1967 Israel routed the Arab armies; Pan-Arabism was dead or at least Nasserism was; and the Palestinians decided to take their fate into their own hands.

The Palestine Liberation organisation (PLO) was then expelled from Jordan during the ' Black September ' 1970, moved to Lebanon and started launching cross-border attacks against Israel.

Tit for tat mini-war of attrition endured through the 1970s. The PLO created a State-of-a-State in Beirut and was embroiled in the long Lebanese civil war. After Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1978, Israel turned its attention immediately to eradicate cross-border raids and invaded southern Lebanon.

Four years later, Arafat and the PLO were deported to Tunisia, where they withered until the outbreak of the Palestinian intifada in 1987 largely sustained by the nascent Islamic resistance movement (Hamas) in Gaza.

This confluence of geographical distance, betrayal by Arab leaders, Isræls complicity with Washington and the emergence of a single (Islamic) competitor who pushed Arafat to give up armed resistance and turn to diplomatic overtures coexistence with Israel. 1988 Algiers Declaration of independence followed shortly thereafter, and with the two-State solution.

As David Hirst discusses in his excellent book beware of small States (2010), what Arafat wanted most was international recognition — above all from the United States. Diplomacy paid and his PLO was recognized as the ' sole, legitimate representative ' for the Palestinian people, but the United States did not go as far as support for Palestinian State.

Other countries did. Some 115 States have already recognised the Palestine as a State, although Palestine as such does not exist — another of these so intrinsic to the Palestinian predicament absurdities.

UN recognises at least not States; recognition is achieved through bilateral ties, as in the Palestinian case, solidified and enhanced with trade. More than 20 years after Arafat pulled the Palestinians in the long process towards peace in Madrid (1990) and contract the Oslo agreements which have been very few fruits from Palestinian diplomacy.

-Stuart Reigeluth is managing editor of spin Magazine and working on the Council for European Palestinian relations in Brussels. Visit: www.revolve-magazine.com. He contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com. (This article was first published in Gulf News-gulfnews.com)


Friday, November 18, 2011

Zionists in our midst: the battle of United Kingdom II

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By Stuart Littlewood

Churchill, in his Battle of Britain speech 71 years ago, said: 'If we can stand up to him [Hitler], all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age, made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science...'

Today those "broad, sunlit uplands" of Churchill's are again shrouded in storm-clouds. Zionist infiltrators have succeeded where Hitler failed. The difference now is that the enemy’s invasion forces are not massing across the Channel. They are already here in our midst and we are indeed on the brink of a new Dark Age, as the ruthless conspiracy masterminded by foreign interests expands its influence by stealth and by subversion and by intimidation.

America is sliding into the abyss fast as US Congressmen repeatedly parade their abject subservience to the powerful pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC. Who will forget the pathetic spectacle of 29 standing ovations they accorded the swaggering, lying, crazed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu while he delivered his poison?

The question now is whether we in the UK can stand up to the encroaching menace and save "all that we have known and cared for", when we have so completely lost our moral bearings.

We duck our solemn responsibilities under the Geneva Conventions and give Zionist war criminals a safe haven immune from arrest.

We allow fanatics, such as Conservative Friends of Israel, to organize and promote the interests of the criminal Israeli regime at the very heart of Westminster government.

We allow MPs to place themselves under the influence of foreign interest groups and to abuse the principles that are supposed to underpin standards in public life.

We allow Jews to be hugely over-represented in our Parliament and to dominate key areas of our administration, including those related to security. If Muslims were over-represented to the same extent they’d have 200 seats and action would be taken.

We spend large amounts of treasure and send our troops to murder foreign civilians and die in foreign lands simply to support US-Israeli greed, destroying our own good name in the process.

We allow civil society's hard-earned savings to bail out Zionist bankers in distress and fund endless wars and the corporate and personal profits of those who promote wars.

Civil Society’s Fury

Last week we watched with satisfaction as media mogul and Zionist flag-waver Rupert Murdoch's stranglehold on the political scene in Britain came unglued after revelations of hacking into a murdered schoolgirl’s voicemail and other dirty tricks. But it wasn’t the Establishment or the police that taught Murdoch a much-needed lesson: it was a disgusted civil society whose anger eventually brought down the weight of the law and Parliament on the offenders' heads.

Politicians, from prime ministers down, wet their pants at the thought of how much damage Murdoch's gutter-sniping newspapers could do to them if they didn't bow and scrape to the over-mighty NewsCorp. The News of the World, we were told so many times, had the power to make of break political careers.

That was only true, of course, if the politicians in question were weak and susceptible to pressure – and those are not the sort of politicians we want anyway. Blair and Cameron were at Murdoch's beck and call and socialised with his odious executives, including the scary Rebekah Brooks. Neither had the balls to curb the illegal practices

It finally came down to this. Who were our spineless politicians more scared of – the furious public or ‘Dirty Digger’ Murdoch? Clearly the British people need to show their outrage more often.

When we reach the age of 60 we cringe at how arrogant and ignorant we were at 40. So why saddle ourselves with a gullible 44 year-old prime minister, which is how old Blair was when he entered 10 Downing Street? Cameron was only 43.

Blair at first impressed by being a Flash Harry but in reality was so young, stupid and unprincipled that he became an acute embarrassment, bringing shame on Britain. Cameron is similarly ‘flash’ and continually has to make desperate U-turns to reverse half-baked policies.

Like Blair he’s a warmonger eager to make an impression on the back of someone else’s blood and shredded body parts. Prime minister Cameron recently launched an extraordinary attack on “moaning” military chiefs who had dared to openly question the length of the war in Libya. In a public slap-down he told top brass: “You do the fighting and I’ll do the talking.” He added: ‘I’m absolutely confident that we can keep this pressure up. We can maintain this mission for as long as necessary. Time is on our side.” Arrogant pup, they probably thought.

Indeed. Those were the ill-considered words of a leader whose country is financially broke… and went broke while Cameron and his Conservative buddies were the official opposition charged with the duty of holding the governments of Blair and Brown to account.

So How Bad Is It, Really?

It’s this bad. Britain’s foreign policy remains perfectly aligned with the demands of Israel and its protector, the United States. Long-time friends and admirers of the Israeli regime, such as William Hague and Alistair Burt, are hand-picked to make sure we do not stray from the pro-Israel path no matter how diabolically criminal that regime’s conduct or how offensive the agenda of these Israeli-firsters to ordinary decent British citizens.

Even prime minister Cameron has pledged: “In me, you have a Prime Minister whose belief in Israel is indestructible… I want to be clear, we will always support Israel...” One’s blood runs cold. Is Cameron paid and sworn to represent a foreign military power? It’s not such a silly question as it sounds.

The Foreign Office still refuses to say whether it will protect British subjects and other peaceful nationals from the threat of lethal force by Israel in its attempt to maintain an illegal blockade on Gaza. Instead our ministers effectively endorse the blockade by advising against all travel to the Gaza Strip.

As for Iran the UK has banned more than 80 Iranians from visiting, including scientists and engineers connected with the Iranian nuclear programme, government ministers, members of the judiciary, prison officials and others “who have committed serious human rights abuses”.  Says foreign secretary Hague: "The message to the Iranian government from the UK and its partners is clear: it needs to change its behaviour before it will be treated as a normal member of the international community."

Has Hague banned any Israelis linked to war crimes, human rights abuses and nuclear arms proliferation? Perish the thought. They are not required to “change their behaviour” in the least. They are welcomed with open arms.

Our politicians, in the main, are already Zionist stooges like their American counterparts. Our enforcement agencies are so weakened or dysfunctional and some leading figures are so out of control and doing so much damage that there may soon be no way of reining them in. We are losing control fast and we'll find it difficult to take back our country without organizing serious insurrection.

Churchill, a Zionist sympathizer of the old-fashioned kind, confronted many dire threats but could not have foreseen, in his day, how the tentacles of Zionism would envelop the civilized world. But there’s no excuse for today’s leaders when the truth is so brazenly ugly. That they embrace it and even change our laws to accommodate it, underlines their utter unsuitability for high office.

We stood up to Hitler. Is no-one incorruptible enough to stand against the Zionist menace?

- Stuart Littlewood is author of the book Radio Free Palestine, which tells the plight of the Palestinians under occupation. He contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Confused strategy: How PA sold out Palestinian unit

By Ramzy Baroud

If you happen to be a Palestinian Government employee, chances are you will receive only half your usual salary this month. The second half will only be available when international donors find it in their hearts to do for the enormous shortage of funds currently facing the Palestinian Authority (PA).

With a deficit standing at around 640 million dollars, Prime minister Salam Fayyad PA Government is experiencing one of its worst ever financial crisis. The Palestinian economy, however, is not a real economy of universally accepted standards. It survives largely on handouts of donor countries. These funds have saved Israel much of its financial responsibility as an occupying power under the stipulations of the Fourth Geneva Convention. They also have hidden up a Palestinian leadership that is trying to ensure its own survival at serving the interests of major donors.

Funds, however, are now drying. This could be attributed to a political attempt to deter PA President Mahmoud Abbas from seeking recognition of a Palestinian State in the UNITED NATIONS next September. PA officials have been very agitated by Shift, blamed donor countries, including Arab countries, not to honour their financial obligations.

Yasser Abed Rabbo, Secretary general of the PLO, spoke of a crisis to voice of Palestine Radio ' unprecedented '. "The situation has become very complicated for the Palestinian Authority because of the failure of the Arab countries to meet their financial commitments."

Fayyad suggested it was ' irony ', the current crisis comes at a time when the PA had reduced its dependence on foreign assistance for nearly half — from 1.8 billion in 2008 to 970 m $ – according to the Jerusalem Post. Now, even this half is cut, as only $ 331 m of the promised $ 970 m has been received.

Top PA officials have yet to join open dots between wrongful retention of funds and the political reality in Palestine. Fayyad insisted that "the crisis does not cause doubts our preparedness for the establishment of the State," while Abed Rabbo alleged that the crisis would not stop the PA's efforts to seek an independent State along the pre-1967 lines.

PA undoubtedly understand the financial costs of any political adventure that is deemed unfavorable to Israel-especially since they are continually are reminded of the ' historical tapes ' and ' shared values ' that unites Israel and the United States.

One such reminder had the huge margin of us House of representatives in July 2007. It was an "overwhelming 406-6 vote," AFP reported, where U.S. legislators, "warned the Palestinians that they risk cuts in U.S. aid if they pursue UN recognition of a future State is not defined in direct negotiations with Israel." The message echoed another vote on a similar resolution in the US Senate.

Such blind support for Israel by u.s. serves to make life much easier for isrælske diplomats. They must now focus less on the United States than in those European countries that have pledged to back PA statehood initiative.

PA is of course very vulnerable to threats, despite their insistence to the contrary. When the United States and the other begins to toss wrongful retention of funds card, swaying any fixed PA political program usually in confusing and even self-destructive political babble. Lack security of pas political language could be attributed to the fear that a single decision to withhold funds combined with a isrælske decision to hold taxes collected on behalf of the PA, the Government would not last more than a mere weeks.

We should remember that the West Bank and East Jerusalem is occupied. Deprived of even a hint of territorial sovereignty and presiding over a donation-based national economy, the PA has no political independence outside the allowable margins allowed by the United States and Israel, countries that are determined to defeat the Palestinian national project.

The Palestinian Authority has to contend with this strange situation since its inception in 1994. Become a guardian of the Palestinian national interest and simultaneously fulfils the Isræls political interests and U.S. expectations is an impossible feat. That enigma will be determined almost always at the expense of the Palestinians themselves. The latest accident has been the unit signed between Hamas and pas ruling party, Fatah, in Egypt on April 27.

Unit was crucial to a coherent political programme to be formed against Palestinian rights and possible statehood. When the agreement was officially signed the beginning of may, it was assumed that the various committees would be able to quickly end the process with a view to setting a date for future elections and bringing a complete end four-year feud between the two factions.

A counter isrælske strategy, however, was soon counterfeited. May 4, as Palestinians celebrated their unit, led isrælske prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu counter campaign from London. "What happened today in Cairo is a huge blow to the peace and a great victory for terrorism," he told journalists (as reported by Reuters). United States echoed Netanyahu's helm words, EU countries reacted ' gently ', and arm-twisting began.

Once again stood Abbas and PA with a dilemma about priorities. Government of national unity in Palestine was to suffer a further blow. "The Palestinian President would not want to lead two diplomatic battle for the recognition of an alliance with the Islamic militants and a UN nod to State at the same time," said an official in the PLO (as quoted by the Associated Press and Håretz).

The vote in the UN would "be a largely symbolic step that Palestinians hope nevertheless want to improve their leverage against Israel," according to the report AP. ' Symbolic ' maybe, but it is a priority, Abbas feels comes ahead of much-needed national unity and a unified political program.

In the meantime arrested PA forces — trained and armed by the United States and in constant coordination with the isrælske army – reportedly 68 Hamas members in recent weeks, according to a report by Maan News Agency, quoting a Hamas statement.

While Abbas is now pursuing a diplomatic mission to drum up support for his UN initiative, try Fayyad to collect funds to prop up PA economy some more months. In the meantime, Palestinian national unity, without which the Palestinians remain hopelessly fragmented and vulnerable to external pressure and foreign priorities – will remain merely ink on paper.

-Ramzy Baroud (www.ramzybaroud.net) is an internationally syndicated columnist and editor of PalestineChronicle.com. His latest book, my father was a freedom fighter: Gaza's Untold Story (Pluto Press, London), available on Amazon.com.

View the original article here

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The case of Rachel Corrie: Colonel Pinky's last stand

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By Hatim Kanaaneh

The last session of the Rachel Corrie court case in Haifa had been repeatedly postponed on account of the weightiness of the witness. Colonel Pinhas Zuaretz, better known by his nickname, Pinky, was the commanding officer of the Gaza Division’s Southern Brigade at the time the late peace activist was killed. I decided to display my solidarity with my fellow countryman, to wear my heart on my sleeve so to speak. Lacking pink in my wardrobe I donned the loudest Aloha shirt I had with large off-pink flowery pattern. Pinky turned out to be weighty indeed: a rotund, dark-skinned, middle-aged man with closely cropped salt-and-pepper scalp, thick black eyebrows and bulldoggish jowls. Despite the reassurance of our shared Semitic features, his presence evoked in me the same gut-level discomfort I had always sensed whenever seeing Ariel Sharon or our current foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman.

Don’t jump to conclusions, please! Some of my best friends are rotund. I have a teenage neighbor who on occasion helps me collect my free-range chicken eggs. He has a low IQ and an inborn glandular disorder that stores excessive fat on his short torso. Also I have many American friends who tower a foot or more over me. Whether a war criminal, a bar bouncer, a simpleton, or an average well-fed person, the sheer bulk of a corpulent man is enough to intimidate and rile me on the inside. Today’s witness was no exception: I wished I had worn black.

Even before he spoke, I decided that I wouldn’t want to wrestle with the man. His body language and his automatic assumption of priority in communicating with the judge, whose ruddy complexion suggested another longish repose on some tropical seaside, did little to reassure me. But Husain Abu-Husain proceeded right away to tangle with the man and to try to cut him down to size: How can a man of his rank make so many spelling mistakes in his written affidavit, Abu-Husain asked? Would he care to comment about the sexual harassment case a woman soldier once brought against him? Would he commit to the principle of protecting human life? To this last one Colonel Pinky acquiesced begrudgingly after stressing his first allegiance to protecting the life of his soldiers. And was he still convinced of his conclusion after his rushed investigation of the case of the late Rachel Corrie only hours after his soldiers’ D9R Caterpillars had crushed her to death that their conduct was flawless? To this he responded in the positive stating that Rachel had died through her own carelessness and willful interference on the side of the terrorists who had sent her to disrupt the soldiers’ orderly carrying out of their duty of leveling an area. The presence of the home of a certain Dr. Khalil and another ‘yellow house’ repeatedly mentioned in the military investigations was considered immaterial not only by the witness but also by the judge who struck the line of questioning from the record.

In Colonel Pinky’s logic there seemed to be no place for doubt: things were either white or black. What he repeatedly asserted was that the whole area was a war zone and anyone present in it was as good as dead, “ben mavit -- mortal” by definition. Rachel was on the side of the enemy and her death should have been a forgone conclusion. How could someone miss such simple logic? Pinky shook his head repeatedly in exasperation at the unbelievable stupidity of his doubters. And his soldiers were performing their duties in a war zone. That included the killing of enemy combatants or of their supporters and messengers, he seemed to imply. And yet his soldiers acted in a humane manner. They tried to give first aid to the accidentally injured woman. Pinky emphasized this ‘humane gesture’ that his soldiers extended to another victim whom they had shot dead as well. This last bit of logic made perfect sense to me: When you willfully shoot to kill someone, why would you want to extend first aid to him or her? Indeed this was beyond the call of duty.

When Abu-Husain pointed out a contradiction between Pinky’s written affidavit and other documents on record regarding an injury he claimed he had suffered, the judge stepped in to rule that as irrelevant. This protective intervention was to be repeated by the judge several times, usually in response to the objection of the defense lawyer raised with such animated movement of her brightly manicured pretty hands over her head out of synch with whatever she was saying. I figured the woman would be something to behold with her favorite witness on a dance floor; she seemed so twirly and sympathetic to his preposterous who-the-hell-is-this-Arab-questioning-my-judgment stance.

Twice, in his attempt to shield the witness from the aggression of his unjust doubters, the judge made pronouncements so damning of the IDF that I expected Pinky to get up and slug him in the mouth: When Abu-Husain brought up the case of a soldier under Pinky’s command who had killed another international activist, lied about the circumstances of the murder and his story was taken as the honest truth by Pinky, the judge did not allow that into the record because he thought it was irrelevant to Rachel’s case. Besides, the judge rationalized, soldiers lie just as others do including in his court. Then there was the issue of drug abuse in the unit the members of which were involved in Rachel’s demise. Again the judge threw that out explaining that drug abuse was widespread in all units of the IDF. I expected Pinky to maul him so hard that he would need to go back to R&R at some far off rehab facility. But the commander swallowed the insult quietly. After all, from the start he gave signs of a common understanding between him, the defense, and the judge, not the result of some collusion, God forbid, but of each doing his duty in repulsing the onslaught of so many goyim on “the most ethical army in the world.” But especially Pinky had an expression of disgust at being badgered by a team of Palestinian lawyers. It didn’t make sense to me: True Abu-Husain is of darker skin and that may have justified Pinky’s look of condescension in his own eyes. But Dakwar, the second prosecution lawyer, is as fair-skinned as they come, fairer than the judge himself. I figured it must be size that decides status this time around.

In Colonel Pinky’s clear-minded view, the last question that Abu-Husain lobbed at him must have looked like the nastiest of curveballs: Abu-Husain must have seemed to him to be intent on adding insult to injury. He, a former ranking colonel and currently the Deputy Head of the FIDF (Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces,) had been already dragged enough through the mud: He had to defend himself against the attacks of a scrawny (by comparison) dark-skinned (also relatively so) Palestinian (also relatively so since his Palestinianism had been compromised by an Israeli citizenship in Pinky’s black-and-white world,) reminiscent in his private thoughts, no doubt, of the standard IDF practice dummies. And now the dark-faced, kaffiyah-clad, hole-riddled scarecrow wanted him to apologize to the parents of that foreign pro-terrorist provocateur! These Ishmaelites, our leaders told us, were supposed to serve us as “Hewers of wood and drawers of water.” Look at them now, biting the hand that feeds them. How terribly insulting it must have felt to the colonel. Thanks God the judge interfered and promptly halted the assault on the defenseless soldier even before the defense lawyers objected. He angrily explained the inappropriateness of such a gesture before He Himself had a chance to issue His ruling.

In rural Galilee the older folks tell a story about a wild Bedouin’s first encounter with the law. He was dragged into town and kept overnight in a cell repeatedly threatened by his jailers with having to face the judge. After the affair was over he was heard explaining gleefully: “I was scared stiff by the prospect of tangling with the judge. But the judge turned out to be a man.”

After all, our judge turns out to be an Israeli man. I bet you my last Aloha shirt the Corries will not get the one dollar they are suing for.

- Hatim Kanaaneh, MD, MPH is the author of 'A Doctor in Galilee: the Life and Struggle of a Palestinian in Israel', Pluto Press, 2008. He contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com. Visit: http://a-doctor-in-galilee.blogspot.com.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Police contradicts the Jordan in talks

on 17 July 2011, last updated at 15: 28, Protesters clash with riot police during a demonstration in Amman, 15 July, 2011 , ET Klimaflüchtlinge in Jordan require the political and economic reforms, the Jordanian authorities have arrested four suspected police officers using excessive force against the Klimaflüchtlinge of democracy, and journalists.

Friday saw the baton as a shareholder, officers of the police, contrary to the tens of demonstrators Protest attempts to set the camp in the Centre of the capital Amman.

At least 15 people injured.

Among them were several photographers and reporters.

This has led the police to stop them on the cover of targeting journalists protest claims.

About 100 journalists held a Protest Sunday in Amman to condemn the police action.

A police spokesman, Lt Col Mohamed al-Khatib, said the investigation was ongoing to determine whether the policemen had broken the law. He said more were arrested, could.

The Jordan Press Association has said it intends to sue the Police Department in this country.

Jordan, the Arab Nations throughout the Middle East has grown over the past generation has a Protest movement demanding political and economic reforms and corruption.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Israel-the McFalafel menu

on 13 July 2011, last updated at 10: 39 ET Yolande Knell, BBC News Customers at a McDonald's in West Jerusalem. customers in Jerusalem, By level, corresponding to the purchase of hamburgers at McDonald Jerusalem international McDonald's burger chain is withdrawing the favorite snack of the Middle East, falafel, restaurants from Israel on its version.

It says the McFalafel are houkutelleet relatively little clients, when it was introduced earlier this year.

Deep-fried chickpea patties are widely available on the street food stalls.

"We have realised that the falafel is not part of the McDonald 's" Omri Matelote, CEO, McDonald's Israel, told News site Ynet.

"We wanted a vegetarian dish ... but does not succeed. Falafel-dish progressively removing menus, "he is quoted as saying.

McDonald's fell to comment, in addition, the BBC, but said it was a resource for new products.

Blocking device for the admission are unusual in its attempts to match the menus around the world, the local market for the company.

Falafel wrap Hamburgers and potatoes Falafel fast food is in the style of the Middle East

Some of the customers of McDonald's outlet, the Western Jerusalem Malha, Jerusalem-the Mall seemed to mind the McFalafel is no longer available.

Sara "I have never heard about it," said. "Their specialty is the hot dogs. We do not need to make the United States [] McDonald's future falafel. We have locations in Israel. "

"I have never tried it," added to the Kfir, waiting for an order for their children's burgers and fries. "But it will help you understand why people wanted to get a falafel, go to the box to the falafel."

Close the vendor says the base falafel is harder than people think to make a good falafel.

"Falafel is fresh. We make it fresh everyday, never frozen, "he says."This is what very well. "

A snack is popular for much of the Middle East, where chick peas are usually balls deep-fried and served in salads and flat bread, pickles everywhere.

Houmous-chickpea dip switches such as the food of the cause of controversy. Israel and the Palestinians claim as a national dish.


Hosni Mubarak denied opposition in coma

on 17 July 2011, last updated at 15: 55 Hosni Mubarak in Cairo, 19 October -of-ET Hosni Mubarak was one of the world's longest place of Presidents Hosni Mubarak, a leading physician is blocked, the Chairman of the Egyptian vihollisiin has suffered or fallen into the coma on the canvas.

Dr. Assem Azzam said that he had suffered from low blood pressure and the bout was in stable condition.

Mr. Mubarak has received treatment in hospital in Sharm el-Sheikh because he was ousted in February.

He organized the delivery charges of corruption and a subscription to the Klimaflüchtlinge during the uprising in Egypt for the kidnappings.

Mr. Mubarak is due to go on day 3 in August 2005.

"I've reviewed him. He is in stable condition. What happened was he got a little dizzy because his blood pressure was low. The doctors involved, "said Dr. Azzam. "It is only the Hypotension, not in a coma."

Mr. Mubarak lawyer, Farid el-Deeb had earlier said: "the President had a sudden stroke. The doctors are trying to bring him or her consciousness. In total, he is in a coma. "

The BBC's Jon Leyne in Cairo, says, the opposition supporters believe that the Egyptian army in the rulers Do not want to go forward, for fear of embarrassment, if the trial version may be the cause.

He adds that this latest episode only adds to their reports on the health of the Mubarak Mr epäilevään.

The cabinet reshuffle

In the meantime, the Prime Minister of Egypt, Essam Sharaf has started his promised cabinet reshuffle, as protests continue over those political reforms.

Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Orabi's resignation, and it has been replaced by Mohammed Kamel Amr.

The two new Deputy Executive Director of the Prime Ministers have been named: the Economist Hazem El Beblawi, 74 and 75-year-old Ali al-Wafd party, Egypt, and Silmi's oldest political party leader.

Among the demands of corrupt officials in the Klimaflüchtlinge, who served under President Mubarak condemned.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Visa plan a Yemeni UK arrivals

on 14 July 2011, last updated at 10: 59 UK Border Agency label ET emerging terrorist threats to the UK, calls on the new rules, said all the Yemeni may is Theresa haul flights to United Kingdom nationals are travelling through the visa, even if they are in transit, it was announced.

Home Secretary Theresa may said Yemen was "a real concern in the glass and the international community".

Citizens need a visa to Yemen from Thursday travelling to the UK, even though they are in transit and the design of the incoming and outgoing from the same airport before.

On Monday, the threat of terror will reduce the level of the UK are from "serious", "substantial".

MRS. may said that direct airside transit visa (DATV)-after the introduction of the system, the number of countries was added to the list of accounts that require.

Concern in the press

"This has been done on the emerging threat of terrorism in the UK," he said.

"Recent events have stressed that the international community for Yemen, the real and urgent.

"We feel that the introduction of the Yemeni citizen travelling through UK DATV-the system is reasonable and proportionate response to the threat."

Detroit-the bomber who tried to blow up a Christmas day 2009, the airplane, trained in Yemen, Mrs may said.

And the cartridges, which were found on board the East Midlands Airport and in Dubai last October, was also posted on the bombs disguised as a Yemeni, he added.

MRS. may this week reduce UK terror threat level.

The new alert level meant the risk of a terrorist attack was considered a "strong possibility", and "may also occur without warning, still", "he said.

"The Threat level changes does not mean that the overall threat has gone away," added Mrs may.

"It is still a real and grave threat to the UK and I would like to ask the public to remain ever."


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Comic book heroes to make extremist on Facebook

on 14 July 2011, last updated 03: 15 ET By Jane Wakefield-technology reporter Grab from Happy Oasis TEDGlobal, Edinburgh, Happy Oasis already achieved a large following on Facebook. Social media game, where the super heroes at the heart of the Arab has been launched on Facebook.

Bakhit, the man behind the project Suleiman hopes that a Happy Oasis to create positive role models for children who might otherwise enticed by extremist views.

The game was launched this week and has already attracted 50,000 followers.

The newly appointed TED fellow Mr. Bakhit spoke about his project to Edinburgh. TEDGlobal

Mr. Bakhit, originating in Jordan, was a student of Minnesota in the US, the 9 and 11 at the time of the attacks. Shortly after that, he was attacked by four men, because he was Arab.

Magic Comic book characters Mr. Bakhit carpet has created a comic book character spacing

Feeling bitter instead of Mr. Bakhit courses decided to campaign.

"I realized how to fight extremism, start with young people. The message was simple: "we are not all terrorists", "he told the BBC.

Armed with a magic carpet, she thus began, Aladdin-style Stories tell of the local schools.

"One day the child asked me if it was a man of steel, the Arab, and I have been realized," he said.

And so began his comic book project, which was intended as a positive role in Arab-models, including the women of James Bond and Jordan special agent, which is fighting to create an area of extremists.

Jordan Mr. Bakhit has sold his comics 300 000 copies and came to realise the market was in the web version.

"The dying medium of Print, but there are 30 million Arabs on Facebook so I thought of making use of social games with the same message," he said.

Mr. Bakhit wanted to ensure that his characters relate to the children he had attained.

Jordanian girl reading a comicHe was a huge hit Jordan

"I took a P2P approach to engaging the kids to get ideas," he said.

He was unsure whether or not dressed in a burqa, until he showed the focus group, a character in the character Animation.

"They loved the idea, so he had to," he said.

The first game featured special agent for the element, and at the same time, Oh, it was Mr. Bakhit, the words "not good", it shows him in this kind of project opportunities.

"The fans were discussing games and arguing about in the forums. I went as an element of o, and the arguments immediately stopped, "he said.

Mr. Bakhit said, he wants to now take the book to his comic template on to Pakistan, where the extremist is a growing problem.


Friday, November 11, 2011

In Estonia, free hostages in Lebanon

on 14 July 2011, last updated at 07: 13 Estonian hostages appearing in video shot by their captors Estonian cyclists WILL appeared in three videos of their captors, the seven Estonian published has been released from Lebanon, were abducted after nearly four months ago.

It is supplied, the city in the Eastern Beqaa Valley Arsal, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

"We have freed the men in the country, Beirut's Embassy to the French. Notification of the Ministry of health, their condition is good, "said.

The Group were the tourists, who, since the country Syria bicycle tour of the gunmen was seized in the Beqaa.

"The most important thing now is we get the seven countrymen yourself to their families and loved ones home page and as soon as possible," said Foreign Minister Urmas Paet.

Mr Paet is expected to fly to Lebanon, and the saattajavaatimusten of his compatriots at home in the flight of the freed.

Since Estonia does not have diplomatic representation in Lebanon, the cyclists were taken initially to the French Embassy in the capital, Beirut. French diplomats were being their release.

Map locating Bekaa valley in Lebanon

"For us the only priority right now is to ensure they arrive safe and sound to the Embassy, and then we hear, regardless of the details are," said Lebanese Interior Minister Marwan Charbel.

Beqaa Valley is the notorious laittomuuden.

Previously unknown group called the Al-Nahda Haraket-Wal Islah movement of renewal and reform, or claimed, and is implemented by means of a claimed the kidnap.

Cycles belonging to kidnapped EstoniansTouring cyclists had Crossed Syria, into the lawless Valley in Lebanon, Eastern Beqaa

Kidnappers released three videos showing hostages. Videos made by the political requirements.

It is whether the ransom was paid, finally published securing the release of the cyclists.

Their studies during the Lebanese authorities have arrested the suspected destination, including the neighborhoods of Islamists. But most of the detainees has been released for lack of evidence.

Kidnapping of Westerners was once relatively common, but much of the war, have become less common since the end of the year in 1990.

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