Saturday, June 4, 2011

Radicalisation: it is not a Muslim thing

By Tammy Obeidallah

New York Congressman Pete King served as the ringmaster in the latest Congressional circus examines Muslim ' radicalisation ' and its perceived threat to the Homeland. Unfortunately, I was not invited to testify at this hearing, otherwise I would have been glad to be able to share my insights with Congressman King for the "radicalisation" mean and how I was "radicalized."

Granted, I am not a Muslim; Therefore, I would not pretend to speak for Muslims, "radicalized" or not. However, I would like to present a risk but guess I could do a better job than Minnesota representative Keith Ellison, first Muslim elected to Congress, who tearfully told the story of Mohammad Salman Hamdani during the recent consultations. Hamdani was the Pakistani Muslim firefighter killed on 9/11, which was posthumously accused of a co-conspirator in the attacks, allegations which were later proven false. The gripping theatrics by Ellison would have been an appropriate show of sympathy, were it not for the fact that a large part of his Congressional career to date have been devoted to serve as a poster boy for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  Engage in such "image-building" abroad illustrates the tolerant and diverse country United States really is and that Muslims is accepted and even elected to prominent positions in Government — once they have been waterboarding or spied on while praying. Ellison also served proudly as token Muslim on a trip to the Jewish State sponsored by America Israel education Federation and visited Iraq in order to personally equip praise on the occupiers.

The Imam was not be back, if Exchange with Rauf then john and now co-host on yet another talking head Show on CNN Elliot Spitzer, was posted to the aptly named blog "ikhras," (Arabic for "shut up"). Raufs only complaint about Peter King hearings was that several law-enforcement agencies had not invited to witness how many Muslims Quisling's new for the FBI, espionage in mosques and inform on their neighbours. Such gross shows loyalty to a determined to oppress not only Muslims, but peace activists as well as the Organization — 23 of which have been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury — pushes those of us who believe in civil disobedience rather than cooperation a little closer to the "radicalisation."

According to Wikipedia, is "radicalisation" defined as "the process by which a single person changes from passivity or activism become more revolutionary, militant or extremist. Radicalisation is often associated with youth, tribulation, alienation, social exclusion, poverty, or the perception of injustice itself or others. " For the same reason, it is a "radical" "a person who owns or follows strong convictions or extreme principles, extremist" or "person who is in favour of the fundamental political, economic and social reforms through direct and often uncompromising methods." While the word "militant" has a violent connotation, the definition specifically does not include the word "violence" or the word "religion." In fact, tens of thousands of non-Muslims in Wisconsin has been "radicalized" by a Hitleresque attack on trade unions, but they have been fairly peaceful so far.

Become a Christian, meant my "radicalisation" not indoctrination by Islamic militants; It started with my own observations during a trip to Palestine in 2001. One of the first things I witnessed was an Orthodox Jew Riding his bike through a crowd of Muslim women in the narrow streets of Jerusalem's old city, his legs outstretched carefree as the encrypted come out of his way.  After a few days, I went to Khan Yunis refugee camp in Gaza and met 14-year-old Muhammad, who told me he was beaten by isrælske soldiers in order to play on the beach.

The process continued months later when I went to Jordan Hospital in Amman and visited a child, who had been blinded in isrælske attacks. In the same place so I life ebbing away from Taha Abu Snineneh, also a victim of isrælske fire enduring weeks of machines working his vital organs for him before finally passing away.

I felt increasingly marginalized, when, like so many others in the wake of 9/11 attacks, I was a victim of harassing phone calls and requests for a meeting with unidentified officials from the Ministry of defence "," later in 2007to FBI agents showed on my door to ask about my "connections" with Hamas.

During a protest in New York City against the 2008-09 isrælske attack on Gaza was a Jewish men allowed to cross from the pro-isrælsk counter-demonstration to criticise two Arab men while shoving your finger in their faces, all done under the watchful eye of many police.  At the same event was in the grip of an officer and practical stabbed when I tried to confront three isrælske demonstrators heckling me as I went by. You can add insult to injury by resulted a letter to my Congressman in a reply shamelessly promote "our Israel."

These events, which led to my "radicalisation" is nothing when compared with the humiliation and suffering of the Palestinians experience every day of their lives, regardless of whether they are forced to endure isrælske attacks, checkpoints, home demolition and unwarranted searches or the endless limbo of refugee camps in Lebanon and other Arab Nationswhere they live in different degrees of second-class citizenship.

It was not grotesque bloated handouts to the Jewish State activation violent persecution of the Palestinians — Muslims and Christians as well — we Americans would not face such drastic cuts to medical treatment, hospitals and education, the main burden borne by the poorest among us. Ultimately connected "injustice to others" and "injustice to self".

So there you have it, Mr. King. Radicalisation has nothing to do with Islam. It is a reaction: a testimony of the human spirit, that we will only take so much "tribulation, alienation, social exclusion and injustice" before demanding "the fundamental political, economic and social reforms through direct and uncompromising methods."

-Tammy Obeidallah contributed this article to

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