Friday, February 17, 2012

Spain calls on Iraqi deaths related to camping

on 14 July 2011, last updated at 14: 11 Relatives of residents of Camp Ashraf during a hearing of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee on Capitol Hill (7 July 2011) relatives-of-ET from camp 3 500 for the press by A Spanish judge has summoned three Iraqi investigation officers of the security forces in Iraq raid through the housing on the Iranian exile group in the camp.

The UN says the 34 people died at Camp Ashraf, Diyala province, RAID April 2011.

Judge Fernando Andreu is summoned Gen Ali Ghaidan Majid, the head of the army, and two other officers appear.

He is investigating allegations that the crimes against the deck of the camp.

Research on the probe, there is a separate raid, which took place at the camp in July 2009, in which 11 people, the enlargement of the prosessoitiin.

General legal

The Spanish General legal doctrine, the blame for a fatal under the offence is committed in other countries.

The judge said that the Geneva Convention, Andreu, apply to the case, since it deals with the protection of civilians in wartime and of all those killed and injured, the attack was considered to be "protected persons" in accordance with the terms of the Convention.

According to the Madrid Court investigations, documents released to a total of 377 "protected persons" were injured on 8 April 2011, the RAID with the wounds of the bullet to 154.

Banned opposition group, the people of Mujahideen of Iran (PMOI), more than 3 000 members of the military in the United States, been confined to camp has since 2003 invasion.

The Group considered a terrorist group by us and Iran, had given shelter to Iraqi former President Saddam Hussein between the two countries, 1980- -88 during the war and have remained in the camp has since.

In January, the judge had said he will close the dossier, a part of the July 2009 attack on the Iraqi authorities have opened an investigation of its own.

Iraq responded by saying it had completed its own investigation into the legal, but this is not considered sufficient by the Spanish authorities.

Three Iraqi officers have been invited to appear at the hearing before the Court in Madrid on 3 October 2011.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

From us boat to Gaza to Syntagma Square

By Donna Nevel

Political sensitivity and thoughtfulness, depth of knowledge and analysis, deep commitment and kindness is, in my view, a perfect combination to build a movement for Justice and create meaningful change.  These were characteristics, so moved and inspired me the last couple weeks as I spent time in Athens with two of the passengers from the American boat to Gaza-the Audacity of hope.  Let me add that while I concentrate in this very moment on two particular individuals, I had the privilege to meet and spend time with a number of wonderful, dedicated people of all ages, backgrounds and life experiences--were all passengers on U.S. boat, was a part of the international flotilla to break the siege of Gaza.

My first experience with these two individuals--Missy Lane, 32, from Washington, DC and Max Suchan, 22, from Chicago-was watching them interact with others.  They both seemed to listen carefully to all around them said and respond respectfully and kindly if they agreed or not.  They are a passionate energy and a desire to learn from and with others.  My first direct contact with them confirmed my initial comments.  In the next several days, continued my admiration for them to grow.

I appreciated in particular, how very aware they were of the importance of seizing this moment to bridging fighting in solidarity--, the movement to break the blockade of Gaza, which had brought them to Athens and protests taking place in Athens involving thousands and thousands of demonstrators on Syntagma Square.  As a result of this consciousness connected to the activists in Athens, which fought against the austerity measures threatening people's ability to survive.  In both cases, the civil society to take measures against oppressive and unjust Government and global actions and policies based on a total disregard for human rights and the right to self-determination.  From Gaza to Athens, has been growing resistance against injustice, rooted in people's stories, lived experience and courage.

One evening, they invited my husband, Alan, and me to join them on Syntagma Square, where they had stood in the evening after long and exhausting days of preparatory meetings for U.S. boat.  We saw immediately how naturally they were integrated into the life of movement there.  After meeting Missy in the square of a booth highlighted flotilla, we went with her to meet Max and other inspiring U.S. boat passages, Steve, who was sitting with several young Palestinian refugees staying in a tent in the square.  Max translated to us from Arabic to English as one of the Palestinian men described how he had been treated by the Greek police, who had told him to "go home"; It was made clear he meant for him to get out of Greece and go back to Palestine.  What irony--to be treated as an outsider in the country, he was living in, and knowing that, actually, as a result of the isrælske occupation, he could not return to its original home in Palestine!

I asked Max and Missy which compounds so they between these different appearances.  Missy replied that "it is quite simple."  She spoke on "the relations which exist between and among people and movements, as it is about human beings defy their Governments together."  Max spoke of "destructive role the u.s. Government, IMF and other global financial institutions that are responsible for some of the worst austerity measures, which the Greek people have had to endure."  He also talked about the responsibility for "to talk and take measures to support the Palestinian people and oppose the role of the United States Government directly funds the oppression they face everyday."  From Greece to Palestine, Max understood and articulated role and impact of oppression and exploitation.

Max also spoke about "compelling global spirit, inspiring people around the world," Noting that "people are seeking alternatives informed of this global context of the change happens everywhere.  It is people acting in solidarity with each other, occupying public spaces and opposition to "as they are fighting for justice.  This, he pointed out, the population of Athens in Syntagma Square; This is what the Palestinians are doing in Palestine with international aid in the form of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign and flotillas, for example; This is what people are doing in Cairo, Wisconsin, Barcelona, Tunisia, Bahrain and elsewhere.  This is the resistance; This is solidarity.

Who inspired these inspiring people?  Missy spoke about civil rights activist and freedom Rider Diane Nash, if interviews, she has read.  "Learning about her approach and vision of change made me more deeply consider how I look at the struggle and the concrete objectives we are trying to achieve.  Max pointed to the first intifada as "an incredible moment in time, there was overwhelming, characterized by a non-violent resistance movement, which included people form every walk of life."  He spoke on social transformation and people take fate into their own hands--fire resisting global oppression together as a community.

Both activists talk about the meaning of humanness.  "People are social creatures seek out each other, seeking educational institutions--as fundamental to humanity, '' Max said.  They both went back to the slogan for the flotilla's mission they were a part of--"live human"--and said that these words encapsulate what this mission has rooted for them.

Both are clearly inspired by love and a quest for dignity.  From Syntagma streets to Arab spring to fight for Justice in Palestine, Missy and Max undoubtedly continue to build connections and relationships with and among people and movements.  With humility and a sense of wisdom and expertise that those fighting for Justice bring with them the honour and connect all the brave fighters, offering their hearts and souls and editions to the worldwide movement for justice.

-Donna Nevel is a community psychologist, educator and organizer, whose work is rooted in Participatory action research and popular education.  She was a part of the media team in the American boat to Gaza. (This article was contributed to

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Boycott law: it can happen here!

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By Uri Avnery

Years ago I said that there are but two miracles in Israel: the Hebrew language and democracy.

Hebrew had been a dead language for many generations, more or less like Latin, when it was still used in the Catholic church. Then, suddenly, concurrent with the emergence of Zionism (but independently) it sprang back to life. This never happened to any other language.  

Theodor Herzl laughed at the idea that Jews in Palestine would speak Hebrew. He wanted us to speak German. “Are they going to ask for a railway ticket in Hebrew?” he scoffed.

Well, we now buy airline tickets in Hebrew. We read the Bible in its Hebrew original and enjoy it tremendously. As Abba Eban once said, if King David were to come to life in Jerusalem today, he could understand the language spoken in the street. Though with some difficulty, because our language gets corrupted, like most other languages.

Anyhow, the position of Hebrew is secure. Babies and Nobel Prize laureates speak it.

The fate of the other miracle is far less assured.

The future – indeed, the present – of Israeli democracy is shrouded in doubt.

It is a miracle, because it did not grow slowly over generations, like Anglo-Saxon democracy. There was no democracy in the Jewish shtetl. Neither is there anything like it in Jewish religious tradition. But the Zionist Founding Fathers, mostly West and Central European Jews, aspired to the highest social ideals of their time.

I have always warned that our democracy has very shallow and tender roots, and needs our constant care. Where did the Jews who founded Israel, and who came here thereafter, grow up? Under the dictatorship of the British High Commissioner, the Russian Czar, the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, the king of Morocco, Pilsudsky’s Poland and similar regimes. Those of us who came from democratic countries like Weimar Germany or the US were a tiny minority.

Yet the founders of Israel succeeded in establishing a vibrant democracy that – at least until 1967 – was in no way inferior, and in some ways superior, to the British or American models. We were proud of it, and the world admired it. The appellation “the Only Democracy in the Middle East” was not a hollow propaganda slogan.

Some claim that with the occupation of the Palestinian territories, which have lived since 1967 under a harsh military regime without the slightest trace of democracy and human rights, this situation already came to an end. Whatever one thinks about that, in fact Israel in its pre-1967 borders maintained a reasonable record until recently. For the ordinary citizen, democracy was still a fact of life. Even Arab citizens enjoyed democratic rights far superior to anything in the Arab world.

This week, all this was put in doubt. Some say that this doubt has now been dispersed, and that a stark reality is being exposed.

Charles Boycott, the agent of a British landowner in Ireland, could never have imagined that he would play a role in a country called Israel 130 years after his name had become a world-wide symbol.

Captain Boycott evicted Irish tenants, who defaulted on their rent because of desperate economic straits. The Irish reacted with a new weapon: no one would speak with him, work for him, buy from him. His name became synonymous with this kind of non-violent action.   

The method itself was born even earlier. The list is long. Among others: in 1830 the “negroes” in the US declared a “boycott” of slave-produced products. The later Civil Rights movement started with a boycott of the Montgomery bus company that seated blacks and whites separately. During the American Revolution, the insurgents declared a boycott on British goods. So did Mahatma Gandhi in India.

American Jews boycotted the cars of the infamous anti-Semite Henry Ford. Jews in many countries took part in a boycott of German goods immediately after the Nazis came to power in 1933.

The Chinese boycotted Japan after the invasion of their country. The US boycotted the Olympic Games in Moscow. People of conscience all over the world boycotted the products and the athletes of Apartheid South Africa and helped to bring it to its knees.

All these campaigns used a basic democratic right: every person is entitled to refuse to buy from people he detests. Everyone can refuse to support with his money causes which contradict his innermost moral convictions.

It is this right that has been put to the test in Israel this week.

In 1997, Gush Shalom declared a boycott of the products of the settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. We believe that these settlements, which are being set up with the express purpose of preventing the establishment of a Palestinian state, are endangering the future of Israel.

The press conference, in which we announced this step, was not attended by a single Israeli journalist. But the boycott gathered momentum. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis do not buy settlement products. The European Union, which has a trade agreement that practically treats Israel as a member of the union, was induced to enforce the clause that excludes products of the settlements from these privileges.

There are now hundreds of factories in the settlements. They were literally compelled, or seduced, to go there, because the (stolen) land there is far cheaper than in Israel proper. They enjoy generous government subsidies and tax exemptions, and they can exploit Palestinian workers for ridiculous wages. The Palestinians have no other way of supporting their families than to toil for their oppressors.

Our boycott was designed, among other things, to counter these advantages. And indeed, several big enterprises have already given in and moved out, under pressure from foreign investors and buyers. Alarmed, the settlers instructed their lackeys in the Knesset to draft a law that would counter this boycott.

Last Monday, the “Boycott Law” was enacted, setting off an unprecedented storm in the country. Already Tuesday morning, Gush Shalom submitted to the Supreme Court a 22 page application to annul this law.

The ‘Boycott Law’ is a very clever piece of work. Obviously, it was not drafted by the parliamentary simpletons who introduced it, but by some very sophisticated legal minds, probably financed by the Casino barons and Evangelical crazies who support the extreme Right in Israel.

First of all, the law is disguised as a means to fight the de-legitimization of the State of Israel throughout the world. The law bans all calls for the boycott of the State of Israel, “including the areas under Israeli control”. Since there are not a dozen Israelis who call for the boycott of the state, it is clear that the real and sole purpose is to outlaw the boycott of the settlements.

In its initial draft, the law made this a criminal offense. That would have suited us fine: we were quite willing to go to prison for this cause. But the law, in its final form, imposes sanctions that are another thing.

According to the law, any settler who feels that he has been harmed by the boycott can demand unlimited compensation from any person or organization calling for the boycott – without having to prove any actual damage. This means that each of the 300,000 settlers can claim millions from every single peace activist associated with the call for boycott, thus destroying the peace movement altogether.

As we point out in our application to the Supreme Court, the law is clearly unconstitutional. True, Israel has no formal constitution, but several “basic laws” are considered by the Supreme Court to function effectively as such.

First, the law clearly contravenes the basic right to freedom of expression. A call for a boycott is a legitimate political action, much as a street demonstration, a manifesto or a mass petition.

Second, the law contravenes the principle of equality. The law does not apply to any other boycott that is now being implemented in Israel: from the religious boycott of stores that sell non-kosher meat (posters calling for this cover the walls of the religious quarters in Jerusalem and elsewhere), to the recent very successful call to boycott the producers of cottage cheese because of their high price. The call of right-wing groups to boycott artists who have not served in the army will be legal, the declaration by left-wing artists that they will not appear in the settlements will be illegal.

Since these and other provisions of the law clearly violate the Basic Laws, the Legal Advisor of the Knesset, in a highly unusual step, published his opinion that the law is unconstitutional and undermines “the core of democracy”. Even the supreme governmental legal authority, the “legal advisor of the government”, has published a statement saying that the law in “on the border” of unconstitutionality. Being mortally afraid of the settlers, he added that he will defend it in court nevertheless. The opportunity for this is not far off: the Supreme Court has given him 60 days to respond to our petition.

A small group of minor parliamentarians is terrorizing the Knesset majority and can pass any law at all. The power of the settlers is immense, and moderate right-wing members are rightly afraid that, if they are not radical enough, they will not be re-elected by the Likud Central Council, which selects the candidates for the party list. This creates a dynamic of competition: who can appear the most radical.

No wonder that one anti-democratic law follows another: a law that practically bars Arab citizens from living in localities of less than 400 families. A law that takes away the pension rights of former Knesset members who do not show up for police investigations (like Azmi Bishara.) A law that abolishes the citizenship of people convicted of “assisting terrorism”. A law that obliges NGOs to disclose donations by foreign governmental institutions. A law that gives preference for civil service positions to people who have served in the army (thus automatically excluding almost all Arab citizens). A law that outlaws any commemoration of the 1948 Naqba (the expulsion of Arab inhabitants from areas conquered by Israel). An extension of the law that prohibits (almost exclusively) Arab citizens, who marry spouses from the Palestinian territories, to live with them in Israel.

Soon to be enacted is a bill that forbids NGOs to accept donations of more than 5000 dollars from abroad, a bill that will impose an income tax of 45% on any NGO that is not specifically exempted by the government, a bill to compel universities to sing the national anthem on every possible occasion, the appointment of a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry to investigate the financial resources of left-wing [sic] organizations.

Looming over everything else is the explicit threat of right-wing factions to attack the hated “liberal” Supreme Court directly, shear it of its ability to overrule unconstitutional laws and control the appointment of the Supreme Court judges.

Fifty-one years ago, on the eve of the Eichmann trial, I wrote a book about Nazi Germany. In the last chapter, I asked: “Can It Happen Here?”

My answer still stands: yes, it can.

- Uri Avnery is an Israeli peace activist and a former Knesset member. He is the founder of Gush Shalom. He contributed this article to

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

BDS: a Palestinian woman reaction on Isræls Naomi Chazan

By Samah Sabawi

Naomi Chazan, President of the new Israel (NIF) gave a speech in Marrickville NSW during her last Australian tour offers a criticism of the Palestinian civil society call for boycott divestments and sanctions (BDS) against Israel.

Although she presented herself as a veteran peace activist, isrælske Chazan's mission was here in Australia allegedly promoting NIF. This is important because everything she said about the BDS should be understood within the framework of her mission – to collect funds and support and convince the Jews of the need to continue to invest in Israel through the NIF in Australia. This clear conflict of interest makes Chazans criticism of BDS far less credible.

Chazan named six reasons why she believed BDS was harmful:

BDS is not effective, because Israel has a very strong economy: South Africa's economy also upturn when the movement a boycott against the regime began in the late 1950s. Decades later the movement succeeded in bringing down the South African apartheid regime.

Many isrælske leaders, including Ehud Barak, Ben-Eliezer, Shimon Peres and others have already said that BDS is a ' strategic threat; ' what they mean of course is that it is a serious threat to the Isræl's system of occupation, legalized racial discrimination (equivalent to the UN definition of apartheid) and Denial of refugee rights. We need only look at millions of dollars the isrælske lobby groups in Western Nations, including Australia spending in efforts to sabotage the movement to know that it is actually effective. The fact that Chazan focused so much on the BDS in her Marrickville speech confirms this.

There is other evidence BDSS efficiency.

Deutsche Bahn withdrawal from isrælske rail project linking Tel Aviv with Jerusalem has been a turning point for the movement. It was the first time that a German Government-owned company withdrew from a isrælske project over concerns for violation of international law. The French company Veolia losses of billions of dollars worth of contracts due to his participation in illegal Jerusalem Light Rail project points also impressive success of BDS campaign, especially in Europe.

The rapidly growing list of superstars and prominent music bands heeding boycott of Israel makes Tel Aviv is very similar to the South African resort of Sun City during apartheid. The city was a key objective of the cultural boycott then.
University Johannesburg severance bond with Ben Gurion University of the latter's complicity in violating Palestinian rights is the most concrete victory to date for an academic boycott campaign.

And who have radical Trade Union support for BDS in the United Kingdom, Brazil, Ireland, South Africa, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, Norway, Belgium, India, Turkey and elsewhere.

BDS undermines the existence of the State of Israel: Requirements are clear – full equality in Israel for the Palestinian citizens of the State, an end to the occupation and an achievement of Isræls commitment to the refugees. If these demands are threatening to put a stop to Isræls existence, we have to ask what this really says about Israel?

A State that is truly democratic and built upon a foundation of Justice and equality, would not be threatened by demands for equality and an end to the occupation. Boycott does not put an end to South Africa's existence, they did not destroy it and certainly not ' delegitimize ' white: they only destroyed South Africa's system of injustice, inequality and racial discrimination.

BDS is actually "a code word for the one State solution" who defies isrælerne and Jews the right to self-determination: BDS does not aim for either a one or two State solution, but for Palestinian rights. One of these rights is for the Palestinians to be free in their own country without the yoke of isrælske occupation and system of racial discrimination. Whether it is in one State for two Nations or two sovereign, democratic States side by side has yet to be adopted. The movement is consistently neutral in this, regardless of the different personal political positions held by its various spokespeople.

BDS is counterproductive because it entrenches the victim mentality of those in Israel who believe that the whole world is against them, which inevitably forces right wing in Israel at the same time weakening the left: Right now, fanatical right takes over the entire isrælske society, but when boycott begin damage Isræls carefully nurtured public image, dissenting voices will become much more vocal, as happened in South Africa. Then, the current consensus in support of apartheid and colonial regime crack.

BDS is against academic freedom and singles out isrælske academics: Chazan is deliberately misleading in this respect. Like any relatively well-informed observer will know after seven years of the Palestinian academic boycott campaign and hundreds of articles written on it, the academic boycott is institutional in nature and therefore has never targeted individual isrælske academics. BDS has consistently been aimed against academic institutions because of their persistent and serious complicity in the planning, implementation and justifying Isræls violations of international law.

Chazans claims that isrælske academics are progressive and against the occupation has absolutely no foundation. In 2008, a petition drawn up by the four Jewish-isrælske academics calls the isrælske army to allow access at checkpoints by Palestinian academics and students to reach their educational institutions were distributed to all 9,000 isrælske scholars in the hope that most would sign this minimal expression of respect for academic freedom: only 407 out of 9,000 academic actually did.

BDS singles Israel: This criticism is so often quoted, that one has to ask about Chazan and other contamination in it want more action on other grounds or silence on the Palestinian cause. At least people are rising up against the tyrannical regimes and seeks change in almost every Arab State in the "Isræls neighborhoods." Some of these Governments are now subject to international sanctions, so why not Israel, which has for decades had defied the United Nations and violated international law?

An equally important question to ask here is, why not go for Palestinian rights? Yes, why are the Palestinians will be identified as the only people that can not be defended? We can speak for all other problems, so it is tendentious to propose to speak of Palestinian rights singles Israel unfairly.

The principled isrælske left the camp, which respects the equal rights for all Palestinian refugees to the UN-sanctioned rights and an end to colonial oppression (2004) should – and actually doing — invest his time challenging dets Government apartheid policies and the repression of the Palestinians instead of criticizing the Palestinian non-violent resistance model, which includes the BDS.

Chazans efforts to undermine the BDS must be seen in context. At the end of the day, Chazan going to Israel, where she is a privileged Jewish citizen with all his rights intact. She is part of and an enabler of establishment denies the Palestinians their basic rights and freedoms, and as such, she in a position to dictate to the Palestinians their methods match or act as gatekeeper for the international solidarity movement, do not preach to them what is allowed and what is not in standing with the Palestinians. As in all human struggle for freedom, justice and equality, to the right are those living behind the walls of the prerogatives, hindered by checkpoints and kept in captivity for the siege and military repression.

-Samah Sabawi is public advocate of Australian advocacy group Australians for Palestine. She contributed this article to

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Embattled PM Egypt to team changes

on 17 July 2011, last updated at 06: 19, Protesters wave the Egyptian national flag as they perch on top of a street lamp in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, 15 July 2011 , ET Klimaflüchtlinge headed back Cairo's Tahrir Square, its own representation in the Prime Minister of Egypt, heard of Essam Sharaf has started his promised cabinet reshuffle, as protests continue over those political reforms.

Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Orabi's resignation, while the Prime Ministers of the two new Deputy Executive Director is appointed.

Among the demands of corrupt officials in the Klimaflüchtlinge, who served under President Hosni Mubarak, could be.

The General, who went to the Tahrir Square, the rebellion that toppled the heart had Mr. Mubarak demonstrators booed.

A new wave of protests of the intense pressure from Mr. Sharaf has initiated a sweeping his is expected to be in what the Government's amendments.

Official media say up to a maximum of 15 Cabinet Ministers are expected to be replaced in the reshuffle. It is considered to be Clear, those of Mr Mubarak, who was ousted in February of links.

Mr. Orabi is considered to be too close to the Mubarak-the system is, after the resignation of foreign minister in the post for less than one month.

He was going "to spare parts, the Prime Minister of ongoing changes in the level of Ministers of the negotiations for the embarrassment," Egypt's State-run Mena news agencies quoted him as saying.

Shoe protest

Mr. Sharaf, who heads the administration of the caretake and limited under the jurisdiction of the military rulers, has appointed two new Deputy Prime Ministers.

They are the Economist Hazem El Beblawi, 74, 75-year-old Ali al-Wafd party, Egypt, and Silmi's oldest political party Chief.

Essam Sharaf - file photo Mr. Sharaf took part in the protests, however, that Mr. Mubarak, yea

BBC Jon Leyne contact Cairo, that Mr Sharaf behind-the scenes of the battle with the Council, the military communities, the Cabinet changes have taken effect for more than a week, says.

In the meantime, the Council, the military reported that a lot of focus on restricting the opposition's hatred of the military courts to try civilians.

Many Egyptians are becoming impatient with a military Council, which shall be replaced by Mr Mubarak.

Major General Tarek el-Mahdi went to try to get some of the Tahrir Square Klimaflüchtlinge to put an end to the hunger strike on Saturday.

When he spoke to the podium, he was booed and had shaken him in contempt, shoes, forcing him to cut short his traditional visit.

The square was the uprising, which has been produced in Mr. Mubarak downfall and professional organisations in the middle of the trap.

Also been demonstrations in other cities.

Klimaflüchtlinge to the new Government, the military, the Council limited the powers of the military tried to courts and public trials of the former administration of rapid officials to release civilians.

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Thousands take part in the Syria

on 16 July 2011, last updated at 15: 49 Unverified photo said to show funeral protest in Kaboun, Syria (16 July 2011) -of-ET is the activists share photos of the crowds to said Syria has tens of thousands of people they have attended Friday's anti-government protests has been terminated.

Reports say some places security forces attempted to crowds who were chanting slogans break down in the streets of coffins.

At least one person was reported dead by security forces near the border in Iraq Protest shot.

As the opposition became Turkey to discuss the reunion of President expected Bashar al-Assad met.

One National Salvation Congress of Wael al-Hafiz leaders reportedly called for a campaign of civil disobedience.

At least 28 people died in Damascus and the other cities on Friday, said some of what was the largest protests since anti-government uprising began in March.


The videos will be published on the Internet appears to Show the capital through the coffins carrying Klimaflüchtlinge Damascus Saturday, calling for the freedom of the streets and thousands.

We want peaceful confrontation between the intensity of the pay raise anti-social. "
End quote from al Hafiz of the Syrian opposition Wael, Director of the international journalists are denied access to Syria and figures may not be independently verified.

Activists said the security forces opened fire on the eastern border of the city, in protest, Albu, near the border in Iraq, Kamal killing one person and injury to other people.

"Military Intelligence patrols starts, the crowd is the main square," one witness told the Reuters news agency.

President Assad is opposed to the various groups, many of the Liberal, but in a earthly Islamists is not a General of the opposition leader has emerged.

On Saturday the Syrian opposition figures in the hundreds of meetings began in Turkey to discuss uniting against him.

"We want a peaceful confrontation between the intensity of the pay raise and anti-social system collapse economically and training practices of the State, which has at least harm," Mr. Hafez told a meeting in Istanbul.

But reports say exposed the divisions in a meeting with Kurdish activists, who have long complained of discrimination after-the other participants in marginalising them, accusing and of ignoring the problem of the Kurdish by dragging.

Hard to stop the demonstrators, and extracts

Prominent opposition figures, which were assembled by the Istanbul originally wanted to elect a cabinet, but the idea of the shadow was scrapped due to fears it will claim the opposition at the Center.

Unidentified Syrian opposition figures in Istanbul, Turkey (16 July 2011)The Syrian political opposition in the hope to unify against President Assad

Damascus in a parallel meeting to the authorities were broken, the activists said.

However, some of his address at the Conference were able to telephone.

US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is visiting Turkey, made no comments the opposition meeting, but called on the regime to enter into negotiations with the opposition.

"Hard to liquidate the demonstrators, and extracts," he said.

Turkey's Close ally of President Assad may be used, but it has recently joined calls for him to reform.

Human rights groups say that the approximately 1 400 civilians and security forces died in the four 350,000 months absurd.

The Government blames the unrest, "the armed criminal groups," a foreign conspiracy by borrowing.

An attempt was made to the Ministers of the civil unrest it's held for the two-day "national dialogue" in the recent judgment of the members of the Ba'th Party and its opponents.

However, many of the convictions, the Director of the opposition and Protest organisers refused to participate.

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Monday, February 13, 2012

The opposition Bahrain closes ', ' discussions

on 17 July 2011, last updated at 10: 29 Thousands of anti-government female protesters shout anti-government slogans during a gathering held in the village of Bilad al-Qadeem, south of Manama, by opposition party al-Wifaq, 15 July 2011 -of-ET, is the largest Shia community is in Bahrain long complained of discrimination in Bahrain Shiite opposition bloc Bahrain's, says it intends to pull out of the democracy protests in the wake of the determination of the Government-led Sunni debates.

The spokesman of the Group of al-Wifaq, said the national dialogue had not been serious, and they will not participate in Sunday's session.

Bloc appealed that the opposition had been granted too few seats in the talks.

The dialogue was launched on 2 July.

Al-Wifaq, the spokesman said the decision to abandon the national dialogue that would jeopardize the ratification-Wifaq.

"We have tried but without success, to serious dialogue," the spokesman told the French news agency AFP.

Announcing the talks Start earlier this month, King Hamad Bin Issa Al-Khalifa, said all options were on the table.

Discussions on the work of anti-government protests in the Gulf for months in the Kingdom, which left more than 30 people dead.

Hundreds of opposition supporters have been jailed.

Al-Wifaq has said, is not in the Government of Bahrain the largest Shia sought an invoice but it seeks to reform.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Al-Gaddafi in Libya still vows

on 17 July 2011, last updated at 07: 35 A Libyan soldier watches as supporters of Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi take part in a rally in the town of Zawiya, 16 July 2011 - photo taken on government guided tour Col, ET al-Gaddafi, Chairman of the broadcast was never to leave Libya, "the land of his ancestors" is again sworn by Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi in Libya, the Director of the Zawiya through your speakers.

His speech was broadcast, the Zawiya in the city, which was taken back to the rebels after the fighting is intense at the beginning of the revolt of supporters.

Comments came after the United States to recognise the authority in Libya, "the ECB and the legitimate:" argument.

The NATO air strikes hit Tripoli, one of the heaviest nights at the outskirts of n bombing weeks.

Al-Gaddafi stressed its intention to the remains of the Col.

"They've asked me to leave," he said. "I never leave my ancestors, or the people who killed themselves in time is appropriate for me to land."

His speech was broadcast through the speakers, Zawiya, a town about 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the capital, which was controlled by rebel forces at an early stage fire-fighting on the side of the West, and only a rejection of the bitter battle since then.

The address of the third, according to the Al-Gaddafi Col had in recent days, apparently aimed at showing he enjoys in the cities, where his troops are in control.

There was also a weekend in Zlitan,, rally, where more than 40 000 people-some of them bussed-in the main square of the sound to the Colonel took over their backing.

On Friday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the United States no longer considers him a legitimate authority, that recognize the Council of the transnational (TNC), joining some 30 to do so.

This means that the billions of dollars in US banks to the Libyan frozen funds could be released by the rebels.


Early Sunday the Tripoli East Tajoura became NATO's heavy syv attack.

Plumes of smoke were seen rumbling and räjäytykset was reported to have to continue for at least one hour.

Libyan television said the civilian and military capabilities objectives had been hit, the more that were on the accident, but gave no data.

NATO said the military objective was to inventory, which saved the ostensibily African Union peacekeeping troops to the duties of the vehicles. But the monitoring of declared al-Gaddafi, Col ahd been maintaining NATO's war in the near, Misrata said the Navy.

RAF aircraft from Britain, which participated in the strikes, precision Guided bombs dropped in 17, causing extensive damage, the officials said.

Over 10 rebels were reported killed in advance on the key of Brega were the oil port. It was not known if the Government forces had ended.

Libya apparently conflict is protracted stalemate situation. Rebels are holding in Eastern Libya, and pockets in the West.

Col al-Gaddafi bombing Tripoli, remains rooted in the NATO campaign.

International sanctions are also introduced and international arrest warrants against leading figures in the Libyan regime.

Western and Arab countries, Libya in the contact group plan drawn up by the members of the hostilities, which presented to Col al-Gaddafi.

View the original article here

Bush a Legacy - developed Middle East

The death of Ronald Reagan, the media to cover of praise and compliments. They talked about how the people loved him; how he did great things; and how he was released from the millions of people. They him credit with play a hand in demolishes the Soviet Union. Even Mikhail Gorbachev he is hailed as a great leader.

Finally, the world learned of the legacy of President Reagan.

The media sing a different tune from 1981 to 1989. Called Ronald Reagan senile, silent and prone to cowboy diplomacy. He was too old and take on-the-job NAPs. His entourage was driving around as a child. His foreign policy was supposed to start massive conflagration and get us all dead. It was just an actor. the list was then.

Media beat up Ronald Regan and criticized its cold war policy. According to Peter Schweizer's book, war of Reagan, it was decisions which lead eventually to the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was not till communism throughout the Warsaw Pact that large segments of the population has finally included shares of Ronald Reagan.

History has prevented the distortion of the media of the legacy of Ronald Reagan to last. Now, they try to twist another.

Once more, the media portrayed a Republican President as dumb; need to lead by the finger. and constantly spoil things. For example, they insist on the fact that the invasion of the Iraq was about to WMD. However, President Bush gave other reasons to invade the Iraq before the start of the invasion. Spreading freedom was one of these reasons.

President Bush said in his State of the Union in January 2003: "and as we do and our partners in the coalition in Afghanistan, we will bring to the Iraqi people food and medicines and supplies - and freedom". Hence the name of "operation iraqi freedom."

Look at the map of the Middle East. With the invasion of the Iraq United States, the Iran is flanked by democratic countries. The Syria is surrounded by Israel, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq. Each of these countries is in various stages of democracy.

In the heart of the Middle East is now a checkerboard of democratic countries. THEY have free trade with Israel and the Jordan agreements. We are being Iraq and Afghanistan. It is reasonable to see as having with us free-trade agreements as they develop further. Countries involved with free trade with the United States accelerate their economic growth.

Once the Iraq and the Afghanistan becomes fully developed countries; the base in the Middle East political and economic power will shift. Iraq and in Afghanistan, will become Middle Eastof new centres of gravity. There are enough people in Iran and other parts of the Middle East who want democracy and Western-style economic competition. When they see what is going on in Iraq, they want you the same thing for themselves.

It is the highest "weapon" in our arsenal against terrorists.

The legacy of Bush materialize as countries of the Middle East see how democracy can improve the position of an Arab country. They come where stability, the rule of law, market economy and democracy, become the standards of the Middle East . Once this happens, President Bush will remain as two, one of the greatest Presidents this country has had. and as one of the greatest leaders of the world.

Travis is a freelance writer who specializes in the market of information, political writings, collecting of funds and communications.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Climatic Conditions and the availability of water in the Middle East

The Centre is really is an area dominated by land arid and semi-arid, with important places of extreme aridity. In the northern part of the region, a steppe climate dominates, with cold winters and warm summers. A thin contiguous zone to the Mediterranean Sea is classified as a Mediterranean area, with moderately comfortable, wet winters and dry summers, while the central component and the South with the base of the Arabian peninsula is very dry out with very hot summers and moderate temperatures in winter.

Water is a very limited resource. Droughts, desertification and water shortages are permanent elements of life in most countries of the zone. The native plants and animals is adapted to cope with severe climate problems sequences. Through Middle East, summer temperatures are generally around 30? C, but often gliding over 40? c.

However, in the desert of Saudi Arabia, temperatures above 45? (c) are typical. In the summer, winds blow tirelessly towards the warm interior of the Arabian Peninsula, while in winter, the South winds of the Earth. In the northern regions, continental winds out some rain to coastal and mountain ridges behind.Precipitation is low in the section most of the region, but it is highly variable depending on the seasons and inter-annually.

The exception of the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula with the rain in summer time, rainfall occurs in the Middle East during the winter. Summer desiccated hard period of 6-10 months (UNEP, 1997). On average each year varies from precipitation 0 mm to 200 mm, only in the components of the Northwest along the Mediterranean Sea, to the bottom of the Turkey to the Lebanon and also the northern part of Palestine and the Jordan values exceed 500 mm and more.

No there was no discernible trend in annual precipitation in the last century (1901-99) for the region as a whole, nor in most of the region except in the southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula, exactly here where there was a significant improvementHowever, from a very low base rain.

In typical with other countries in this drinking water scarce region in the aridic in the North, East of Centre belt has chronic difficulties of drinking water resources. The region is facing an enormous imbalance between demand and available water, exactly where water shortage is becoming permanent in nature. Due to its scarcity of drinking water is really a valuable resource that is essential to the socio-economic improvement of the Middle East.

Francesco Zinzaro was involved in marketing online for about 3 years and enjoys writing on a variety of topics. Come visit his latest website which deals with the reverse osmosis filter and supplies water to the owner of his own business.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Climate change means no more oil from the Middle East required

Climate change means that the United States can burn is more oil, fuel or gasoline that comes from the other countries of the Middle Eastern. We are going to stop back completely and these will collapse economically forever and be reduced to wandering nomads in the hot deserts that they run out of the water and scorched earth won't produce any agriculture.

If global warming that means most people in the countries of the Middle Eastern will die because of the collapse of the economy and the inability to create their own cultures and no money to buy food from other nations. This will increase instability in the region and the infighting and reduce the world of Islam of ruins. This is what Paris France scientists have all said.

These scientists have gathered and set out in the media around the world that global warming is official. This means that they believe that there is no way to stop the warming of the planet without human civilization stop their use of these fuels. If everyone stops using needs the oil and gasoline or diesel for transportation and other then no there is no money goes to Middle East and therefore it will collapse economically in a period of 3 to 4 years can be earlier. More that they can not buy nuclear weapons for terrorists to defend themselves...?

Climate change means no more than the necessary Middle East oil. Until now, politicians in the United States of America and the rest of the world have decided to do something about this problem of global warming and clean atmosphere. Environmentalists, unions, religious organizations and whole countries are are committed to stop using oil.

As soon as this happens, it is inevitable that Middle East totally collapse into chaos and that it is not that this unfortunate? I certainly hope this article is of interest and that propelled the thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. Thank you for reading my many articles on various topics that interest you.

"Lance Winslow" – online think tank forum Board. If you have innovative ideas and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; /. Lance is a writer online at retirement.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

China attempts to infiltrate in the Middle East?

Many of those who watch the Affairs of the world in detail seems to believe that the great Chinese Empire is spreading once more its domain. We see China to sign even in Cuba, South America, Africa, Europe, Russia and Australia, note the purchase interests and mining of uranium recently. In addition, some say that China is trying to infiltrate into Middle East.

To that I say to my dear colleague China not "attempts" to anything, they do, do things and they do on a plane much longer than most of the Western term. China is indeed involved in Middle East; first sign was the volunteerism of 2,000 soldiers in peacekeeping in days the Lebanon after the fire stop upping to 10,000.

It is no coincidence, they are not volunteering for anything else in the United Nations, other than advocacy in Indonesia, after the Tsunami, and they have established 90 000 temporary tents in tent cities. Why? Simple; resources. In addition, they want to sell their (Middle East) weapons. The defence industry is a large company and China is not stupid; They also want the automotive, manufacturing, business had light business, business of heavy equipment, Enterprise hardware and a sweep around others, like the United States wants too.

During this time the Chinese military, which is co-owner of the car manufacturing company sells a dealer to sell SUVs in New Jersey. Just another step in their evolution towards Domination of the world on their long term plan. Thus, we fund their military and their army is buying weapons to sell to our enemies. But really this is nothing new, as the large powerful nations are often the same.

And in this game, all players are intimately linked. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that propelled the thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. Thank you for reading my many articles on various topics that interest you.

"Lance Winslow" – online think tank forum Board. If you have innovative ideas and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; /. Lance is a writer online at retirement.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Countries of the Middle East - recording rapid growth in VoIP business

The conduct of affairs in the modern world has transformed - for the better - with the emergence of voice over Internet Protocol. This also applies to businesses in Middle East as in the homes of companies and organizations operating in the regions of Europe or Asia.

With the implementation of VoIP, there are significant savings in terms of infrastructure and communications costs. In addition, there is a convergence of several processes that ensure a more efficient use of limited resources. All these factors additive to increase the profits of companies opting for a VoIP houses. In fact, this range of convergence technology is giving the indispensable legal persons whip kick for before competition in their respective sectors.

Many companies in the Middle East have benefited from this revolutionary technology. Businesses in these regions VoIP phone service providers may stand as guarantor to. Because of all the benefits that this implies, the business VoIP service users were more than willing to internalize the same. In fact, several of these entities were rather surprised with all of the manufacturing of the appeals process, in which the data travels much like e-mail messages and web pages through the Internet.

Now, the enterprise VoIP Middle East - or indeed any place elsewhere - is full of opportunities. The conditions of application are very strong. To start, the network infrastructure can be made more versatile with the incorporation of VoIP technology. With a dependence on voice over IP, all kinds of internal communications can be treated effectively with. Expenses incurred on equipment and maintenance may also declined very significantly facts. One based IP network is all what it takes to converge data networks, voice and video. Specialist infrastructure for voice, video, or data may be done remotely with. Corporate users in Saudi Arabia, the Kuwait and the Qatar are more then happy with all the developments in this area.

The easy availability of bandwidth is another important factor contributing to the growing popularity of VoIP. Other benefits that accompany the voice over IP include connectivity transparent and engaging more options for customer satisfaction. Companies who have implemented business VoIP can negotiate with their end users and customers in ways that were outside the realm of possibility, even a few years ago.

A few players in the Middle East have realized the importance to buy VoIP minutes for overall growth, as well as to ensure the efficiency of their operations. Companies in different areas, call centres and centres of contacts, service providers, resellers and carriers - all have realized the tremendous opportunity business VoIP their watch in the face.

In fact, applications new and innovative based on converged IP networks have facilitated the implementation of the latest business strategies. This resulted in rapid returns for all parties concerned. Two trends in the Middle East made the process even easier and hassle-free. The telecommunications sector, for its part, has been deregulated. Many countries have also made legal - VoIP technology a second trend which has obviously been to the growing popularity of this technology range.

To learn more about these services and providers, visit: VoIP Reseller [] witnesses reliable and improved quality VoIP Reseller programs [].

Considering a job in the Middle East?

A large part of the world is still struggling to recover from the great crash economic caused by banks illegitimate themselves and failures that caused the usual methods of trade upon which our economies are based. Even China taken something of a cold and analysts are now warning that this economic titan will soon find itself the victim of a "correction".

However, a region, continues to defy economic gravity and continues to index Records growth in GDP. This region is, of course, the Gulf.

With its natural oil reserves, Middle East is depreciated in some measure of the worst of the fallout from the financial crisis. While ever, there is demand for gasoline, plastics and petrochemicals, the countries of the region will still have markets for their core product.

As their economies have boomed over the past two decades on the back of a growing demand for oil, an entire infrastructure grew to support - financial services to the transportation building, entertainment and hospitality.

Accordingly, the skills of these industries are in high demand - and more often meet in the West. So if you're stuck in your search of a career in Europe or America, you can be attracted by the prospect of working in Middle East.

If you think taking advantage of this opportunity, here are a few things that could benefit from knowing it or examine.

You will be away from home for some time - be honest with yourself and ask how this would be consistent with your family life. While movements are fairly easy to do, which takes time and money of what you earn
Not all regions are very "Western" in outlook. While Dubai may seem like a town in the West, there is still much more severe social constraints that you may be used for. Women in particular are expected to dress with a certain degree of decorum and drunk behavior can quickly put you on the wrong side of the law
Some skills are more in demand than others. Do research to find out what roles are available in what country and know if you have the possibility to carry out these types of roles
Local laws for the employment of research. The Gulf is home to Western firms, local conditions of employment may be very different from those at home.
You mean heat? Offices could be air conditioning, but if the Sun is not in agreement with you then you can go somewhere where it is not such a big factor in life!

Erroll Strange takes a great interest in the market of the Middle East , as his two nieces work there and their laudatory reports him to think long and difficult subject if a contract of 12 months there could be interesting in the light of the dark times at home!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Food of the Middle East in the Middle East and around the world

One of the most famous food recipes that people around the world are looking for on the internet is Middle Eastern food recipes. For all that it has East and unique taste that specialize any other revenue of food. People seek in non -Middle Eastern recipes of food of the Middle East to try something new and different, and some were simply looking forward to try the true oriental taste of food.

Of course, not all recipes give people what they want and fully satisfy their requirements by giving them the true oriental and Middle Eastern flavor. Indeed, we find many websites trying to give their best advice and recipes on Middle Eastfood. And each of Web sites, those who are interested to offer a clear and precise recipes for those who are looking for, try their best to find revenues more accurate and easier to view for those who are interested.

Among all the various Middle Eastern food recipes sites, there are many categories that each of them specialized in a specific type of Middle Eastern recipes, such as Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese recipes recipes, etc., each of the categories represent a different way of cooking.

You may also notice that there is a dish of Middle Eastern which vary in the way which he taste of a Middle Eastern in another country and it is, of course, is due to differences between cultures, and history, the site and so on.

The most famous of the categories is the category of Egyptian revenue. A large number of people around the world search delicious Egyptian recipe each month. To try the true taste of culture, history and flat oriental thanks to try one of so many delicious, amazing and tasty Egyptian revenue.

Revenues from the Middle East are a type of unique and delicious recipes that everyone loves and research. Earl ofEgyptian revenue as one of the most wanted in the world, revenue therefore find and try the Egyptian recipe you like.

Follow with the conflict in the Middle East

Conflict in theMiddle East is again a major topic of discussion with the news media. There is now a wave of shock of the events, and it is all about oil, and is in the control. The vast majority of oil resources is located in the Middle East. From the beginning, this region is known for conflicts involving religion, land and other various resources. Recently, the conflict in the Middle East focuses on energy resources.

Corrupt Arab leaders are usually the focus of attention in conflicts. Many believe that these Arab leaders were intentionally placed in powerful positions to take control of the region. If you plan to keep pace with the crisis, you have a wealth of General information on the region and the leaders in the control. Stay plugged in daily news of the world will keep you updated on current events and allow you a better understanding of this conflict is.

The current conflict revolves around Muammar Gaddafi and demonstrators across the Middle East. Rule 42 days of Muammar Gaddafi set a path angry demonstrators, leaving Muammar Gaddafi requiring forces to control the demonstrators with violence. In the Middle East conflict, protesters often becomes furious. Other events spread like fire throughout the region when this occurs. Leaders in other regions deplore the use of violent tactics saying that tactics need to be stopped immediately. Control of the weapon, various prohibitions and powerful leaders attempting to gain control; Middle East to make a topic for discussion important conflict.

Many people until now were just sitting in the back and accepted their oppression. They are not encouraged to stand up and take a fight in their leaders. It is a very historic moment for the areas of the Middle Eastern. Most people seem to have woken up and realizing that they are more the person little insignificant. These people are now aware of the fact that they can do something, and which spreads viral for a person to another. From one city to another. Therefore it should not be surprised to see this uprising spread across Middle East.

Media from around the world develop in this conflict. Reporters and journalists follow events on an hourly basis. It is a problem for journalists are consumed with. If you really plan to follow with the conflict in the Middle East , the news media will be your best source for all the current information.

If you are seriously to protect you and your family of the current financial crisis and want to learn how it is easy to take advantage of the disaster. Please visit:-

Monday, February 6, 2012

Freight Forwarding increase prices in the Middle East after the attacks of Hezbollah

The fighting in the Lebanon which began after that Hezbollah militants kidnapping two Israeli soldiers and began firing rockets on the North of Israel, product of the serious consequences for the transport of cargo industry in the Middle East.

This article discusses what caused violence and the impact it has on the transport sector.

Hezbollah has first emerged in the Lebanon in the 1980s. It is a terrorist organization is committed to the destruction and the destruction of the State of Israel. Funded by the Iran which also expressed the desire to "wipe the face of the Earth Israel", Hezbollah actions recently sparked bitter fighting in the Lebanon.

On 12 July of this year, Hezbollah militants kidnapping two Israeli soldiers and began to fire rockets on the cities of the North of Israel. This prompted Israel at Hezbollah positions in the Lebanon to try and save his soldiers and prevent further attacks against civilians, its target.

Fighting has gradually resumed on both sides, causing major civilian and economic problems in the region. Among these are the difficulties that have been created for the freight forwarder of the industry.
The British Chamber of Shipping recently declared the coast of Lebanon and Israel a zone of war which affected the cost and the passage of freight in the region. The Declaration means that the UK freight deliver the cargo to the area of maritime transport companies will receive a kind of war bonus. The size of this bonus will depend on the contracts involved.

According to recent reports by Arab News, Middle East freight forwarding companies have increased their rate of navigation to the Lebanon by measuring between 33% and 63%. The price of a container of 20 feet of transfer is now between $550 and $900, while a container of 40 feet will cost about $1000 for transport.

It is hoped that a cease-fire agreement will enter into force shortly. If this happens and if Hezbollah activists are kept in line by the Lebanese army, the industry Middle East forwarder can gradually return to normal.

GBS freight is only a UK based company freight forwarders

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fractional ownership real estate and the Concept of time in the Middle East

Fractional ownership of real property and the Concept of shared time may have great potential in Middle East

NorthCourse, one of the most trusted real estate relief and solutions companies in the world has recently concluded a study on how people in different parts of the world, specifically in the Middle East, will accept the time-share and real estate industry.

NorthCourse, 44% of the respondents of their investigation would be want to invest in the property of fractional ownership vacation purposes. It is somewhat surprising, especially because the timeshare is not yet widespread in the region of Asia said.

This is already a fact that the timeshare industry will grow and develop more in the years to come. They estimated increase of 50% over the next five years, mainly in Middle East. The reason why only 44% of respondents were concerned with the property of timeshare and fractional real estate is that 56% of respondents has no idea about the concepts still. Another obvious reason is that timeshare industry does not yet work in their place as at the moment.

Middle East, the country which is more familiar with the timeshare is the Egypt. The Egypt owns 62% of stations timeshares with timeshare. Despite this, the researchers said NorthCourse it is expected that in the next years, there will be more construction and expansion in other prosperous places in the Middle East , such as Abu Dabi and Dubai. Researchers also said that the Asian region has great potential and it is good to invest and develop timeshare properties there.

Because of this good news, the company of renowned global real estate fractional life organized the "shared property and fractional Summit Middle East"Yas hotel in Abu Dhabi. In this way, people of Abu Dhabi and other sites will be able to learn more about the real estate, timeshare property timeshare and everything which relates to the timeshare industry and holiday options.

Many timeshare companies and developers around the world have heard of this new and are now looking forward to expand their timeshare and choosing Dubai, Abu Dhabi and other beautiful places in the Middle East to build timeshare properties.

Erick Cornwell is a fractional ownership of the United States consultant, help timeshare owners to obtain a real timeshare relief for fractional ownership loads. It provides the means and advice on how owners can sell timeshare units.

Free Middle East of Scream (part I)

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It's Oscar time, so get ready to hear all about all the movies you "must" see in order to be in the know, on top of things, and popular at the water cooler. I'm always wondering who the heck has time to take in the "25 Movies You Must See Before the Oscars"? Believe me, I preach the need for couples to have regular date nights, but creating the time and babysitting and money to see 25 movies over the next two months just ain't happening. I guess I could skip working out at the gym, but then I'd end up looking like George Clooney in "Syriana."

Which is one movie that I have seen. And whole-heartedly recommend. The other is Steven Spielberg's "Munich." While certainly not the feel-good fare you may seek out on your date nights, both of these films have ways of shaking up, or maybe waking up, the integrity within all of us. The integrity that tells us something's wrong with the world.

Forgive me for this brief two-week foray into the world of geopolitics; I know you are used to my articles explicitly about parenting and family relationships. But the principles of ScreamFree apply to all relationships, not just those within the home. And that means we at home can learn a lot by observing other relationship patterns, even those between tribes, factions, and governments thousands of miles away.

Both "Syriana" and "Munich" take the Middle East, and its relationship with the world, as the central crisis of our time. "Munich" portrays Israel's retaliatory assassinations against in the wake of 11 Israeli athletes being murdered by a Palestinian terrorist group at the 1972 Olympics. "Syriana" is a purely fictional examination of the sickeningly intricate web of relationships surrounding the world's demand for, and the Middle East's supply of, oil.

Growing up, I used to think that the Middle East strife was too remote and too removed to deserve all the attention it does. Now I know it helps to remember this: The most emotionally reactive (and thus, least ScreamFree) political region in the world is also the central location of 1) the largest depository of the fuel that literally fires our world, and 2) the geographic beginning, and thus, home, of the world's three largest religions, representing over half the world's population.

And for those of us working hard to create the families we've always craved--the families the world needs, these films offer two haunting lessons: 1) reactive dependency turns us all upside down; and 2) reactive reciprocity leaves us all dead.

1. Reactive dependency turns us all upside down.

Most of you familiar with ScreamFree Parenting have heard me preach that our families get so upside down whenever we focus all our energy and attention on our kids. We begin to orbit our whole lives around them, thinking that such attention to them and their needs is what they need to be made right. To be made whole.

So we end up depending on our kids to make us and the whole family happy. Think about it. I need my kids to obey me in order for me to feel sane, or powerful, or validated. I need my kids to respect and appreciate me in order for me to keep my cool with them. I need them to get good grades, or demonstrate good manners, or whatever else, in order for me to feel validation as a parent, even as a person. Thus I am putting all of my emotional "eggs" into their basket and begging them not to spill it! So the emotional stability of the family, and thus its ability to live according to principle, is in the hands of the least mature members of that family.

That's what has happened with the Middle East. In the words of President Bush two nights ago, "Here we have a serious problem: America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world." Because the rest of the world is so dependent upon the Middle Eastern region for its oil and its religious meaning (thus, both our materialism and our spirituality), the entire emotional stability of the planet is in the hands of its least stable, least progressive, least "mature" societies. The Middle East is not made up of immature people, just very immature systems that "haven't had a good century in 900 years" (Thomas Friedman).

But just like with our kids, we cannot orbit our lives around these societies without giving them the impression the world revolves around them. And so, of course, they act self-centered. Look at Saudi Arabia actually reducing oil production in the fall of 2001, after 9/11. Fifteen of their boys destroy the towers, and they decide to reduce production, causing a price hike that continues to this day. But why should they act any different? They know that even after 9/11 the world will continue to orbit around them, needing ("addicted to") their supply.

And no one is guiltier of this than the U.S. We in this country represent only 5% of the world's population, but we use 25% of the world's energy. And a significant amount of that energy we use comes from the Middle East societies we want to grow up and change. And we wonder why it seems so difficult to influence these societies to reform? Why they seem to only resent our efforts to urge them toward modern public policy? What possible motivation do the leaders of these nations have to institute serious reforms of their governments, serious restraints on their hatred-based Islamism, as long as we are lining their pocketbooks in order to cart our soccer teams around in our latest Ford Excessives?

The very instability that threatens to create scores more Osama bin Ladens, that seeks only to destroy all forms of democratic government and religious tolerance, is not one-sided. It is not just that these terrorists need to see the error of their ways and then change for benefit of the rest of us. That type of other-focused thinking is exactly what is going wrong in our families! We focus so much on our kids, needing them to please, appease, respect, appreciate, and validate us, and then, of course they don't. They instead defy us, disrespect our authority, intentionally test us, as if they don't see us as people worth listening to, or learning from. Well, why should they? What's their motivation for doing so as long as we NEED them to? As long as I need my kids, they inherently know that something's wrong, something's backwards. And that's when they will make stupid choices to blatantly go against me, even if they know it will make things worse for themselves. Kids are masters at cutting off their own noses in order to spite their faces. That's because it's the only way they know how to express that something is wrong with the whole setup.

And is that not the best way to explain the current defiance of Iran, and before 2003, Iraq? Refusing inspections, refusing to let the world keep them from growing in the ways they want (militarily), they only make things worse for themselves. But that's because they know what we know (but don't ever make public): we need them. How can we have any authority to tell them how to run their country (in their minds) as long as we so desperately need their oil? There's only one way out, one principle to guide us toward authentic change, both geopolitically and in our own families:

What kids need most are parents who do not need them.

Now, first of all, I am not saying that the U.S. is a parent over the Middle East (they might feel that we think we are, which only fuels their resentment). But the U.S. is the most powerful military and economic country in history, and the world looks to us for influential leadership. So what would happen if the U.S., through radical efforts to reduce its consumption and supply its own resources, were no longer dependent on Middle East oil? How would that completely change the dynamics of its relationships with those societies? How would that completely change the dynamics between and within those societies? By changing its part of the pattern, the U.S. would necessarily change the whole pattern itself. And force other parties to change theirs.

Similarly, what would happen if we parents, through radical efforts to give our kids the space to make their own choices (and walk beside them as they taste the consequences), were no longer dependent on our children? What would happen if we no longer needed our kids' behavior to validate us as parents, and realized that only our own behavior could ever do so?

My daughter had a party to attend one night last week, and I explained to her that she wouldn't be able to do any homework while there, and it would be past bedtime by the time she got home. I wasn't entirely shocked by her response: "But I don't want to do my homework!! You can't make me do my homework!! Why are you trying to make me?!?"

"Honey, I didn't say you had to do your homework."

"Yes, you did! You said I couldn't do it later so I'd have to do it now!"

"Honey, I want you to listen to me very carefully, okay? Whether you do your homework is up to you, not me. I'm never going to make you do it because then I'd be acting like it was my homework and my life, not yours. All I'm saying is that you cannot do it later tonight." And then I turned away, resisting my urge to see her response.

"Whatever!!" she shouted. And the next time I saw her, she was getting her bookbag out and getting started.

What kids, and nations, need most are parents, or superpowers, who do not need them.

[to be continued]

Hal Runkel, LMFT, is the author of ScreamFree Parenting and founder of ScreamFree Living. For more information, visit

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Growth of the franchise to Dubai and the Middle East

Doing business in Dubai and Dubai franchises.

As I walked through four levels of the centre of Dubai and watched buyers shop House Versace, the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise, had a sandwich at the location of the Subway franchise and

Franchise marketing systems recently spent last week in Dubai in collaboration with local businesses and meeting with a group of potential investors. For those who have not been in Dubai, it is what I consider a Mecca for consumption and trade in detail - perhaps Las Vegas, NV would close, but even the band can compete with what Dubai has to offer. The Mall of Emirates has an indoor ski slope, The Dubai Mall boasts a rink Indoor skating, downtown Dubai proudly holds the trophy for having the tallest building in the world, there are too many sites and the unique aspects of Dubai to mention. But exciting with Middle East is to stop in Dubai is only scratch the surface of the potential of the region for business growth.

They still built almost every corner in Dubai, step of houses or small buildings, 60 history more scrapers sky. Neighber Dubai, Abu Dhabi has largest sovereign wealth funds on the planet to 627 billion dollars, the Kuwait is second to about $ 450 billion. Middle East is a region which has been largely ignored by the rest of the world other than for their oil. But what I discovered working with companies in Dubai is that it is a region and a region ripe for trade. Construction, finance, retail and Professional Services companies have huge opportunities for growth in Middle East. There are also obvious cultural differences that Middle East brings to a discussion of the company, how a business Middle East successfully?

What I found, it is the culture of the Middle East to accept and open to do business and work with people from other regions of the world. The International influence is obvious in Dubai, but has also begun to show in areas such as Abu Dhabi and the landscape of business of the Middle East . I couldn't help but notice that the amount of American and European franchises who completed the band centres and shopping centres throughout the region. If you have not visited Dubai, you need it you your next trip. If you are in business and have not regarded as doing business in the Middle East, you should make your next objective of expanding region.

Christopher James Conner owns and operates systems marketing Franchise, a full-service franchise development and the firm based in Atlanta, GA. Franchise Marketing Systems works with existing and new franchise systems to develop and create networks of franchise.

Friday, February 3, 2012

History of the Middle East conflict

This section deals with the history of the Middle East conflict , which started the Israeli-Arab conflict or Israelis and Palestinians. The history, and the different knowledge of history can be seen as very important aspects in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Accounts of history and his interpretation of different ways can be used to deny and to substantiate claims. There are a lot of accounts that have been printed and the majority of these accounts displayed in the Web site intends to convince more readily than to enlighten.

This very concise account is provided in a fair overview and an introduction to the history of conflict in the Middle East . It is unlikely that someone has written or will write a final summary and a goal that is acceptable to everyone, however, it is approved this article gives a balanced introduction.

The history of the Middle East conflict has created obvious problems between Israelis and Palestinians. Judea, the place of the Jews, was in raptures by the Group of the Romans and renamed in Palestine. Palestine was quickly conquered and occupied by the Arabs for more than a thousand years. Zionist society began restoring the Jews of Israel. Following the Balfour Declaration, in the year 1917, Palestine was granted to Great Britain, the League of the mandate of the Nations for the creation of the national home for the Jewish people. The Arabs have resented society of Jews arriving to get their land. Led by the Grand Mufti Hajj Amin El Husseini, they revolt repeatedly creates a history of enmity between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. Britain stopped Jewish immigration to go to Palestine. Following the Holocaust, where six million Jews were murdered by the company of the Nazis, stress on Britain raised in allowing the Jewish to migrate to Palestine. The year 1947, the United Nations divided the territory into Jewish and Arab States. And given that the Arabs did not accept the partition of the Earth, the Jews society won the important and expanded their lands. Arab society has refused to recognize Israel or have peace with them.

Wars broke out in 1956, 1967, 1973 and in 1982. In the history of the conflict in the Middle East , the Israel society is that continued to develop facilities throughout their peace process, which began in 1993. In the last colonies at Camp David and Taba, the Israel have turned over 97 per cent of their land to the West Bank and the Palestinians have refused this offer.

CANDIS Reade is an accomplished niche Web site developer and an author. To learn more about the history of conflict in the Middle East [], please visit the Middle East [] for discussions and policy current articles.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Impacts of climate change on water in the Middle East

Projections of alterations in the runoff and drinking water under climate change scenarios vary. In the past that one can recognize that the current climate in Middle East is not the worst, that there might be with respect to the availability of the water much dryers hyper, arid conditions which can be connected with higher or even colder temperatures mean.

On the other hand much more humid conditions will instantly improve the situation for all kinds of lives. You will find all sorts of minor transitions to a substantial increase in precipitation.Climate change is now generally accepted to become inevitable according to the latest IPCC assessment. The climate is expected to be warmer and drier in the Middle East, although he spent many differing assessments as to the amount of temperatures and at what speed.

Higher temperatures and decreased precipitation will increase the frequency of droughts. It is found that a reduction in rainfall coupled with an improvement in extreme climate events due to climate change is more likely to significantly reduce the availability of drinking water in the region, with damaging effects on food production and economies.

Particularly in agriculture locations rainforest yields are expected to fluctuate much more widely, eventually falling to some average much lower long-term. Will the same happen with lands irrigated, if the availability of drinking water for domestic use must be reduced. Poor and vulnerable populations that exist in a significant number in any region, will most likely be expected to the largest chance.

In urban areas on the one hand, it has become expected that just across the additional growth population water demands remain under additional stress. On the other hand the rising temperature is additional estimated to have an additional multiplier effect on drinking water consumption due to the effects of heat and decreasing the quality of drinking water and the worsening of the conditions of the urban air.

These will result in the high pressure on the resources of surface and groundwater, which are currently be extracted in most locations beyond the sustainable recharge conditions. The competitor of the application and the tensions between the various groups of clients can lead to a situation of social conflict or economic associated with water in a country. In the case of joint use of the assets of drinking water and drinking water of the agreements between the nations, this could disrupt the political relations between the countries.

Middle East is a region of tension. Political tensions, contracts for the supply of drinking water, could aggravate the animosities in the region. Water is a scarce resource - and will continue to become in the future. Global models predict amounts of sea from 0.1 to 0.9 metres by 2100. In the East of the Centre, there are several countries with low-lying coastal areas, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates United.

In Alexandria, Egypt, for example an increase in degree of sea 0.5 m would leave more than 2 million people displaced with much more harm to property and infrastructure $ 30 billion. Water shortages
and sea increasing quantities could lead to mass migration. While the level of the sea of the Mediterranean as nicely as in the Persian Gulf due to the melting of ice in the polar region will turn out to be a dangerous chance for the riparian direct, the reverse impact will trigger the issue to the dead as a terminal Lake closed sea.

The projected reduction of precipitation in Middle East in relation to the global warming worldwide will cause further depletion of the dead sea (Salameh & Naser 1999) degree. During the past four decades, drinking water in the basin of the dead sea have been intensively developed to meet the growing demand.

Increasing amounts of water was diverted from sources of surface and groundwater in the basin watershed to meet domestic, agricultural and industrial needs. Today, only a fraction of the flow of water-rich areas reach the dead sea. The influx may not balance the strong evaporative loss. The ecological and hydrological offset will be supported by projected climate change.

Much progress made so far by countries in the region to tackle the challenges of high unemployment and the integration with that the global economy could be compromised by environmental changes. Income and jobs may be lost because of much more frequent droughts in rural areas and flooding and sea surges in urban and coastal areas.

Alterations in the patterns of temperature and precipitation could cause damage, in strategic economic sectors this kind of tourism or others with possible growth, such as agriculture with high added value. The combination of these effects is more likely to slow down the reform process.

Francesco Zinzaro was involved in marketing online for about 3 years and enjoys writing on a variety of topics. Come visit his latest website which deals with the reverse osmosis filter and supplies water to the owner of his own business.