Friday, September 30, 2011

Why spring Saban support Arabic?

By Maidhc Cathail

Test of a first-rate intelligence, f. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote, "is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." When it comes to what has been called the "Arab spring", pass most Middle East analysts Fitzgerald test with flying colours.

Hardly anyone would dispute the claim, Haim Saban cares deeply about Israel. After all, Egyptian-born isrælsk-American media mogul admitted to the New York Times, "I'm a one issue guy, and my problem is Israel." A New Yorker profile drawn up last year:

"His greatest concern, he says, is to protect Israel, by strengthening United States-Israel relationship. At a conference described last autumn in Israel, Saban his formula. His three ways to be influential in American politics, he said, was: make donations to political parties, establishing think-tanks and manage media. "

Think tank, part of Sabans tripartite Israel-protection formula was launched in 2002 with a pledge of almost $ 13 million for the Brookings Institution to establish Saban Center for Middle East policy. In 2007 extended Saban Center operations with the launch of the Brookings Doha Center. Its Qatar-based project was inaugurated in February 2008 by Saban Center, Martin Indyk founding Director. A former research director at the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Indyk had previously founded Institute Washington AIPAC-created for Middle East policy (WINEP).

All three experts on the Brookings Doha Center — its Director, Deputy Director and Director of research — is fellows in the Middle, while Saban calmly two of the three has close ties to Washington's "democracy promotion" enterprise. Center's Assistant Director, Ibrahim Sharqieh, succeeded former a long term USAID development project in Yemen, as well as a US State Department Middle East partnership initiative (MEPI) civic education project. According to a March 12 report in the Washington Post describes the U.S. support for the Arab Democrats, USAID grants "showed crucial for activists in a half-dozen Arab lands," funding, for example, training of groups such as the National Democratic Institute (NDI), International Republican Institute (IRI) and Freedom House of up to 80 percent of the leaders of the Egyptian rebellion. MEPI, according to an April 18 Washington Post report, have funneled up to $ 6 million to Syrian opposition groups since 2006. As further Testament Haim Saban contribution to Middle East democracy from MEPI currently Tamara Wittes, former Director of the Saban Center Middle East democracy and development (MSG) project.

Shadi Hamid, Doha Center's Director of research, is aptly described as an expert on democratization in the Middle East. Prior to working for Saban Center, he was a Hewlett Fellow at Stanford University Center on democracy, development and rule of law (CDDRL). CDDRLS Director, Larry Diamond, is the founding co-editor of the National Endowment for democracy's Journal of democracy and a lifelong advocate of Arab democracy. Hamid was also Director of the research on the project on Middle East democracy (POMED), whose Board of advisors, reading like a who's who of establishment to promote democracy includes Diamond and NDI and IRI Chairmen. Hamid has also served as a program specialist on public diplomacy at the u.s. Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. James Glassman, the former Undersecretary for public diplomacy, which brought the Middle Eastern pro-democracy activists to New York for the first Alliance of youth movements (AYM) Summit in 2008, are considered public diplomacy as "direct or indirect involvement of foreign publics to support national security objectives" subjectthat "it is much easier to be influential, when others do opinions."

On its international Advisory Council boasting Brookings Doha Center such nobel prizes of the promotion of democracy by Madeleine Albright. The former US Secretary of State at the moment, NDI, leader of the democratic affiliate of the quasi-governmental National Endowment for democracy (NED). As Kenneth Temmerman candidly admitted in 2009, "the National Endowment for democracy has spent millions of dollars in the past decade to promote the ' color ' revolutions in places like Ukraine and Serbia, training political workers in modern communications and organisational techniques." During protests in Egypt, was Albright interviewed by Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, one of, AYM'S online hub that supports pro-democracy activities in digital activists corporate sponsors. In the light of her lack of scruples about sanctions-induced death of 500,000 Iraqi children has Albright's condemnation of the Mubarak regime's brutality should be taken with a grain of salt. More important, recognized NDI Chairman, however, that her democracy-promoting organisation had "worked in Egypt for a long time."

From the beginning of the Arab incursions, Brookings Doha Center has kærning out comments with titles like "Saleh falls," "in Syria, Assad must complete phase" and "If the United States does not make the Qaddafi go, who will?" which leaves doubt as to their position. In a recent Washington Post report, which reads more an editorial in support of Arab spring, warns the Center's Director, Salman Shaikh, "If these Arab revolutions is a footnote, and if people become frustrated and see any light at the end of the tunnelenJeg do not knowwhere it could result in people thinking on the al-Qaeda. "

Even some Middle East observers seem to ask: If Arab spring supported so unreservedly by Haim Saban think tank, which was created to protect Israel, and then how could it possibly true isrælske interests?

-Maidhc Cathail is an investigative journalist and Middle East analyst. He contributed this article to


The trial in the United States, Iran claims to have helped plan the September 11 attacks (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters)-11. victims of the September 2001 attacks on the written documents, to the families of the Federal Court this week, in response to a request for subsequent verification, Iran had role in terrorist attacks, even if the u.s. Government, the decision of the Executive Committee of inquiry in 2004.

New documents filed in the current proceedings in the United States District Court, Manhattan, to lay the blame for the Iran and Hezbollah, helping plot the attacks on the al Qaida terrorist ties to Iran, the Lebanese militant group.

"Iran and the upper was in advance of the information on the 9/11 attacks in the planning," said the documents that accuse Iran of direct aid ", and the United States of America and the history of the most deadly act of sponsorship of terrorism."

From a strictly legal point for families, Thomas Mellon Jr., told Reuters on Friday that a new application based on his firm's former Chief of staff of the United States and Iran has drawn up the intelligence officials.

Iran's involvement in the issue examined in the light of the existing 9/11 Commission in its decision to initiate the formal investigation after the terrorist attacks in the United States Government. It was released in 2004, the report found "strong evidence" of Iranian helped some of the 9/11 hijackers and out of Afghanistan to the terrorist attacks. It was found that the "evidence of Iran or Hezbollah was aware of what later became the 9/11 attacks."

Mellon said, the latest legal move is intended to prove that Iran helped the movement, because it was aware of and supported their hijackers.

Mellon said some of his company's testimony gathered showed that Hezbollah's Imad Mughniyah, a senior officer met al Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden in 1993 between Iran and al Qaida terrorist attacks served to draw, and traveled to Saudi Arabia to help coordinate the al Qaida terrorist attacks.

MUGHNIYAH, who was killed in 2008, it was for a long time also the 1983 bombing attacks that killed more than 200 Us Marines, Us armed forces from Lebanon terror watch list.

Ellen Saracini, United Airlines, the pilots were flying the plane, the husband, who was abducted and the World Trade Center crashed, said the terrorist attacks on the participation of the Iranian allegations are not new. They were filed in court this week because the have not made themselves known, the United States Government had fully examined by them.

"It is a little worrying that our Government has taken more responsibility for locating, which has been involved in the terrorist attacks," he said.

(Editing by Barbara Goldberg and Greg McCune)

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Obama sidesteps mostly Iranian Sports in the Olympics record levels of speech (AP)

WASHINGTON-President Barack Obama was to provide a strong speech in Iran to comply with the judgment of the new Middle East policy.

Iran on Thursday accused the President of the hypocrisy and reiterated Us opposition to the country of the intolerance, illicit nuclear program and sponsorship of terror. But the President also said such views were known, and he did not claim them. And he threw the Hobgoblin of Iran, the Middle East, as Us officials have in the past. Instead, Obama speech was a strong challenge to put an end to Syria and Bahrain to violent crackdowns.

Iran, stating the reasons on which it is a little more than a paragraph in the 45 minutes of the speech. The Obama administration in Tehran is gone, any outreach täyttyvässä, even though Us officials still hope they maybe Iranian negotiations on its nuclear program and other issues.

View the original article here

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Iranian army Gets a new missile system (Reuters)

TEHRAN (Reuters)-the Iranian army got a new State-of-the-art system against ballistic missile on Sunday, it said, shows the country self-sufficiency in producing weapons of mass.

"The new surface, surface missiles Qiyam (Resurrection) was successfully tested, and delivered to the armed forces today," Iranian State television channel in the Arabic language Al-Alam said.

It reveals, the missile area, the elite revolutionary guards are brought to the attention of the aviation wing, but said it was designed in less than older models can easily detect.

"The missile without fins Qiyam-stabilizer for the production of the first mass display of the Islamic Republic of Iran to produce different types of missiles for self-sufficiency," Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi played the semi-official Fars news agency as saying.

Iran has significant powers to loggerheads in the nuclear sector in their work, which it says are peaceful and intended exclusively for the supply of electricity, but which Washington and its allies fear is the objective is to make nuclear bombs.

Israel sees the establishment of nuclear-armed Iran, which refuses to recognize the Jewish State-of-the-art of the State and supports the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah--a major threat, and that it and its ally Washington to rule out military operations to prevent such a scenario.

Iran has said it would respond to attacks by the interests of the United States and Israel.

(Written By Mitra Amiri; Edit By Peter Graff)


The latest tactic I think mothers: hiker hunger strike (AP)

MINNEAPOLIS – two American hikers held in Iran families have made countless TV appearances, enlisted celebrities for Help, and even traveled to Tehran to keep the men in the spotlight. Their latest tactic: the hunger strike, that even they acknowledge is a desperate measure.

None of you have made to the work of the Government of Iran is not yet in the nearly two years after a painful divorce.

"The members of the family, we have you in the light of the Wicked and we can get down, financially, physically, in to," said Cindy Hickey of Pine City, Minn., Shane Bauer, Josh Fattal, who has been held in 21 months with the mother. "We've all suffer from this. It is a very desperate. "

Fattal, Bauer and Bauer, Sarah Shourd have girlfriend, was arrested in Iraq-Iran border area in July 2009 and on espionage charges which the applicants deny that. The possibility of returning to the United States was Shourd measures last year. Iranian officials ordered her back to Tehran at the end of the trial version, but he refused.

Hickey and Fattal: mother, Laura Fattal suburban Philadelphia, began their hunger strike on Thursday. They said it was their sons, who they believe are also on strike, the famine in Iran because they have done before solidarity. However, the mothers said they do not know for sure, because independent observers have been refused access to the men.

Suzanne Maloney, the Brookings Institution expert in Iranian Affairs, Washington, said he doubted whether the hunger strike would be the effect of "if only because Tehran has had many opportunities to make humanitarian gestures, dramatic, and yet is still in the possession of these young men really unjustified payments."

He said the Iranian Government will use the bargaining chip as the men in prison and has not yet been willing to cash it in. "." is an Iranian political instrument, and they try to extract a price for it, "he said. "Just imagine the frustration the families."

Hickey, and Laura Fattal spoken with their sons for almost six months and the video of them since Feb nShny. 6, when the men, and 28 to the mark before the Court. "We saw the movie and I have seen I like," Hickey said. "Been very eager, thin, white, gray, and entitlement to death grants acquired under the eyes."

The trial was scheduled to resume on May 11, but the men did the Court of Justice and no explanation is given to the families or their lawyers to Tehran. Hickey said, without the facts of the case, it is difficult to expect the worst.

"Are they being treated lentäjiensä? There are things they want to trade marks, for us to see? "he said."A few months after one of the questions are, they are still alive? That is the deepest, darkest fear, that I push back on a regular basis. "

Teheran, by Masoud Shafiei, hikers, told the Associated Press on Thursday that he wrote earlier this week two of the prisoners themselves and seeking access to the Swiss Ambassador Livia Leu Agosti, who represents Us interests in Iran, in the absence of direct diplomatic relations with the judiciary.

"Unfortunately, so far, the response was," he said.

Laura Fattal, said he worries what will the men when they get off the shape. "We are particularly frightened little mental and physical health," he said. "Thank God they have each other."

One of the hunger strike comes to Hickey and Fattal-50th anniversary: the visit to Tehran, they personally have seen their husbands, the arrest warrant from 31 August to 7 September 2001. July 2009 onwards only once. Two women say they drink only water; When they feel they cannot continue to turn it From Shourd. other family members and supporters of the strike continues, Fattal said.

"We do not know what will happen," said Fattal. "We hope to correct every time for Iran."

Hikers say they were Kurdish northern region of Iraq and that Iranian crossing was inadvertent. They deny the espionage charges.

In view of the fact that the three were arrested, their families, have been a number of interviews and access to the web, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook to 26,000 followers. These efforts have led to coordinated dozens of vigils in countries at the same time. Supporters have produced documents, short films, Shane, Josh and Sarah and video pleas Yusuf Islam, formerly Cat Stevens, and Muhammad Ali to release information.

President Barack Obama, the families have received support letters, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, said the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, an anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan and others. Thousands of people have signed petitions in their network. Was in the peace conference in London to raise awareness of travel.

Alex, Josh Fattal's older brother, said the effort is paid mostly small donations made through the, and smaller events throughout the country, such as works of art auction in San Francisco in January.

Associated Press Writer Nasser Karimi contribute to this report, Tehran

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The victim says Iran may be acidic replacement parts for an attacker to blinding (Reuters)

TEHRAN (Reuters)-Iranian woman, who was blinded acidic attack, he said his assailant spare parts may be the same to him if he raised $ 2 million (EUR 2.8 million dollars) in compensation, a newspaper reported Saturday.

Ameneh Bahrami was blinded in 2004, Majid Mohavedi, pour the acid in his face when he spurned his offers of marriage.

Mohavedi was convicted in 2008 and was blinded by the same method. Last week, penalty, scheduled was postponed without explanation.

In the case of labels around the world, Amnesty International calls on Iran to go to the Islamic law, it meant that the constraints in the form of legal Retributiivinen.

In an interview with the daily Sharq Bahrami said, had not been responsible for the last week of the postponement, but he said he now wanted to be delayed further while he is in the processing of facial surgery.

Bahrami, attack, at 24, he was also said to complete his regret for more information about the compensation for the penalty.

Many people came to ask for either red prisoners Majid or postpone that I asked to find the money already in the implementation of the sentence, but I do not agree, since these years nobody has apologized to me and even took a family of Majid n, for the financing of the costs of my treatment, "he is quoted as saying.

"He is taken away everything from me, and now I am thinking about his penalty. I have to bear in the final in my life, so he should get to understand what I'm blinded by saying, "he added.

Bahrami said, he had to return to Spain to continue to face surgery. "This is the Majid family during the cash for that, I have requested for an extended period of time, which is EUR 2 million. Then I change my mind about retribution, "he said in an interview.

Mohavedi the lawyer thanked his invitation, but a Bahrami, said the family would be a huge amount of money to face difficulties in finding their only asset was a house in Tehran. Some people were lahjoittaneet per payment, he said.

"It is true that Majid was catastrophic, the n," Rabbani told the Sharq al-Mahdi.

"It is Ameneh has the right to require much more than EUR 2 million to improve the safety of his life from an economic point of view. Unfortunately, Majid's family cannot afford this amount. "


Monday, September 26, 2011

Palestinians set up at UN statehood bid in September (Reuters)

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters)-the Palestinians will seek recognition as a UN Member State in September, where out of the impasse in the U.S.-mediated peacemaking with Israel, a senior Palestinian official said on Saturday.

Nabil Shaath called on President Barack Obama on Thursday criticized the planned step general Assembly UNITED NATIONS join those countries that have already endorsed a Palestinian State, taking account of the isrælsk-occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Another Palestinian official, Nabil Abu Rdainah, said the drive to gain status as a State unilaterally could have same Israel must accept the requirement to extend a freeze of its settlement of the occupied territories, so that negotiations can resume.

But such approximation seen highly unlikely after the isrælske prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, hosted in Washington on Friday, sparred with Obama over a new U.S. calls for the future Palestinian State to have an edge approximation in the West Bank border before Israel captured it in the 1967 war.

"Of course we want to go to the United Nations," said Shaath, an aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Reuters.

"Especially after Netanyahu used old pretext that he must be defended borders you can keep stealing our land, control the Jordan Valley and creating demographic facts on the ground." Diplomats see majority support for the Palestinians in the UN's general Assembly. But State vote would have first to be approved in the Security Council, where the United States--which insists on a negotiated peace agreement--have a veto.

"We urge President Obama to recognize the Palestinian State on the 1967 borders," said Shaath. "We are the United Nations in September, using all non-violent means."


Isrælske defence minister Ehud Barak, who had earlier warned his countrymen that a pro-Palestinian "diplomatic tsunami" would Crest, welcomed Obama remarks on UN lobbying.

"The President has deleted September issue. It is very important, "Barak told channel two tv Isræls.

In February the United States struck down the Security Council proposals that would have branded the West Bank settlements as illegal. Analysts, noting that the other 14 Council members voted for, said the Palestinians seemed to be signaling that Washington was out of step with an international consensus.

Delivers a greater Middle East policy speech on Thursday, Obama warned Palestinians against "efforts to delegitimise Israel." He added: "symbolic actions to isolate Israel at the United Nations in September may not be able to create an independent State".

Obama questioned power-share deal forged last month between Abbas's Fatah faction and armed, rival Hamas Islamists who control Gaza and spurn the Jewish State viability.

But Palestinians, who long have complained about isrælske unilateralism, was encouraged by Obama's vision of borders ", based on 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps".

Israel denies Palestinian claims to the whole of their territory, which was previously held by Jordan, and now is peppered with Jewish settlements. Gaza, second half of the Palestinian polity, was evacuated of isrælerne in 2005.

Abbas spokesman Abu Rdainah said Palestinians preferred to pursue peace with Israel looks rather to the United Nations.

"Our position is to allow until September, to go back to the negotiating table based on a halt to the settlements," he said. "It would be our first choice."

(Written by Dan Williams; Editing by Alison Williams)

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Palestinians are more sceptical about Middle East talks (AP)

RAMALLAH, West Bank, Palestinian officials said Saturday that Isræls dismissive response to President Barack Obama new Middle East peace proposal evidence there is not enough common ground for meaningful negotiations.

Despite these skepticism seemed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas not hurry to announce his next move. He instructed his advisers to avoid public comment, probably to keep attention focused on isrælske prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, there seems to be set on a collision course with Obama.

The US President said this week that isrælsk-Palestinian borders negotiations should be based on Isræls before the 1967 war lines with mutually agreed land swaps, adopt a formal long sought by the Palestinians but rejected by Netanyahu.

Finally, presents his own vision of the rough outlines of a peace agreement, pace Obama deeper into the Middle East struggle after more than two years on the sidelines. But he does not submit an action plan with his ideas, and responses from both sides announced that the chances of renewal talks largely on hold since 2008, still more remote.

Obama and Netanyahu is to resolve quietly lobbying group AIPAC on Sunday and Monday, respectively. The isrælske leader are planning also to deal with Congress on Tuesday. White House spokesman has said Obama will talk about the strong ties between Israel and the United States, but does not deliver a policy speech.

Strain in the relationship was apparent Friday after a two-hour White House meeting between Obama and Netanyahu. In the tv cameras, Netanyahu at times seemed to lecture Obama, and suggested the President's ideas are unrealistic, fail to say that "peace based on illusions" quickly.

Among Abbas ' senior aides, meanwhile, seemed to be some disagreement over tactics.

Chief negotiator Saeb fine said it is best for the Palestinians to keep quiet and let Netanyahu make the speech.

"We accept two States based on 1967 lines with agreed swaps ... and we wish Mr. Netanyahu say this sentence," said fine. "We hope to hear it in Congress on AIPAC in Hebrew, Arabic, Dutch, English, in all languages."

Well said it is too early to talk about what you should do if Obama fails to renew peace talks. Abbas ' aides have prepared to bypass the negotiations with a bid in September to win's recognition of a State in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, territories Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war.

Another senior aide, Nabil Shaath, said he expects Abbas to renew his support for the UNITED NATIONS in the coming days — unless Obama somehow persuades Netanyahu to change course and accept the 1967 borders as a baseline.

"It is very clear that Obama attempts (to restart negotiations) was shot down by Mr. Netanyahu," said Shaath Saturday, add, unless there is an isrælsk reversal, "we will continue our work until September and will continue to search countries recognize Palestine."

It is unlikely Netanyahu will change course when he responds to a right-wing coalition home and told Obama Friday, to the 1967 borders would be "reckless." Netanyahu did not touch on the idea of swaps, which likely will allow Israel to annex parts of the West Bank with large Jewish settlements, provided it compensates the Palestinians with the same amount of isrælske soil.

Netanyahu has repeatedly said he is willing to resume negotiations, but Abbas said he did not make it, as long as Israel to stop building homes for Jews in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Obama speech on Thursday, Abbas has since been consulting with Arab Foreign Ministers on the phone and heading to Jordan Saturday for talks with King Abdullah II. He is also to meet with the leaders of the PLO and his Fatah movement and has requested a meeting of Arab League Foreign Ministers later this month, said fine.

Obama has warned the Palestinians that a UNITED NATIONS bid would not get them a State.

But Abbas may not interrupt the move because of growing expectations at home, said Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the Executive Committee, the PLO. "I personally predict public is committed to the United Nations," said Ashrawi. "Netanyahu managed to undermine every single attempt to engage in serious negotiations".

There seems to be some confusion over what the UN's general Assembly be able to offer the Palestinians, if a recognition bid is the veto of the United States in the Security Council. An internal Palestinian document said the Palestinians should then ask the general Assembly to establish a UNITED NATIONS trusteeship in the isrælsk-occupied territories, while Shaath suggested the Palestinians at best could win an upgraded observer status.

In Israel, senior officials played down the potential damage isrælsk-US relations after the clash in Obama peace vision.

"I believe that when we hear all the details, it would be clear that the meeting was less dramatic than it was done," defense minister Ehud Barak, a centrist, told Israel television channel 2. "I do not think the President said you must go back to the ' 67 lines. He said you have to talk about borders on the basis of ' 67 lines with the relevant swaps. "

Netanyahu's blunt rejection of much Obama vision seemed still to further isolate Israel.

The Quartet of Middle East negotiators include the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia said it supports the President's parameters and is in "full agreement on the urgent need" to solve the isrælsk-Palestinian conflict.



Saturday, September 24, 2011

Recent developments in the Arab world turmoil (AP)



Syrian troops and heavy armour encircle a rebellious northern city, and hundreds of people are fleeing through a single escape route and cross-border lush Turkish, strongly escalating the upheaval which threaten Syria's authoritarian regime. The town of Jisr al-Shughour timber as its bebøre cross the olive groves and travel gravel roads, trying to get away from tanks and elite forces around them, Turkish foreign minister says more than 2400 Syrians crossed the border, which is opened for the refugees.



The Yemeni Government troops trying to recapture areas held by Islamic militants kill 12 suspected al Qæda members in the troubled southern province of Abyan where the militants take advantage of a breakdown of the authority as a result of the Government's battle with armed tribesmen attempts to overthrow the autocratic leader of more than three decades. President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has clung to power in the entire months of protests against his regime, had surgery to remove the shard of wood placed in the chest, when one of the rockets splinter a pulpit in a mosque where the President and top aides praying. Salehs condition stabilises enough to move him out of intensive care on the Saudi Arabian military hospital, where he is being treated.



NATO's air attacks rattle Libyan capital suggests a return to the heavy NATO bombardment, which hit military installations and flattened major buildings in leader Moammar Gadhafi sprawling compound in the heart of the city. United States's Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says that she is aware of the "numerous and continues" overtures by people close to Gadhafi to negotiate his departure from power.



The last 19 victims among hundreds killed during the uprising, Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak overturned is buried in Cairo, hailed as martyrs who sacrificed their lives for freedom. Their bodies in morgues lingered months Cairo's, never identified or claimed, until the authorities gave the go ahead to a municipal funeral. 846 Egyptians everything was killed during the mass street demonstrations when Mubarak feared police cracked on the demonstrators, firing many in the head and chest with live ammunition.


United States and Bahrain: how to talk just hard enough with an ally (

Tuesday-met just seven days after his country lifted 13 weeks of emergency-Bahrain's Crown Prince, Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa, separately with President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington. White House statement said President supported al-Khalifa "ongoing efforts to initiate a national dialogue" and that "Bahrain stability depends on the universal rights of the people of Bahrain, including the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly."

Come after Obama lashed in Bahrain violent punishment on peaceful demonstrators in a speech on May 19, his support was a public change of course, that appear to repair ties with a key Middle East ally. It also appeared to signal that America will stop his public criticism of Bahrain Government itself as it invites the Sunni-dominated regime to initiate talks with opposition leaders. (See photos of the demonstrators sent from Pearl Square).

Meetings are "a shift in tone and indicate a softening of the U.S. approach to Bahrain," said Shadi Hamid, Research Director of the Brookings Doha Center, "and show that the United States is not only seriously putting real constant pressure on the regime right now. The impact of Tuesday's visit has been to put a band aid on the tensions between the two countries and is, Hamid says, "green light" to the Bahrain Government to go about his business without criticism or interference by the United States. Business includes both the reopening of the country to international trade, fear of unrest in the spring, and the closing stages of a months long violent punishment on the demonstrators, who this week as security forces repeatedly attack Shi'a enclaves with rubber bullets and tear gas.

Since March 13 when Saudi tanks rolled in Manama and security forces began arresting any connection with anti-Government movements-including journalists and health workers-the US Government has faced a conundrum. How snub Obama an ally, which houses the Navy's fifth fleet in a geopolitical arena, which includes its regional nemesis, Iran? (See photos of penalty in Bahrain).

"Bahrain has always been ground zero America's inability to reconcile interests and ideals in Arab spring," said Hamid. "It is difficult for Management to handle and they really have not found a way yet. Obama has also come under fire from international rights groups and Bahrain's Shi'as, which has repeatedly said his and Clinton's sporadic criticism was just lip service and that both should have taken a public stance against the tougher regime's violent tactics.

The White House said Tuesday that al Khalifa urged Obama to follow up on "the Government's obligation to ensure that those responsible for violations of human rights will be held responsible," a marked shift in tone from May 19, when he lambasted the regime's destruction of more than 30 Shi'a mosques.

"We have called on the Obama administration to highlight strongly and publicly and in no uncertain terms about the violations of human rights that occurred," says His Hogrefe, Chief policy officer at Physicians for human rights, which this week refers to the conviction of 48 doctors and nurses if ministering to wounded demonstrators led to their prosecution for participating in the protests. "We hope that there would have been a more public discourse-it is important for the region to see that we measure human rights with the same standards everywhere, that we are not just condemning Syria, Libya constantly but let our friends from easy." (See if Obama speech help Bahrain reformists).

The u.s. Government the goal this week was to stress the need for immediate talks on the reform between the Bahrain Government and opposition officials. Although the Crown Prince said he would be open to meeting with Shi'a leaders, repeating Obama, in his speech may activists frustration that it was impossible to open negotiations, when most of the opposition leadership was in jail. "What is driving this visit to D.C., is that [Obama and Clinton] tries to tell Shi'a actually negotiate. And tell the Royal family to negotiate, "said Thomas Ferguson, senior researcher at the Roosevelt Institute. "The phrase was blunt." Obama solidarity is crucial for the relatively moderate Crown Prince, whose influence in Bahrain has fallen as he fights the growing number of harsh extremists within its own Government.

Is U.s. relationship not only with Bahrain but Saudi Arabia, if soldiers allied with the Bahrain security officers in quelling ønations revolution in March on the games moving forward. Many see the conflict in Bahrain as a proxy war between the Saudis and Iran, with the latter seeks to seize on any perceived weakness in the relationship between oil-rich Saudi and America. (See how Bahrain sits between Saudi Arabia and Iran).

"The United States has a fundamental interest in keeping its relations with the Saudis on an angle and Bahrain is its biggest problem," said Joost Hiltermann, Middle East, Deputy Director of the International Crisis Group. Obama "that Iran will take advantage of instability in the region. The current situation of the Iranian interests, feeding because the more you suppress the Shi'a, the more they radicalize and seek external sponsors. So it is important for the United States to put pressure on the regime to open up political space and to permit the participation of all its people. " This week, "they insist on the need for dialogue without preconditions as an inclusive exercise that leads to genuine political reform."

"Rights groups can say it is not doing enough to publicly criticise its close ally" Hiltermann continues. "But the Government believes that private conversations are more useful in this situation than public scorn." Before Clinton meeting Tuesday, State Department spokesman Mark Toner alluded to the possibility of criticism-and repeated the Government's months-long position on its public treatment of its island ally. "We will, of course, increase our concerns," he told journalists. "Bahrain is a friend and partner, but we can be honest with you, as well as". Although opposition leaders has long shake stronger public rebukes from the Americans, most now side with Sheikh Ali Salman, head of the official opposition party al Wefaq, which said last month that the Group was ready for negotiations. After months of violence, it is likely the country's Shi'a majority not fault U.S. leaders to keep their discussions with the largely private-as long as the promises of the conversations are kept, Crown Prince and tear gas to stop counting on Manama.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Top Jewish Americans think about support for Obama (Reuters)

CHICAGO (Reuters) — some prominent Jewish Americans are rethinking their support for President Barack Obama 2012 re-election bid after he effectively called on Israel to give back territory it has occupied since 1967 to the Palestinians.

Setback after Obama Keynote on the Middle East have democratic party operatives scrambling to heard the Jewish community as the President prepares to seek another term in the White House.

Obama on Thursday called for any new Palestinian State to respect the borders as they were in 1967, prompting isrælske prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to tell him frankly that his vision of how to achieve Middle East peace was unrealistic.

"He has in effect sought to reduce the Isræls negotiation power and I condemn him for," told former New York mayor Ed Koch Reuters.

Koch said he could not campaign or vote for Obama if the Republicans appoint a calm candidate offers an alternative to the latest tough budgetary measures supported by the Republicans in Congress.

Koch donated $ 2300 Obama campaign in 2008, according to Filings with the Federal Election Commission.

"I trøde to then-Senator Obama would be as good as John McCain based on his statements at the time, and based on its support for Israel. It turns out was wrong, "he said.

Despite the stormy reaction to Obama remarks mentioned some commentators talk about the 1967 borders were nothing new.

"It has been the basic idea for at least 12 years. This is what Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat was talking about in Camp David, and later at Taba, "wrote Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic homepage.

"This is what George w. Bush spoke with Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert. So what are the huge treat here? "

Exit polls from the 2008 elections showed 78 percent of Jewish voters chose Obama over his Republican rival Senator McCain.

"I have spoken with a lot of people in the last few days--former supporters--as very upset and feel alienated," said billionaire real estate developer and Publisher Mortimer Zuckerman.

"He gets less political support, fewer activists for his campaign, and I am sure, will include financial support."

Zuckerman supported Obama during his 2008 presidential run and the newspaper he owns, the New York Daily News, endorsed President.

Obama's Chicago-based re-election campaign tried to downplay the reaction to the Shift in U.S. stance against Israel.

"There is no doubt that we have reached the Jewish donor community, as we have many other communities, which strongly supported the President in 2008," said a campaign spokeswoman Friday.

"Continuing the grassroots organizing and fundraising efforts of many prominent leaders in the Jewish community makes it clear this will remain a strong base support in 2012."

Texas-based real estate developer Kirk Rudy, who is a Vice-President of finance for the Democratic National Committee, said he exchanged phone calls and messages with a large network of supporters since the President's speech "is trying to take people's pulse" and have not seen a strong setback.

"I have seen very clearly, and robust support--and financial support--from the Jewish community," said Rudy, add Obama received "significant financial participation from the Jewish community" on the two charitable organizations in Austin before the speech, the Middle East, which brought in approximately 2 million dollars.

Since the speech, Rudy has received e-mails from angry voters, but the overwhelming majority of his network will continue to donate and not crossing party lines, he said.

But Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America, wrote an open letter to the American isrælske Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, encourages it to cancel a scheduled address by Obama to lobby group Sunday.

(Editing by John Josep O'Callaghan-Martínez)


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Monday, September 19, 2011

IAEA: Iran N probes possible hacking: diplomats (Reuters)

Vienna (Reuters)-the International Atomic Energy Agency is investigating whether its inspectors to Iran to hacked computers and phones, according to the United States Census Bureau, the senior Western diplomats to be heard by the reports.

If confirmed, it would still be on the basis of the position of the relations between the of Vienna, and Iran, said the food the next IAEA Chief Yukiya Amano: the previous accusations Tehran was the development of their work by blocking some of the experienced inspectors in the country.

"It would be dramatic, and the obligation of the IAEA: a troubling indication N resolve it the nuclear program of Iran on issues relating to cooperation with disdain," one diplomat said, adding he believed the media story, possible hacking was true.

Another Western diplomat said: "Had I heard that there had been some sort of way this kind of interference in portable computers and mobile phones, and so on."

Palpation of the inspectors has been mentioned in the Iranian year, which may be more than a suspicion of seeking to develop nuclear weapons--the opposition Tehran denies.

In Brussels, diplomats said, the Union is expected to expand the bloc will make an important contribution to the sanctions, Iran on Monday, reflecting growing frustration in the development of the Western powers in the nuclear talks with Tehran to the lack of progress.

Wall Street Journal reported Thursday, said the nuclear monitoring program examined whether Iran had succeeded in hacking computers, and the inspectors of the IAEA: the N, when they were visiting Islamic State on the physical protection of nuclear installations in the phones.

Was not clear if Iran was successful in gaining any of the information, but the paper said, the IAEA's officials feared that it will not be able to read confidential documents, which would help it to identify and possibly punish persons assisting the inspectors or participating agency probes.


Amano in the news conference in Brussels, asked if he could confirm the reports, said: "For me, you will be asked for your specific question, I can't talk right now."

"Generally, the IAEA's inspections should be carried out without interference in the country, which receives the inspectors. We must be able to inspect all ... without interference. "

The journal said, the IAEA's investigation focused on whether the inspectors will not be able to use the phone to the SIM cards or other components had to be manipulated or replaced so that discussions can be monitored.

Iranian officials were not available for comment.

In September of last year, Iran said two IAEA inspectors: prohibited from entering the country, it had supplied false information about his work in the field of nuclear energy. Amano, the claim was rejected and accused of hindering the work of the Agency in the country of Iran.

"In some areas of our inspection (inspection) goes smoothly, in other contexts, we have difficulties, so it is not an easy task," Amano said in Brussels on Thursday. "The inspectors ' refusal was one of the difficulties."

IAEA: n. Western intelligence reports examined, that Iran has been adapted to the efforts to deal with the uranium, at the time of the test the explosives and the spatial planning arrangements in order to be able to take the cone ballistic missile nuclear warhead. The IAEA inspectors to visit Iran: keep track of Atomic activities on a regular basis.

Iran denies that it retrieves the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, saying the European product of the Western accusations of Atomic activities aimed at generating electricity, so it takes up more of its oil and gas.

(Reports by David Brunnstrom, Vienna, Brussels and Fredrik Dahl; Editing By Kevin River Liffey)


Sunday, September 18, 2011

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Saturday, September 17, 2011


Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 1, position 9041. Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 1, position 9201. Map of Egypt

While best known for its pyramids and ancient civilisations, Egypt has played a central role in Middle East politics in modern times.

Its wars with Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973, then its eventual peace with its adversary in 1979, have seen Egypt move from being a warring nation to become a key representative in the peace process.

Egypt's ancient past and the fact that it was one of the first Middle Eastern countries to open up to the West following Napoleon's invasion have given it a claim to be the intellectual and cultural leader in the region. The head of Cairo's Al-Azhar Mosque is one of the highest authorities in Sunni Islam.

But the historic step by President Anwar Sadat to make peace with Israel in the 1979 Camp David agreement led to Egypt being expelled from the Arab League until 1989, and in 1981 Mr Sadat was assassinated by Islamic extremists angry at his moves to clamp down on their activities.

Since then, President Hosni Mubarak took a more moderate line, but Islamic groups have continued their campaigns sporadically. They have been responsible for deadly attacks that have often targeted tourists and resort areas, and more recently have begun to target Egypt's Coptic Christian community.

Campaigners for political reform have become more vocal in recent times and have taken to the streets in defiance of an emergency law, in force since 1981.

Widespread anti-government demonstrations in January 2011 - encouraged by the flight of the long-term leader of Tunisia amid unrest - eventually led President Mubarak to step aside.

The military is now in charge but pro-democracy demonstrators have been maintaining their pressure for an interim government, a new constitution and parliament, an end to emergency law and democratic elections.

Egypt's teeming cities - and almost all agricultural activity - are concentrated along the banks of the Nile, and on the river's delta. Deserts occupy most of the country.

The economy depends heavily on agriculture, tourism and cash remittances from Egyptians working abroad, mainly in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries.

However, rapid population growth and the limited amount of arable land is straining the country's resources and economy.

Full name: Arab Republic of Egypt Population: 84.5 million (UN, 2010) Capital: Cairo Area: 1 million sq km (386,874 sq miles) Major language: Arabic Major religions: Islam, Christianity Life expectancy: 69 years (men), 73 years (women) (UN) Monetary unit: 1 Egyptian Pound = 100 piastres Main exports: Petroleum, petroleum products and cotton GNI per capita: US $2,070 (World Bank, 2009) Internet domain: .eg International dialling code: +20

President: Muhammad Hosni Mubarak (resigned)

Hosni Mubarak, Egypt's longest-serving ruler since Muhammad Ali in the early 19th century and one of the longest-serving leaders in the Arab world, stepped down in February 2011 after 30 years in power.

Hosni Mubarak President Mubarak has pursued economic, but not political reform

He was responding to weeks of street protests, which began in January 2011, only days after the president of Tunisia fled a popular uprising.

His vice-president announced Mr Mubarak's resignation and said he had handed power to the army.

Mr Mubarak gained a fifth consecutive term in presidential elections in September 2005, when he was aged 77. The poll was the first under a new system which allows multiple candidates to stand. In previous elections Egyptians voted yes or no for a single candidate appointed by parliament.

However, the only opposition organisation which has broad public support, the Muslim Brotherhood, is banned from open political activity and could not field a candidate.

Mr Mubarak succeeded Anwar Sadat, who was assassinated in 1981. He is seen as Egyptian politics' great survivor, having escaped no fewer than six assassination attempts.

He is an economic liberal and his government promised economic reforms. But Egypt remains plagued by high unemployment and low standards of living.

Mr Mubarak has pursued friendly relations with the West, breaking the isolation imposed on Egypt by Arab countries opposed to peace with Israel.

As a military man he modernised the air force after Egypt's defeat in the six-day war with Israel in 1967. He helped to plan the 1973 Yom Kippur War - an Egyptian-Syrian attack on Israeli forces on the Suez Canal and in the Golan Heights.

In March 2010, Mr Mubarak underwent gall-bladder surgery in Germany, renewing speculation over whether he will run for re-election in 2011.

Since 1952, when army officers led by Gamal Abdel Nasser overthrew the monarchy, Egyptian leaders have been drawn from the military.

Hosni Mubarak was born in 1928. He and his wife Suzanne, who is part Welsh and part Egyptian, have two sons, Ala and Gamal.

Vice-president: Omar Suleiman

Omar Suleiman was appointed as vice president in January 2011 amid a popular uprising against the government and given the task of opening talks with the opposition.

Omar Suleiman Omar Suleiman addresses the nation after his appointment

The post is the one that President Mubarak occupied before he was promoted to the presidency, but which he kept vacant until 2011.

Mr Suleiman has been intelligence chief since 1993 and has played a prominent public role in diplomacy - including in Egypt's relations with Israel and key aid donor the United States.

As head of intelligence he was said to be the mastermind behind the fragmentation of Islamist groups which led the uprising against the state in the 1990s. He is described as a long-term confidant of Mr Mubarak.

Egypt is a major regional media player. Its press is one of the most influential and widely-read in the region, and its TV and film industry supplies much of the Arab-speaking world with shows from its Media Production City.

Press laws allow prison sentences for libelling the president, state institutions and foreign heads of state. Nevertheless, journalists openly express their views on political and social issues, including vigorous criticism of government officials and policies.

President Hosni Mubarak's departure precipitated an editorial u-turn among state media outlets that had served for decades as government mouthpieces.

Television is the most popular source for news. There are two state-run national TVs and six regional channels, but many viewers turn to pan-Arab stations for news.

Egypt is a big force in satellite TV. Most leading Arab pay TV networks have a presence at Media Production City in Cairo. Egypt was the first Arab nation to have its own satellite, Nilesat.

State radio's monopoly was broken with the arrival of private music stations in 2003.

Around 17 million Egyptians were online by February 2010 ( Bloggers have uploaded videos showing human rights violations and activists have embraced Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

Internet access was cut for a time in early 2011 in an effort to curb protests which eventually forced President Mubarak to resign. Social networks were used to organise the demonstrations.

The press


Egypt Radio Television Union (ERTU) - state-run, operates domestic and satellite networks, including Nile TV International and Nile TV thematic channels Dream TV - private satellite network, operates Dream 1 targeting young viewers and Dream 2, an entertainment channel Al-Mihwar - private, via satellite


News agency


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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Egypt's Mubarak, the Court of Justice: remove name

21 April 2011, last updated 11: 07 Supporters of Hosni Mubarak in Cairo on 17/4/11 -in/check-out, YOU still have Mr. Mubarak some support in Egypt, the Court has held that the ousted President Hosni Mubarak and his wife, Suzanne, the names will be removed from all public places in Egypt.

Hundreds of public squares, streets, schools, libraries, and is a designated couple in Egypt.

Mr. Mubarak 29 years in power ended in February, the mass of his anti-government protests for weeks.

the 82-year-old is currently under arrest in hospital in Sharm el-Sheikh Red Sea resort.

He was asked to comment on the allegations of corruption, is due to the alleged violence and Klimaflüchtlinge during the popular uprising.

Egypt's state news agency Mena reported on Thursday that his health is "unstable".

' Excessive force '

Portraits of the former President has already taken of public institutions across the country.

Subscribe to the same task name, Judge Mohammed Mubarak Hassan Omar said: "it has become clear that corruption, which is currently being built on every day throughout the imagination beyond any man."

After the judgment, the Minister of transport, Mubarak said the name should be removed from the list of all Ministry facilities, including the main metro station in Central Cairo.

Cannot be renamed after the people who prosessoitiin, in the light of the recent anti-government protests in the streets of proposals, the BBC reports that Yolande Knell in Cairo.

The purpose of the Government of Egypt informed the Panel that, at least recently, and people prosessoitiin 846 6,400 were injured earlier this year, the 18 days of protests.

-Consist of the judges of the mission, said the security forces fired live ammunition, snipers on rooftops and vehicles used to carry out on-the-Klimaflüchtlinge.

Mr. Mubarak two sons are the growing number of Ministers and officials of his court circle, which is also facing an investigation in progress.


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Friday, September 9, 2011

Policy and the paparazzi ruin heartthrob Bieber Israel travel

14 April 2011, last updated at 06: 54 Canadian singer Justin Bieber performs in Zurich on 8 April 2011 -ET, Justin Bieber, Canadian popstar was primarily young people, is currently the women's world tour of his admirers in the Pop heartthrob Justin Bieber is configured to run in Israel to return the paparazzi and the frustration that three days after the visitin his words "pulled in politics".

Bieber on Twitter on Monday, told the fans he is "looking forward to this week."

Tuesday, he had organised the photographers they "should be ashamed", and he suspended the line, Prime Minister's Office after tweeting.

He gives the Outdoor concert in Tel Aviv on Thursday evening.

the 17-year-old Canadian singer was involved in the stop in Israel as part of a worldwide tour, and was designed to spend a week in the most popular tourist attractions in the city.

But according to adoring young fans was and been hounded the country known to be aggressive in the Press Pack, appealed to the "superfrustrated" Bieber and his hotel withdrew his tweet tweets to indicate anger: "staying in the hotel, with the rest of the week-u happy?"

The PR-observed-adverse-effect level

But the Mission has encountered more controversy when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, called the "bibi" and the young star of the meeting of the fell, apparently in response to a request for PM after the Bieber refuse to invite Israel to the South of the Palestinian rocket fire at Israeli children.

"We have received a request to meet with the Prime Minister to Bieber. Children are invited to the meeting from Netanyahu and encouraging them to create a PR-effect. The Prime Minister does not appear in this political issue, "Mr Netanyahu to Office, said Israel's Ynet news, according to the notification.

The factorial of a scheduled meeting Wednesday evening, never happened.

The reported comments on the sources of the singer's production Team was denied, he was never asked to meet with the Prime Minister said the request had come from Mr Netanyahu, and the singer Scooter Braun insisted even a Manager in a public meeting was ever scheduled does not.

But Bieber, where some kind of diplomatic difficulties with the tweet, saying: "I want to see this country and all the sites ive dreamed and whether its policy or prevent the paps pulled its frustrating".


Ships sent to war ' hijacked '

21 April 2011, last updated 05: 51 Handout image of the South Korean cargo ship the Hanjin Tianjin, believed to have been hijacked by pirates. AFP PHOTO / HO / Hanjin Shipping -ET, between those of the ship is believed to be a variant of the 41 crew members, two cargo ships suspected of involvement in the airport, the pirates in the Arabian Sea, officials say.

The South Korean military is racing towards the scene, where 75,000 tonnes of the Hanjin Tianjin lost contact after sending distress call.

The Italian ship Rosalia D'Amato has confirmed has been seized approximately 650 km (400 miles) off the coast of Oman.

Piracy in the region of markkinalähtöisemmässä in spite of the efforts of the multinational forces Patrolling.

It hit a high of 142 attacks a day, seven days a week with the 2011 for the first three months of the different parts of the world, the International Maritime Organization, the Office said in a report this month.

Lost contact

Hanjin Tianjin sends emergency message at 0500 on Thursday of the Korean time (2015 GMT Wednesday), when it had about 400 km (250 miles) East of the Yemeni island of Socotra, said Seoul is based on the Hanjin Shipping statement.

The ship was carrying a crew of 14 South Koreans and six Indonesian and was reportedly en route to Singapore from Europe.

Government officials said they believed it had been hijacked.


South Korean Choi Young destroyer that is part of the international fleet to try to police the maritime transport sector, sent the officials said.

Rosalia D'Amato-the Italian cargo ship, as well as about the same size as the Hanjin Tianjin-has confirmed has been seized.

Carlo Miccio Perseveranza Napoli-base company that operates the vessel, said he had spoken to the rank of Captain, who was told to him, including 21-six Italians-the crew of the agencies were "Okay," relatively speaking.

"He tried to give me more information but the pirates to understand what he was doing and they cut the line," he told AFP news agency.

Mr. Miccio said, monitoring equipment showed that was en route from Brazil to Iran with a cargo ship, soya-bean, was "almost in the same place".

Sudden ransom had not yet, he said.

The mother ship, which has attacked

The International Convention on the law of the sea forces was Christopher pirates, many based in lawless Somalia.

Witnesses and the Pirates of Somalia near the city of Hobyo has told AFP the attack on a suspected pirate "mother ship" off the coast.

At least four people died and six, was seriously wounded in the attack, which took place around 1900 local time (1700 GMT) on Wednesday, they said.

The pirate and the rights group said the Agency was used in the assault helicopters.

The pirate had said, the boat used to ferry supplies to the hijacked vessel in the vicinity.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Iran says U.s. spied arrests 30 people (Reuters)

TEHRAN (Reuters)-Iran has been arrested, said an official in the United States, were spying, the media reported on Saturday to 30 people.

"The Intelligence Ministry, the active and devout sets ... with CIA agents arrested 30 people in confrontations with gold, which were the American spies," a State TV announced a lunchtime News.

According to the semi-official Fars News Agency, the suspects had passed information to the officials of the United States ' embassies or consular offices in third countries, including Malaysia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.

It said Iran had identified 42 Us intelligence officers in such countries, saying: "they are engaged in the collection of information on Iran's nuclear industry, aviation, defense and bio-technology," and "as available" basis, inter alia, the benefit.

Iran's espionage can carry the death penalty.

Washington did not have any diplomacy in Iran since the 1979 revolution, when the backup is complete, the šaahi of the United States, and was followed by the US Embassy long occupation.

In the United States showed the WikiLeaks Web site published by the diplomatic cables are data collection offices of the countries neighbouring Iran, where the diplomats would aim to glean intelligence on the way to the Iranians.

Arrests after the two days of the date on which the notification becomes the US President Barack Obama's speech on the Middle East, reiterating Tehran is sponsoring terrorism in the view of Washington, and is seeking nuclear weapons, charges Iran denies,.

(Reports Of The Mitra Amiri; WRITTEN By Robin Pomeroy)

View the original article here

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Judge Awards $ 300 M in each of 2 suicide bombings (AP)

WASHINGTON-a federal judge has issued 300 million dollars in punitive damages for each of the two suicide bombings, Iran, and Iran, accusing the organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) backup groups.

One of Thursday's preliminary solutions in the field of Beer, the United States, became a citizen, who was killed in Jerusalem bus bombing of Iran in 2003, backed up by the Organization on behalf of the family of Hamas.

The other prize was American citizen Seth, his father, Haim and his brother. They were in 1995, the bombing of a bus in Gaza, Iran supported Shaqaqi Faction of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

US District Judge Royce Lamberth said he had made the awards — which is difficult, perhaps impossible, to collect in the future for families — are in the interest of the terrorist attacks.

In both cases, the survivors to sue Iran and so to collect the prize on their lawyers Lamberth n is to find the resources of the country of Iran, who wishes to subscribe to the judges of the assets seized, in turn, is based on Lamberth.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Iran turned to win the award for directing the Cannes (AFP)

CANNES, France (AFP)-Iranian dissident Mohammad Rasoulof won the Cannes Award for the best control in the UN certain regard section of the Saturday, but could not participate in the "Kafkaesque", due to the authorities of the home.

Rasoulof's wife received the award: "to be Omid e Didar" (Goodbye), after the installation of speculation as to whether or not the President, which is the time for lengthy jail sentence should leave films, Iran, on behalf of the manufacturer.

"I thank the crew and those who helped this movie here, the Festival and the jury," said Mrs. Rasoulof, wearing a gray coat of arms of silk waste and loose scarf over her hair.

Serbian Director Emir Kusturica, gave the jury award of the film, which tells the ironically, young lawyer in the case of applications for leave Tehran Iran story.

December the Court sentenced Rasoulof, accompanied by Director Jafar Panahi, exchanges for six years in jail and barred him from making films in 20 years. The two were released before the change, but forbidden to travel abroad.

Rasoulof's lawyers Iman Mirza-Zadeh said earlier this week that he received the official confirmation that the ban on him leaving Iran was revoked.

Cannes organisers said was the "semi-clandestine circumstances", but his lawyer said, 37, was the Rasoulof received official authorization to perform the operation.

But in the movie the French Distributor, James Velaise, told AFP on Friday that a Kafkaesque nightmare Rasoulof was going through, and should not be Tehran Cannes.

"Things are too Kafkaesque in Iran," Velaise said. "Because some people say, you can go to, it does not mean you can. In the left hand does not know what makes a right hand. "

"Everyone loved him, even sending but know that it is not going to happen."

Iran has been accused of the Cannes Film Festival that a political approach, which the Iranians back to films, the Islamic Republic, of the opposition movement, including the travel ban, Panahi, Mirza Zadeh was no news.

The Islamic system has been convicted of "propaganda against the system" to make a movie about the unrest Panahi, President Mahmud Ahmadinejad contested the election in June 2009.

View the original article here

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mothers of us hikers held in Iran of hunger strike (AFP)

WASHINGTON (AFP)-the mothers of two American hikers held in Iran on Thursday, said the payments that they have gone on strike to protest against the hunger of their sons imprisoned on espionage.

"Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal, imprisoned in Iran almost completely separated from 21 months, two of the Americans began their hunger strike of solidarity in mothers, husbands, today, Iran have failed to bring them into line with the scheduled trial at the hearing, the Court," the women said in a joint declaration.

"A brief visit to Tehran a year ago, the anniversary of their husbands, they had seen the arrest warrant, 31. July 2009 onwards only once to the same Cindy Hickey, 50, and Laura Fattal, 58, the fast, "the statement said.

The women were allowed in briefly in May 2010 the two men meet, but has not been reached.

Bauer and Fattal numerous after a short delay the trial started last week, but postponed the Tehran Government without explanation.

Another hiker, Sarah Shourd, who has been engaged in Bauer, was released in September, after 14 months in prison.

He has tried in absentia after he returned to the United States when he was released for reasons of humanitarian and medical relief work, while approximately EUR 500000.

For hikers there is spyware market actors, saying their charges to indifferent Iran strayed across the Unmarked border in the North of Iraq, where they are detained.

The Trio, all of the University of California, Berkeley, graduating were Hiking near Iraqi Kurdistan tourist resort, as they were in custody on the Iranian border forces, 31. in July 2009.


U.s. visa policy agent adjusts the Iranians (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters)-Some of the Iranian students may apply for two years, several U.s. visas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Friday, giving them greater freedom to travel to the United States to improve business ties between the people.

The latest in a series of stage is the President of the people of Iran, the administration of Barack Obama, and in particular young people, regardless of the length of the Iranians made it clear to reach between the two countries.

Students from Iran, which the United States accuses of sponsoring terrorism, nuclear weapons, and its people, brutally torture were previously eligible only in the three months, one of the entry visa.

New guidelines for the Iranians and their successors to the investigation ", nonsensitive areas the range of" those who promote is the Iranian nuclear weapons, missiles or other related activities, a US official said.

In accordance with the amended policy on visas can be valid for two years and that the Iranian students can come and go as often as they wished in that period without a visa.

Whether he actually comes from the United States, and exactly how long they may be decided, in accordance with the immigration of their arrival, Us officials said.

Video address to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made it clear to US-the aim of the motion of the Iranians, many young people turned out in mass protests against the disputed 2009 presidential reelection, as well as reach out to Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

These protests, the biggest challenge since the 1979 revolution in Iran, which ended the authoritarian rule of the šaahi Islamic State was crushed by security forces, who was imprisoned in the Iranian demonstrators scores.

"We want more dialogue and more exchanges in the future to those who are shaping with Iran," Clinton said in a message, in which the Foreign Ministry said was posted on YouTube in English and Farsi.

"Because as long as the Iranian Government will continue to stifle the potential, we are posting the way with you," he adds. "We must continue with the actual change in Iran, the more opportunities for new ways to search for the share of flight costs represented by fuel."

One Us official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the change of the visa, which is designed to make good a pledge to carry on the ordinary Iranians.

Obama's efforts to persuade Iran's suspected nuclear weapons drive has so far failed, and he led the push to tighten Us sanctions in the Teheran, and international.

Iran says its nuclear program is to generate electricity, to produce any weapons.

In his annual "nowruz" the Persian new year, not later than the mark messages to Obama, March 20, Iran accused a two-year "campaign of intimidation and abuse" against my people.

"The strength of These options do not demonstrate;"They show the fear, he said, his message to young Iranians. "Even if the times sounds like the dark, I want you to know that I am with you."

(Editing By Paul Simao)


Sunday, September 4, 2011

The vote, behind the fear of the consequences for the staff of Ahmadinejad: aide (AFP)

TEHRAN (AFP)-top aide Mahmud Ahmadinejad said Saturday that Iran's powerful conservative party, has been attacking the presidential aides by calling them "behaviour" of the upcoming elections for fear of losing the purely out of.

"The current behaviour is such a thing. .. it is the only play of the story, which is created in the future the contact of the two elections," said Ali Akbar Javanfekr, media, presidential aide and the official IRNA news agency.

The Iranian parliamentary elections of March 2012, organise and set up for each questionnaire in the presidential elections in June 2013.

"It is better For (conservative opponents) say ... that they fear the elections, instead of creating a giant monster," he said of his own Web site of the conservative party to mark some of Ahmadinejad's aides and the companions ' behaviour ", the term used to refer to.

Almost every month by the hardline conservatives have launched a vicious campaign against Esfandiar Rahim Mashaie, Ahmadinejad is the Chief of staff, and the right hand man, accusing him of "Deviant current," designed to undermine the Islamic regime.

Mashaie, the hardline conservatives who consider him too and too Nationalistic hatred of pet animals also accused him of having herättämiseen is the Chairman of the "spelling".

Several people were arrested near the Ahmadinejad in recent weeks, the alleged "supernatural" in the context of the policies of the Iranian judiciary, according to the United States Census Bureau.

The offensive against the hardline conservatives, according to the Mashaie to the surface after a botched robbery attempt at his Ahmadinejad Intelligence Minister in April.

Go to the bar, when Iran's all-powerful Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei intervened to the benefit of the Ministers in the sacked and returns to him.

Khamenei is the insertion of an unprecedented political crisis measures for him and Ahmadinejad.

Confrontation between the two had reportedly said as part of the fight for the control of the parliamentary vote on intelligence of the network to which the President's camp has announced its intention to present their own candidates against hardline conservatives.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Iran's Ahmadinejad says the monitoring programme, the Ministry of oil to Move illegal (Reuters)

TEHRAN (Reuters)-the Iranian constitutional watchdog has found the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in accordance with the decision to appoint caretaker farmers oil Minister illegal, semi-official Fars news agency said Friday.

"The Guardian Council, said the President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was illegal, the Ministry of oil, caretaker farmers," Fars province reported.

Ahmadinejad took control in the Ministry earlier this week as he sought to combine the energy, the Ministry of the Government try to slim down.

It was not immediately clear if the Guardian Council's judgment would renounce the post but hard Ahmadinejad the President to ignore the important body of sound.

the 12-Man Guardian Council are appointed by the State-of-the-art six-the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and six Islamic Jurists-a-must ensure all laws in Parliament on the experience of Islamic law under the boosters and the Iranian Constitution.

If confirmed, would be a blow for Ahmadinejad, his fresh power struggle with the other members of the Iranian conservative communities, in particular, the appointment of the Elite, and the exclusion of key Cabinet Ministers.

According to the law, the Chairman shall, within three months from a Minister--in this case, the oil Minister Massoud Mirkazemi--enable new candidates to the Parliament. During this time he is caretaker farmers, themselves or appoint someone to the post.

The oil Ministry Move to put the direct control of the hardline President, on the one hand, and the exploitation of Iran's huge oil and gas fields to export.

Also, he participates in the petroleum exporting countries in Vienna on 8 June, set up your organization's next meeting.


Oil analysts said the presence of Ahmadinejad: OPEC next meeting the objectives of all the potential production of denim, with a view to reducing the price of oil would contain a reference to the Chairman of the home of the hawkish stance of Iran to drive the price higher.

If Ahmadinejad should be forced to the back of a defeat device is the second ministerial appointments in just a few weeks of taking the mind, and Add Some analysts believe that the power of his correspondence is weakening.

Last month its Minister Heydar Moslehi robbery Intelligence was overruled by Khamenei, an attempt was made to the President of the clip the wings of analysts interpreted as a rare public disturbances.

The Government was willing to oppose the growing rift between the training centre of Iran's most powerful figures.

Khamenei has the discretion to deal with the oil, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Interior and intelligence ministries and the Ministry of oil on top of the line, the result is likely to be a manifestation of the point.

It will also say a lot about Khamenei: n relationship, he backed his contested the election of the sydämestään, 2009, after the President.

The vote triggered massive street demonstrations of Klimaflüchtlinge request, it was the positioning of the instruments in favour of the incumbent. According to the force repressed protests in Iran, the communities, the biggest challenge was the elite since the 1979 Islamic revolution that overthrew the reigning.

The Government says the protests were, according to Iranian Law, the proposal of the foreign enemies.

Ahmadinejad has also been in the Parliament about his dispute with the Ministry of the options, evaluated by impeaching his legislators in February, and only one sound is stopped by the energy ministers of ryöstely objects.

In recent weeks, Parliament and Government, through the mail without the approval of the oil and energy and the legislators inter-ministerial dispute has intensified.

The Iranian media reported that a meeting last week to resolve the dispute and the speaker of the Parliament of the Ahmadinejad Ali Larijani, the President of the economic policies of the suorapuheinen critic.

(Zahra Hosseinian Reports; Robin Pomeroy; Writing Editing Jon Boyle)

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Friday, September 2, 2011

US to extend the 2-year visas to Iranian students (AP)

WASHINGTON-the Obama administration will pursue the detailed examination for the Iranian students who are eligible for up to two years in the U.S. In their efforts to improve relations between Americans and Iranians.

Iranian students, and individuals, academic or professional exchange programs enrolled could only get a single-entry visa good for up to three months. They now enter and leave the United States several times and stay for up to two years.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton as Representative Tony Blair made the announcement Friday YouTube messages in English and Farsi.

Clinton says Us wants to show the young Iranians, which is a great American, while helping them to bring the change in their own country.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fatah-Hamas deal is ' smokescreen ': Israel minister (AFP)

JERUSALEM (AFP)-a reconciliation agreement as rival Palestinian movements Fatah and Hamas was to finalise on Wednesday is "smokescreen," Isræls home front defence minister Matan Vilnai said.

"Nothing will change after the entry into force of this agreement, because this is all a smokescreen," Vilnai told isrælske public radio such as Hamas and Fatah officials prepared a ceremony in Cairo marking the signing of the agreement a day earlier.

"Hamas and Fatah cannot agree on something, and the best example of that came with the killing of the super terrorist Osama bin Laden," he added.

While Fatah figures and members of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank welcomed the killing of bin Laden, condemning the Hamass prime minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniya, raid, killed Al-Qaeda Chief.

Vilnai said that Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas, who is also the leader of Fatah, "a mistake in accepting this agreement, when Hamas is in a situation of vulnerability, which explains why it made the step towards reconciliation."

The Minister said Abbas should have insisted on a "clear statement from Hamas recognises Israel and condemn the terrorism before the signing."

Reconciliation deal signed by Hamas, Fatah and other Palestinian factions on Tuesday 11 provides for the formation of a transitional Government in a Europe of Nations to lay the foundations for the presidential elections and parliamentary elections within a year.

It has been welcomed by the Palestinians in the territories shared, but Israel reacted angrily to the deal, threatening to withhold the transfer of Palestinian tax revenues until it could be sure that no money would go to Hamas.

Despite his criticism of the Unit deal spoke against Vilnai decision to suspend the transfer of funds.

"The freeze is a mistake, it is money we collect from the Palestinians, belongs to them," he said.

"This decision is a violation of previous agreements. In this case we cart before the horse. We should have waited to see how they would spend money before acting, "he added.

Israel collects taxes for the Palestinians at border crossings and ports and transfers of funds to the authority under Abbass an economic agreement agreed together with the Oslo autonomy accords.

Revenue amounting to between 3.5 and 5.0 billion shekels ($ 1.04 $ 1.48 billion) each year and represent a significant part of the budget of the authority.